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Created November 24, 2023 19:07
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Q-Star Reinforcement Learning for Grid Navigation
import numpy as np
# Define constants for the grid world
# Define states (representing positions on the grid)
STATES = [(i, j) for i in range(GRID_SIZE) for j in range(GRID_SIZE)]
# Define actions (representing possible movements: up, down, left, right)
ACTIONS = [0, 1, 2, 3] # 0: up, 1: down, 2: left, 3: right
# Initialize Q-values for each state-action pair
initial_q_values = np.zeros((GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE, NUM_ACTIONS))
# Function to get the reward for a given state-action pair
def get_reward(state, action):
next_state = get_next_state(state, action)
# Define a positive reward if the agent reaches the goal, negative for obstacles, and zero otherwise
if next_state == (GRID_SIZE - 1, GRID_SIZE - 1): # Goal state
return 10
elif next_state in [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)]: # Obstacle states
return -5
return 0
# Function to get the next state for a given state-action pair
def get_next_state(state, action):
i, j = state
if action == 0: # up
return max(i - 1, 0), j
elif action == 1: # down
return min(i + 1, GRID_SIZE - 1), j
elif action == 2: # left
return i, max(j - 1, 0)
elif action == 3: # right
return i, min(j + 1, GRID_SIZE - 1)
# Function to check if a state is a terminal state
def is_terminal_state(state):
return state == (GRID_SIZE - 1, GRID_SIZE - 1) # Goal state
# Function to check if the maximum number of steps is reached
def max_steps_reached():
global step_count
step_count += 1
return step_count >= MAX_STEPS_PER_EPISODE
# Q-star Reinforcement Learning
def q_star_reinforcement_learning(S, A, initial_q_values, alpha, gamma, epsilon, max_episodes):
Q = np.copy(initial_q_values)
for episode in range(1, max_episodes + 1):
global step_count
step_count = 0 # Reset step count for each episode
current_state = (0, 0) # Start from the top-left corner
while True:
if np.random.rand() < epsilon:
current_action = np.random.choice(A)
current_action = np.argmax(Q[current_state[0], current_state[1], :] + np.random.randn(1, NUM_ACTIONS) * (1.0 / (episode + 1)))
reward = get_reward(current_state, current_action)
next_state = get_next_state(current_state, current_action)
Q[current_state[0], current_state[1], current_action] += alpha * (
reward + gamma * np.max(Q[next_state[0], next_state[1], :]) - Q[current_state[0], current_state[1], current_action]
current_state = next_state
if is_terminal_state(current_state) or max_steps_reached():
return Q # Return the trained Q-values
# Main program
step_count = 0 # Reset step count for each episode
trained_q_values = q_star_reinforcement_learning(STATES, ACTIONS, initial_q_values, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.9, epsilon=0.2, max_episodes=NUM_EPISODES)
# Use the trained Q-values to navigate through the grid world
current_state = (0, 0)
while not is_terminal_state(current_state):
action = np.argmax(trained_q_values[current_state[0], current_state[1], :])
print(f"Move {action}: {current_state} -> {get_next_state(current_state, action)}")
current_state = get_next_state(current_state, action)
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B-R-P commented Nov 25, 2023

The Q-star algorithm is a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm that aims to find the optimal policy for an agent interacting with an environment. It is a model-free algorithm, meaning it does not require an explicit model of the environment's dynamics or rewards. Instead, it learns the optimal policy by interacting with the environment and observing the resulting rewards.

The Q-star algorithm is based on the Bellman equation, which states that the optimal value of a state is equal to the expected value of the future rewards, starting from that state. The algorithm iteratively updates the value of each state-action pair using the Bellman equation until the values converge to the optimal values.


The Q-star algorithm can be as follows:

  1. Initialize: Create a Q-table to store the estimated value of each state-action pair. Initialize all values to 0.

  2. Repeat:
    a. Select a state: Choose a state from the environment.

    b. For each action:
    i. Update Q-value: Calculate the updated Q-value using the Bellman equation:
    Q(s, a) ← max_a' [R(s, a) + γ Σ_s' P(s'|s, a) * Q(s', a')]
    - R(s, a) is the immediate reward for taking action a in state s
    - γ is the discount factor
    - Σ_s' P(s'|s, a) is the sum over all possible next states s' of the probability of transitioning to s' after taking action a in state s

    c. Choose action: Select the action with the highest estimated Q-value for the current state.

    d. Take action: Take the selected action and observe the resulting reward and next state.

    e. Update Q-table: Update the Q-value for the current state-action pair using the observed reward and next state.

  3. Stop: Continue iterating until the convergence criterion is met, such as a maximum number of iterations or a threshold for Q-value changes.

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B-R-P commented Nov 26, 2023


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