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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Preprocessing:Read data and Chinese text processing
#! /usr/bin/env python2.7
Read data from excel file and txt file.
Chinese word segmentation, postagger, sentence cutting function.
import xlrd
import jieba
import jieba.posseg
jieba.load_userdict('E:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/jieba-0.31/jieba/userdict.txt') #Load user dictionary to increse segmentation accuracy
input: An excel file with product review
parameter_1: Every cell is a value of the data list. (unicode)
parameter_2: Excel row number. (int)
def get_excel_data(filepath, sheetnum, colnum, para):
table = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath)
sheet = table.sheets()[sheetnum-1]
data = sheet.col_values(colnum-1)
rownum = sheet.nrows
if para == 'data':
return data
elif para == 'rownum':
return rownum
parameter_1: A txt file with many lines
parameter_2: A txt file with only one line of data
parameter_1: Every line is a value of the txt_data list. (unicode)
parameter_2: Txt data is a string. (str)
def get_txt_data(filepath, para):
if para == 'lines':
txt_file1 = open(filepath, 'r')
txt_tmp1 = txt_file1.readlines()
txt_tmp2 = ''.join(txt_tmp1)
txt_data1 = txt_tmp2.decode('utf8').split('\n')
return txt_data1
elif para == 'line':
txt_file2 = open(filepath, 'r')
txt_tmp = txt_file2.readline()
txt_data2 = txt_tmp.decode('utf8')
return txt_data2
input: 这款手机大小合适。
parameter_1: 这 款 手机 大小 合适 。(unicode)
parameter_2: [u'\u8fd9', u'\u6b3e', u'\u624b\u673a', u'\u5927\u5c0f', u'\u5408\u9002', u'\uff0c']
def segmentation(sentence, para):
if para == 'str':
seg_list = jieba.cut(sentence)
seg_result = ' '.join(seg_list)
return seg_result
elif para == 'list':
seg_list2 = jieba.cut(sentence)
seg_result2 = []
for w in seg_list2:
return seg_result2
input: '这款手机大小合适。'
parameter_1: 这 r 款 m 手机 n 大小 b 合适 a 。 x
parameter_2: [(u'\u8fd9', ['r']), (u'\u6b3e', ['m']),
(u'\u624b\u673a', ['n']), (u'\u5927\u5c0f', ['b']),
(u'\u5408\u9002', ['a']), (u'\u3002', ['x'])]
def postagger(sentence, para):
if para == 'list':
pos_data1 = jieba.posseg.cut(sentence)
pos_list = []
for w in pos_data1:
pos_list.append((w.word, w.flag)) #make every word and tag as a tuple and add them to a list
return pos_list
elif para == 'str':
pos_data2 = jieba.posseg.cut(sentence)
pos_list2 = []
for w2 in pos_data2:
pos_list2.extend([w2.word.encode('utf8'), w2.flag])
pos_str = ' '.join(pos_list2)
return pos_str
input: A review like this
output: A multidimentional list
u'\u914d\u7f6e\u4e5f\u8fd8\u53ef\u4ee5\uff0c', u'\u5f88\u597d\u7528\uff0c',
u'\u53ea\u662f\u5c4f\u5e55\u6709\u70b9\u5c0f\u3002', u'\u603b\u4e4b\uff0c',
""" Maybe this algorithm will have bugs in it """
def cut_sentences_1(words):
#words = (words).decode('utf8')
start = 0
i = 0 #i is the position of words
sents = []
punt_list = ',.!?:;~,。!?:;~ '.decode('utf8') # Sentence cutting punctuations
for word in words:
if word in punt_list and token not in punt_list:
start = i+1
i += 1
i += 1
token = list(words[start:i+2]).pop()
# if there is no punctuations in the end of a sentence, it can still be cutted
if start < len(words):
return sents
""" Sentence cutting algorithm without bug, but a little difficult to explain why"""
def cut_sentence_2(words):
#words = (words).decode('utf8')
start = 0
i = 0 #i is the position of words
token = 'meaningless'
sents = []
punt_list = ',.!?;~,。!?;~… '.decode('utf8')
for word in words:
if word not in punt_list:
i += 1
token = list(words[start:i+2]).pop()
#print token
elif word in punt_list and token in punt_list:
i += 1
token = list(words[start:i+2]).pop()
start = i+1
i += 1
if start < len(words):
return sents
input: An excel file with product reviews
output: A multidimentional list of reviews
def seg_fil_excel(filepath, sheetnum, colnum):
# Read product review data from excel file and segment every review
review_data = []
for cell in tp.get_excel_data(filepath, sheetnum, colnum, 'data')[0:get_excel_data(filepath, sheetnum, colnum, 'rownum')]:
review_data.append(segmentation(cell, 'list')) # Seg every reivew
# Read txt file contain stopwords
stopwords = get_txt_data('D:/code/stopword.txt', 'lines')
# Filter stopwords from reviews
seg_fil_result = []
for review in review_data:
fil = [word for word in review if word not in stopwords and word != ' ']
fil = []
# Return filtered segment reviews
return seg_fil_result
input: An excel file with product reviews
output: A multidimentional list of reviews, use different stopword list, so it will remain sentiment tokens.
def seg_fil_senti_excel(filepath, sheetnum, colnum):
# Read product review data from excel file and segment every review
review_data = []
for cell in tp.get_excel_data(filepath, sheetnum, colnum, 'data')[0:get_excel_data(filepath, sheetnum, colnum, 'rownum')]:
review_data.append(segmentation(cell, 'list')) # Seg every reivew
# Read txt file contain sentiment stopwords
sentiment_stopwords = get_txt_data('D:/code/seniment_test/sentiment_stopword.txt', 'lines')
# Filter stopwords from reviews
seg_fil_senti_result = []
for review in review_data:
fil = [word for word in review if word not in sentiment_stopwords and word != ' ']
fil = []
# Return filtered segment reviews
return seg_fil_senti_result
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