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Created November 19, 2018 22:34
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A basic way of selecting and saving frames of a video to be used in Photogrammetry.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# look into 'streamz' package, neat pipelining with dask integration
import cv2 # opencv-python for frame reading
import skimage # scikit-image for loaded image analysis
import dask # parallelized python EZ mode
import numpy as np # yep
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pretty charts no?
import matplotlib
from skimage.feature import match_descriptors, ORB
from skimage.measure import ransac
from skimage.transform import FundamentalMatrixTransform
import os
#standard libs
import time
import random
import itertools
# due to bugs in scikit-video with opening and reading files
# resorted to using OpenCV for reading frames
class VideoFile_p:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
# look at opencv documentation: Flags for video I/O
# the cv2 properties did not function properly,
# passing the integer value of the flag did
self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.file)
self.number_of_frames = int(self.capture.get(7))
self.current_index = 0
def __len__(self):
return self.number_of_frames
def __iter__(self):
self.current_index = 0
self.capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self.file)
self.number_of_frames = int(self.capture.get(7))
return self
def __next__(self):
self.current_index += 1
ret, frame = # ret is false at EOF
if ret is False:
self.current_index = None
self.capture = None
raise StopIteration
elif ret is True:
# cv2 opens in bgr mode and needs to be converted to RGB
return {'index': self.current_index,
'raw_frame': cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)}
def save_frames(self, list_of_frames, save_folder):
# checks and makes the directory path if not existing
if not os.path.exists(save_folder):
reader = iter(self)
for img in reader:
# premature termination on last frame write
if img['index'] > max(list_of_frames):
elif img['index'] in list_of_frames:
# padding out number for up to 6 digits
filename = os.path.join(save_folder, str(img['index']).zfill(6)) + '.jpg'
frame = cv2.cvtColor(img['raw_frame'], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imwrite(filename, frame)
from skimage.feature import match_descriptors, ORB
from skimage.measure import ransac
from skimage.transform import FundamentalMatrixTransform
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
class Analysis_p:
def compute_keypoints_descriptors_blur(frame, n_keypoints = 500,
opencv=True, sift=False):
# using opencv to reduce dependencies needed
# estimate blur by taking the image's laplacian vairance (blurry=low)
blur = cv2.Laplacian(frame['raw_frame'], cv2.CV_64F).var()
if not opencv:
# skimage has poor detection speed, 10x slower as of writing this
# keeping it here if in the future its better
if sift:
orb = cv2.SIFT(nfeatures=n_keypoints)
orb = skimage.feature.ORB(n_keypoints = n_keypoints, downscale=2)
# skimage ORB needs grayscale image
keypoints = orb.keypoints
descriptors = orb.descriptors
return {'index': frame['index'], 'blur': blur,
'keypoints': keypoints, 'descriptors': descriptors}
# boilerplate from opencv python reference
orb = cv2.ORB_create(nfeatures = n_keypoints) # Initiate ORB detector
keypoints_o = orb.detect(frame['raw_frame'], None)
keypoints_o, descriptors = orb.compute(frame['raw_frame'], keypoints_o)
# make keypoints compatible with scikit-image
# array of [[x, y],] coords ndarray
keypoints = np.ndarray(shape=(n_keypoints, 2), dtype=np.int64)
for i, k in enumerate(keypoints_o, start=0):
keypoints[i] =
keypoints = None # if something goes catastrophically wrong
#cannot pickle openCV keypoint objects unfortunately, need to convert to coords (x,y aray)
return {'index': frame['index'], 'blur': blur,
'keypoints': keypoints, 'descriptors': descriptors}
def match_frames(frame1, frame2, minsamples=8, maxtrials=100, opencv=False):
if opencv is False:
# skimage has nicer matching then opencv
# modified boilerplate example code from doc of skimage
matches = match_descriptors(frame1['descriptors'],
cross_check = True)
# filtering out outliers, note first return is 'model', we dont care
_, inliers = ransac((frame1['keypoints'][matches[:, 0]],
frame2['keypoints'][matches[:, 1]]),
min_samples = minsamples,
residual_threshold = 1, max_trials = maxtrials)
# only the number of inliers matter to us
inliers_sum = inliers.sum()
#inliers_sum = len(matches)
# just show raw matches if RANSAC errors out
inliers_sum = len(matches)
return inliers_sum
pass # I doubt anyone wants to use opencv here
class FrameSelection_p:
def __init__(self):
def variance_picker(matches_to_base_frame, min_variance=0.1):
new = None
old = None
for i, _ in enumerate(matches_to_base_frame, start=0):
if old is None:
old = matches_to_base_frame[i]
new = old
old = new
#new = sum(matches_to_base_frame[:i])/(i+1)
new = matches_to_base_frame[i]
variance = abs(new - old) / old
if variance <= min_variance:
return i
return None # too much variance in dataset
def compute_best_frames(frame_stream, last_frame_index, client,
batch_size=10, min_variance=0.05):
from itertools import repeat, islice
last_frame_index = last_frame_index-1 # removes infinite loop bug
frame_generator = itertools.islice(vid_stream, last_frame_index)
base_descriptor = None
batch_num = 1
descriptor_collection = []
found_at_collection_index = None
matches_to_base_frame = []
good_frame_indexes = [1] # include first frame
last_batch = False
while True:
if base_descriptor is None:
base_descriptor = client.submit(
# check if the next batch is the last one
if good_frame_indexes[-1] + batch_num*batch_size >= last_frame_index:
if last_batch is True:
break # end the loop if it has been
last_batch = True
# put the appropriate amount onto the collection
futures =,
last_frame_index -
good_frame_indexes[-1] -
batch_size * (batch_num - 1)))
descriptor_collection += futures
futures =,
batch_size * batch_num -
descriptor_collection += futures
# match all elements in the collection against base
match_num_futures =,
batch_size * batch_num))
# TODO: the above method passes the entire slice into method
# need to fix that so it only sends base future and collection future
matches_to_base_frame += client.gather(match_num_futures)
# selection pass
found_at_collection_index = FrameSelection_p.variance_picker(
if found_at_collection_index is not None:
# save the frame's index as good
frame_index = descriptor_collection[found_at_collection_index].result()['index']
base_descriptor = descriptor_collection[found_at_collection_index]
# make the good frame the base
base_descriptor = descriptor_collection[found_at_collection_index]
# delete frame dictionaries at new base and before
# and reset variables
del descriptor_collection[:found_at_collection_index+1]
found_at_collection_index = None
batch_num = 1
# if not found then repeat
batch_num += 1
# repeat untill input frames are exhausted
return good_frame_indexes # finished
if __name__ == '__main__':
from dask.distributed import Client
file = 'G:/_SFMDatasets/VideoCodeTest/ground.mp4'
client = Client('tcp://') #change address for cluster's one
vid_stream = VideoFile_p(file)
#slc = itertools.islice(vid_stream, 2000)
good = FrameSelection_p.compute_best_frames(vid_stream, vid_stream.number_of_frames, client,
min_variance=0.08, batch_size=20)
vid_stream.save_frames(good, 'J:/selected_video')
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