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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Feature extraction:Review tf-idf similarity score
#! /usr/bin/env python2.7
Compute editorial review and product review similarity feature.
This module use gensim to build review tf-idf model and compute similarity of every review and a given txt.
So this module need a excel file contain all reviews and a txt file contain editorial review as input data.
import textprocessing as tp
import logging
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
1. Create a txt file with seg and filtered reviews
input: An excel file with product reviews
output: A txt file store filtered reviews, every line is a review
手机 很 好 很 喜欢
三防 出色 操作系统 垃圾
Defy 用过 3 年 感受
刚买 很 兴奋 当时 还 流行 机 还 很 贵
def store_seg_fil_result(filepath, sheetnum, colnum, storepath):
# Read excel file of review and segmention and filter stopwords
seg_fil_result = tp.seg_fil_excel(filepath, sheetnum, colnum)
# Store filtered reviews
fil_file = open(storepath, 'w')
for sent in seg_fil_result:
for word in sent:
fil_file.write(word.encode('utf8')+' ')
2. Create a txt file with filtered editorial review
input: A query txt file of only one paragraph
output: A txt file with filtered document
一款 畅销 产品 创造 出来 一种 迎合 需求 解决 消费者 现实 需求 受到 欢迎
现在 绝大部分 手机 属于 一种 一种 创造 需求 用户 新 需求 类产品 总是 可遇
不可 求 ………
def seg_filter_txt(filepath, storepath):
txtfile = open(filepath, 'r')
txtdata = txtfile.readlines()
review_data = tp.segmentation(txtdata[0], 'list')
stopfile = open('D:/code/seg_fil_test/stopword.txt', 'r')
stopdata1 = stopfile.readlines()
stopdata2 = ''.join(stopdata1)
stopwords = stopdata2.decode('utf8').split('\n')
seg_fil_result = []
for review in review_data:
fil = [word for word in review if word not in stopwords and word != ' ']
fil = []
fil_file = open(storepath, 'w')
for word in seg_fil_result:
fil_file.write(word.encode('utf8')+' ')
3. Compute similarity score of editorial review and every review, and store the result into a txt file
input: A txt file store filtered reviews as corpus
手机 很 好 很 喜欢
三防 出色 操作系统 垃圾
Defy 用过 3 年 感受
刚买 很 兴奋 当时 还 流行 机 还 很 贵
A txt file with filtered document as query document
一款 畅销 产品 创造 出来 一种 迎合 需求 解决 消费者 现实 需求 受到 欢迎
现在 绝大部分 手机 属于 一种 一种 创造 需求 用户 新 需求 类产品 总是 可遇
不可 求 ………
output: A list of tfidf similarity score of every review (store in a txt file)
def gensim(datapath, querypath, storepath):
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
# Read review data from txt file
class MyCorpus(object):
def __iter__(self):
for line in open(datapath):
yield line.split()
# Change review data to gensim corpus format
Corp = MyCorpus()
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(Corp)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in Corp]
# Make the corpus become a tf-idf model
tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)
# Compute every word's tf-idf score
corpus_tfidf = tfidf[corpus]
# Read filtered editorial review from txt file
q_file = open(querypath, 'r')
query = q_file.readline()
# Based on the review tf-idf model, compute its tf-idf score
vec_bow = dictionary.doc2bow(query.split())
vec_tfidf = tfidf[vec_bow]
# Compute similarity
index = similarities.MatrixSimilarity(corpus_tfidf)
sims = index[vec_tfidf]
similarity = list(sims)
# Store similarity score into a txt file
sim_file = open(storepath, 'w')
for i in similarity:
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