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Last active September 26, 2015 17:38
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Save AzureKitsune/1134480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Localization support for Nimrod
# Nimrod's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2011 Alex Mitchell (Amrykid)
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## :Author: Alex Mitchell
## Implements a simple way to load strings based on the user's locale name.
## .. code-block:: Nimrod
## initLocale(LocaleManager, r"C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Random\LocaleData.cfg") #Loads a config file with the localized strings.
## echo(LocaleManager.getKey("Hello")) #Prints the localized string for the user's locale.
## echo(LocaleManager.getKeyLang("Hello","de")) #Prints the localized string in the specified locale.
## echo(<$>"Hello")
## Example CFG file
## .. code-block
## SectionLang = en
## [Hello] ;SectionLang makes Section headers into keys that are in that language.
## es = "Hola"
## de = "Hallo"
import strutils, xmlparser, tables, xmltree, os, parsecfg, streams
when defined(windows):
from windows import GetUserDefaultLCID, GetLocaleInfoA, LCID, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME
proc GetWinLocaleName(): string =
var locale = GetUserDefaultLCID()
var localeName :array[0..265, char]
var localeNameSize = GetLocaleInfoA(locale, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, localeName, 256)
return $localeName
import parseutils
#TODO for *nix. MUST be named GetLocale and return name of the language.
proc getenv*(name: cstring): cstring {.header: stdlib, importc: "getenv".}
proc GetLocaleFromEnv(): string =
var LANG = getenv("LANG")
if lang == "":
# Language not set.
return "Unknown"
var langstr = $LANG
var langname = parseutils.parseUntil(langstr, '_')
return langname
TLocaleManager* = object #An object used for localization via xml/cfg.
table: TTable[string, TTable[string,string]]
sectionLang: string
proc GetLocaleName*(): string =
## Retrieves the user's locale/language as an ISO 639-1 code string.
when defined(windows):
return GetWinLocaleName()
elif defined(postix):
#TODO for *nix
return GetLocaleFromEnv()
proc loadXmlLocaleData*(locale: var TLocaleManager, filename: string) =
## Initializes a TLocaleManager by loading it with localized strings from a XML file.
locale.table = initTable[string, TTable[string, string]]()
var localeNode = loadXml(filename)
for n in localeNode.items:
if n.tag == "string":
var key = n.attr("key")
var innertable: TTable[string, string] = initTable[string, string]()
for trans in n.items:
if trans.tag == "trans":
var lang = trans.attr("lang")
var value = trans.attr("value") #using an attribute because PXmlNode.Text is broken.
innertable.add(lang, value)
locale.table.add(key, innertable)
proc loadCfgLocaleData*(locale: var TLocaleManager, filename: string) =
## Initializes a TLocaleManager by loading it with localized strings from a CFG file.
locale.table = initTable[string, TTable[string, string]]()
var f = newFileStream(filename, fmRead)
if f != nil:
var p: TCfgParser
open(p, f, filename)
var key: string
var innertable: TTable[string, string] = initTable[string, string]()
while true:
var e = next(p)
case e.kind
of cfgEof:
of cfgSectionStart: ## a ``[section]`` has been parsed
#echo("new section: " & e.section)
if innertable.len() > 0:
locale.table.add(key, innertable)
key = e.section
innertable = initTable[string, string]()
of cfgKeyValuePair:
if key == nil and e.key == "SectionLang":
locale.sectionLang = e.value
#echo("Section Language: " & e.value)
#echo("key-value-pair: " & e.key & ": " & e.value)
innertable.add(e.key, e.value)
of cfgError:
if not locale.table.hasKey(key):
locale.table.add(key, innertable)
raise newException(EInvalidKey, "Invalid .cfg")
proc getKeyLang*(locale: var TLocaleManager, key: string, lang: string): string =
## Gets the localized string in the specified locale.
if lang == locale.sectionLang:
return key
return locale.table.mget(key)[lang]
proc getKey*(locale: var TLocaleManager, key: string): string =
## Gets the localized string for the user's locale.
return getKeyLang(locale,key, GetLocaleName())
template `<$>`(str: string): string = LocaleManager.getKey(str)
LocaleManager: TLocaleManager
when isMainModule:
echo(GetLocaleName()) #Prints English
loadCfgLocaleData(LocaleManager, r"C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Random\LocaleData.cfg")
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<string key="Greeting">
<trans lang="en" value="Hello">Hello</trans>
<trans lang="es" value="Hola">Hola</trans>
<trans lang="de" value="Hallo"/>
SectionLang = en
es = "Hola"
de = "Hallo"
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