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Created March 24, 2014 03:30
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Feature extraction:Review's positive/negative sumup, average and standard deviation score feature (Sentiment dictionary method)
#! /usr/bin/env python2.7
Compute a review's positive and negative score, their average score and standard deviation.
This module aim to extract review positive/negative score, average score and standard deviation features (all 6 features).
Sentiment analysis based on sentiment dictionary.
import numpy as np
import textprocessing as tp
# 1. Load dictionary and dataset
# Load sentiment dictionary
posdict = tp.get_txt_data("D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/posdict.txt","lines")
negdict = tp.get_txt_data("D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/negdict.txt","lines")
# Load adverbs of degree dictionary
mostdict = tp.get_txt_data('D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/most.txt', 'lines')
verydict = tp.get_txt_data('D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/very.txt', 'lines')
moredict = tp.get_txt_data('D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/more.txt', 'lines')
ishdict = tp.get_txt_data('D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/ish.txt', 'lines')
insufficientdict = tp.get_txt_data('D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/insufficiently.txt', 'lines')
inversedict = tp.get_txt_data('D:/code/sentiment_dictionary/inverse.txt', 'lines')
# Load dataset
review = tp.get_excel_data("D:/code/review_set.xlxs", "1", "1", "data")
# 2. Sentiment dictionary analysis basic function
# Function of matching adverbs of degree and set weights
def match(word, sentiment_value):
if word in mostdict:
sentiment_value *= 2.0
elif word in verydict:
sentiment_value *= 1.5
elif word in moredict:
sentiment_value *= 1.25
elif word in ishdict:
sentiment_value *= 0.5
elif word in insufficientdict:
sentiment_value *= 0.25
elif word in inversedict:
sentiment_value *= -1
return sentiment_value
# Function of transforming negative score to positive score
# Example: [5, -2] → [7, 0]; [-4, 8] → [0, 12]
def transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount):
pos_count = 0
neg_count = 0
if poscount < 0 and negcount >= 0:
neg_count += negcount - poscount
pos_count = 0
elif negcount < 0 and poscount >= 0:
pos_count = poscount - negcount
neg_count = 0
elif poscount < 0 and negcount < 0:
neg_count = -poscount
pos_count = -negcount
pos_count = poscount
neg_count = negcount
return [pos_count, neg_count]
# 3.1 Single review's positive and negative score
# Function of calculating review's every sentence sentiment score
def sumup_sentence_sentiment_score(score_list):
score_array = np.array(score_list) # Change list to a numpy array
Pos = np.sum(score_array[:,0]) # Compute positive score
Neg = np.sum(score_array[:,1])
AvgPos = np.mean(score_array[:,0]) # Compute review positive average score, average score = score/sentence number
AvgNeg = np.mean(score_array[:,1])
StdPos = np.std(score_array[:,0]) # Compute review positive standard deviation score
StdNeg = np.std(score_array[:,1])
return [Pos, Neg, AvgPos, AvgNeg, StdPos, StdNeg]
def single_review_sentiment_score(review):
single_review_senti_score = []
cuted_review = tp.cut_sentence_2(review)
for sent in cuted_review:
seg_sent = tp.segmentation(sent, 'list')
i = 0 # word position counter
s = 0 # sentiment word position
poscount = 0 # count a positive word
negcount = 0 # count a negative word
for word in seg_sent:
if word in posdict:
poscount += 1
for w in seg_sent[s:i]:
poscount = match(w, poscount)
a = i + 1
elif word in negdict:
negcount += 1
for w in seg_sent[s:i]:
negcount = match(w, negcount)
a = i + 1
# Match "!" in the review, every "!" has a weight of +2
elif word == "!".decode('utf8') or word == "!".decode('utf8'):
for w2 in seg_sent[::-1]:
if w2 in posdict:
poscount += 2
elif w2 in negdict:
negcount += 2
i += 1
single_review_senti_score.append(transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount))
review_sentiment_score = sumup_sentence_sentiment_score(single_review_senti_score)
return review_sentiment_score
# Testing
print single_review_sentiment_score(review[0])
# 3.2 All review dataset's sentiment score
def sentence_sentiment_score(dataset):
cuted_review = []
for cell in dataset:
single_review_count = []
all_review_count = []
for review in cuted_review:
for sent in review:
seg_sent = tp.segmentation(sent, 'list')
i = 0 #word position counter
a = 0 #sentiment word position
poscount = 0 #count a pos word
negcount = 0
for word in seg_sent:
if word in posdict:
poscount += 1
for w in seg_sent[a:i]:
poscount = match(w, poscount)
a = i + 1
elif word in negdict:
negcount += 1
for w in seg_sent[a:i]:
negcount = match(w, negcount)
a = i + 1
elif word == '!'.decode('utf8') or word == '!'.decode('utf8'):
for w2 in seg_sent[::-1]:
if w2 in posdict:
poscount += 2
elif w2 in negdict:
negcount += 2
i += 1
single_review_count.append(transform_to_positive_num(poscount, negcount)) #[[s1_score], [s2_score], ...]
all_review_count.append(single_review_count) # [[[s11_score], [s12_score], ...], [[s21_score], [s22_score], ...], ...]
single_review_count = []
return all_review_count
# Compute a single review's sentiment score
def all_review_sentiment_score(senti_score_list):
score = []
for review in senti_score_list:
score_array = np.array(review)
Pos = np.sum(score_array[:,0])
Neg = np.sum(score_array[:,1])
AvgPos = np.mean(score_array[:,0])
AvgNeg = np.mean(score_array[:,1])
StdPos = np.std(score_array[:,0])
StdNeg = np.std(score_array[:,1])
score.append([Pos, Neg, AvgPos, AvgNeg, StdPos, StdNeg])
return score
# Testing
for i in all_review_sentiment_score(sentence_sentiment_score(review)):
print i
# 4. Store features
def store_sentiment_dictionary_score(review_set, storepath):
sentiment_score = all_review_sentiment_score(sentence_sentiment_score(review_set))
f = open(storepath,'w')
for i in sentiment_score:
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