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Created July 17, 2018 21:22
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A simple node tree addon template for blender.
# the little less documented way of adding a custom node tree
# and populate it with nodes of varying types of I/O
# sockets that work together, discombobulated
# first we import the blender API
import bpy
# then we create the UI space, the node tree as it is called
# but in actualy fact this is similar to a UI panel/menu
# and mostly handled in the background in terms of creation
# so let's define out custom node tree, inheriting from its base type
class CustomNodeTree(bpy.types.NodeTree):
# the docstring here is used to generate documentation but
# also used to display a description to the user
'''A custom node tree type'''
# then we can give it a custom id to access it, if not given
# it will use the classname by default
# the label is the name that will be displayed to the user
bl_label='Custom Node Tree'
# the icon that will be displayed in the UI
# NOTE: check the blender dev plugins to see icons in text editor
# that is all we needed to make a nodetree
# first for convenience we make a class from which all our nodes
# will inherit from, saving us some typing
class CustomNode(bpy.types.Node):
# this line makes the node visible only to the 'CustomNodeTree'
# node tree, essentially checking context
def poll(cls, ntree):
return ntree.bl_idname == 'CustomNodeTree'
# now we start making a simple input node that uses builtin
# blender properties, this is the simplest node
# we define the node class that inherits from its mixin class
class CustomSimpleInputNode(CustomNode):
# we can add a docstring that will be interpreted as description
'''A simple input node'''
# optionally we define an id that we can reference the node by
bl_idname = 'CustomSimpleInputNode'
# we add a label that the node will show the user as its name
bl_label = 'Simple Input Node'
# we can also add an icon to it
bl_icon = 'PLUS'
# we can add properties here that the node uses locally
# NOTE: does not get drawn automatically
intProp = bpy.props.IntProperty()
# init function that is automagickally is called when the
# node is instantiated into the treem setup sockets here
# for both inputs and outputs
def init(self, context):
# makes a new output socket of type 'NodeSocketInt' with the
# label 'output' on it
# NOTE: no elements will be drawn for output sockets'NodeSocketInt', "output")
# copy function is ran to initialize a copied node from
# an existing one
def copy(self, node):
print("copied node", node)
# free function is called when an existing node is deleted
def free(self):
print("Node removed", self)
# draw method for drawing node UI just like any other
# NOTE: input sockets are drawn by their respective methods
# but output ones DO NOT for some reason, do it manually
# and connect the drawn value to the output socket
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
# create a slider for int values
layout.prop(self, 'intProp')
# this method lets you design how the node properties
# are drawn on the side panel (to the right)
# if it is not defined, draw_buttons will be used instead
#def draw_buttons_ext(self, context, layout):
#we can use this function to dynamically define the label of
# the node, however defining the bl_label explicitly overrides it
#def draw_label(self):
# return "this label is shown"
# now to be able to see the nodes in the add node menu AND see it on the
# tool shelf (left panel) we need to define node categories and then
# register them, the rest is handled automagickally by blender
# so first we import the utilities used for handling node categories
import nodeitems_utils
# now we can make our own category using the NodeCategory baseclass
# as before we first make a mixin class to save space
class CustomNodeCategory(nodeitems_utils.NodeCategory):
# define the classmethod that tells blender which node tree
# the categories made with this class belong to (is visible to)
def poll(cls, context):
return context.space_data.tree_type == 'CustomNodeTree'
# make a list of node categories for registration
node_categories = [
# NOTE: did not find documentation other then template script for it
# esentially:
# we instantiate a new 'nodeitems_utils.NodeCategory' class, that
# has been extended with a poll method that makes sure that the
# category and node only shows up in the desired node tree
# The first argument is a string with its id we will use to access it by
# the second argument is the name displayed to the user
# the third argument is a list of (items) nodes that are under
# that category, the list contains instances 'nodeitems_utils.NodeItem'
CustomNodeCategory("CUSTOMINPUTNODES", "Custom Input Nodes", items=[
# the nodes (items) in this category are instantiated in this list
# with the 'nodeitems_utils.NodeItem' class, which can have
# additional settings
# the first argument is the node class idname we want to add
# then there can be keyword arguments like label
# another argument can be a 'settings' keyword argument
# that takes a dictionary that can override default values of all
# properties
# NOTE: use 'repr()' to convert the value to string IMPORTANT
label="Simple Input", settings={"intProp":repr(1.0)}),
# minimalistic node addition is like this
#finally we register our classes so we can install as plugin
#to that end we create a list of classes to be loaded and unloaded
# for loading we define the registering of all defined classes
def register():
# we register all our classes into blender
for cls in classes:
# we register the node categories with the node tree
# the first argument is a string that is the idname for this collection
# of categories
# the second is the actual list of node categories to be registered under
# this name
nodeitems_utils.register_node_categories("CUSTOM_NODES", node_categories)
# for unloading we define the unregistering of all defined classes
def unregister():
# we unregister our node categories first
# then we unregister all classes from the blender
for cls in classes:
# finally we make it runnable in the text editor for quick testing
if __name__=='__main__':
# during test running there is a bug where registering or adding
# references to certain groups and categories cannot override
# existing ones, here is a workaround
# we enter a try..finally block
# first try unregistering the existing category
# WARNING: ALWAYS triple check that you unload the correct
# things in this block, as it will not raise errors
# finally, wether it suceeded or not, we can now register it again
# this essentially reloads existing/register changes made
# and thanks to the nature of the finally block, is always run
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Hey thanks for the code!
I had an issue with intProp, due to error :

property not found: CustomSimpleInputNode.intProp

Fixed by change:

# from this 
    intProp = bpy.props.IntProperty()
# to this 
    intProp : bpy.props.IntProperty()

Maybe it will help someone...

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