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Last active June 19, 2023 05:35
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For simplicity, this will just go over the unsigned case
Written for someone, such as myself, who isn't as quick to put together the same logical steps

Given $y \in \mathbb{Z}$ where $y > 0$
Find $a,sh \in \mathbb{Z}$ such that $\forall x \in \mathbb{Z} \ (\ \lfloor \frac{x}{y} \rfloor = \lfloor x \cdot a / 2^{sh} \rfloor)$
To motivate what we'll be doing, lets start by considering:

$$ \begin{align*} \frac{x \cdot a}{2^{sh}} &= \frac{x}{y} \\ \frac{a}{2^{sh}} &= \frac{1}{y} \\ a &= \frac{2^{sh}}{y} \\ \end{align*} $$

What we want to show is that $a = \lfloor \frac{2^{sh}}{y} \rfloor$ can still be used to compute $\lfloor \frac{x}{y} \rfloor$ exactly
So, let $sh = w + \lceil \log_2y \rceil$ where w is our 'effective wordsize' in bits

From an implementation standpoint, we'd like to be able to write:

Recip(uint64_t y){
  uint64_t a, sh;
  // compute a, sh from y
  return (a, sh);

which would seem to imply $w = 64$, however we musn't be so hasty.
Given that $\lceil \log_2y \rceil \in \mathbb{Z}$ we have:

$$ \begin{alignedat}{3} \log_2y \ &\leq & \ \lceil \log_2y \rceil & &&< \ \log_2y + 1 \\ 2^{\log_2y} \ &\leq & \ 2^{\lceil \log_2y \rceil} & &&< \ 2^{\log_2y + 1} \\ 2^{\log_2y} \ &\leq & \ 2^{\lceil \log_2y \rceil} & &&< \ 2^{\log_2y} \cdot 2 \\ y \ &\leq & \ 2^{\lceil \log_2y \rceil} & &&< \ 2y \\ y \ &\leq & \ 2^{\lceil \log_2y \rceil} & &&\leq \ 2y-1 \quad \text{since } 2y,\ 2^{\lceil \log_2y \rceil} \in \mathbb{Z} \\ 2^w \cdot y \ &\leq & \ 2^w \cdot 2^{\lceil \log_2y \rceil} & &&\leq \ 2^w \cdot (2y-1) \\ 2^w \cdot y \ &\leq & \ 2^{w + \lceil \log_2y \rceil} & &&\leq \ 2^{w+1} \cdot y - 2^{w} \\ 2^w \cdot y \ &\leq & \ 2^{sh} & &&\leq \ 2^{w+1} \cdot y - 2^{w} \\ 2^w \ &\leq & \ \frac{2^{sh}}{y} & &&\leq \ 2^{w+1} - \frac{2^w}{y} \\ 2^w \ &\leq & \ a & &&\leq \ 2^{w+1} - 1 \quad \text{when } y \leq 2^w \\ \end{alignedat} $$

So what do we get from the bounds $2^w \leq a \leq \ 2^{w+1} - 1$?
Well, if we know $a$ fits in $w+1$ bits, and since we want to store $a$ in a uint64_t $\Rightarrow w+1 = 64 \Rightarrow w = 63$
Note that above we restricted $y \leq 2^w \equiv y \leq 2^{63}$ which is no longer true for all values uint64_t
If that's a deal breaker, then you'll have to implement the extended precision case for $a$ as an exercise for the reader ;)

Okay, so we know how to find $a,sh$, but how do we know that they compute $\lfloor \frac{x}{y} \rfloor$ exactly?
Well, we're going to have to be a bit more precise with what those $\lfloor ... \rfloor$ and $\lceil ... \rceil$ are doing

$$ \begin{alignedat}{3} \text{let } q &= \lfloor \frac{x}{y} \rfloor &&\Rightarrow \exists \ r_q \in \mathbb{Z} & \ x &&= q \cdot y + r_q & \quad \text{where } 0 \leq r_q < y \\ \text{let } a &= \lceil \frac{2^{sh}}{y} \rceil &&\Rightarrow \exists \ r_a \in \mathbb{Z} & \quad 2^{sh} &&= a \cdot y - r_a & \quad \text{where } 0 \leq r_a < y \\ \end{alignedat} $$

Note, $\lfloor ... \rfloor$ makes $q$ smaller, so $r_q$ is added on to compensate
while $\lceil ... \rceil$ makes $a$ larger, so $r_a$ is taken away to compensate

Now, if we can show that $r_q$ and $r_a$ make no difference when calculating $q = \lfloor \frac{x}{y} \rfloor = \lfloor x \cdot a / 2^{sh} \rfloor$ then we're done :)
But first, we'll get the easy case out of the way. When $x=0$ it should be clear that $q = \lfloor \frac{0}{y} \rfloor = \lfloor 0 \cdot a / 2^{sh} \rfloor = 0$
So for the rest of the proof can make use of the case where $x \geq 1$

$$ \begin{alignedat}{3} \text{let } Q &= &&\lfloor x \cdot a \ /\ 2^{sh} \rfloor \\ &= &&\lfloor (q \cdot y + r_q) \cdot a \ /\ 2^{sh} \rfloor \\ &= &&\lfloor (q \cdot a y + a\ r_q) \ /\ 2^{sh} \rfloor \\ &= &&\lfloor (q \cdot (2^{sh} + r_a) + a\ r_q) \ /\ 2^{sh} \rfloor \\ &= &&\lfloor (q \cdot 2^{sh} + q \cdot r_a + a\ r_q) \ /\ 2^{sh} \rfloor \\ &= \ q \ + \ &&\lfloor (q\ r_a + a\ r_q) \ /\ 2^{sh} \rfloor \\ \end{alignedat} $$

To guarantee that $Q = q$ we need to show that $0 \leq q\ r_a + a\ r_q &lt; 2^{sh}$
It should come to no surprise that this combination of non-negative values is non-negative, so all that's left is the upper bound

$$ \begin{alignedat}{3} & r_a &&< y \\ & r_a &&\leq y-1 \\ & q \ r_a &&\leq q\ y - q \\ & q \ r_a &&\leq (x - r_q) - q \\ & q \ r_a &&\leq (x - q) - r_q \\ \end{alignedat} $$

$$ \text{let } 1 \leq x \leq 2^w \ \text{along with } y \leq 2^w \ \land \ q = \lfloor\frac{x}{y}\rfloor \\ \Rightarrow \ q>0 \ \Rightarrow \ (x-q) \ <\ x\ \leq \ 2^w $$

$$ \begin{alignedat}{3} & \ q \ r_a &&\leq (x - q) - r_q \\ & \ q \ r_a &&< (2^w) - r_q \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ a \ r_q - r_q \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ (a-1) \ r_q \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ (a-1) \ (y-1) \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ ay - a - y + 1 \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ (2^{sh}+r_a) - a - y + 1 \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ 2^{sh}+(y-1) - a - y + 1 \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^w \ + \ 2^{sh} - a \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^{sh} \ + \ 2^w - a \\ & \ q \ r_a \ + \ a \ r_q &&< 2^{sh} \quad \text{since } 2^w \leq a \quad \text{might have to scroll up a bit ;)} \\ \end{alignedat} $$

All right, that's enough math, time to get a bit gung-ho with writing the code for it

Recip(uint64_t y){
  assert(y <= (1ull << 63));    // Ensure y <= 2^63
  uint64_t sh = 0;
  while(y > (1ull << sh)){ sh++; }         // sh' = ceil(log2(y))
  sh += 63;                                // sh  = ceil(log2(y)) + w
  uint64_t a = ((1ull << sh) + y-1) / y    //  a  = ceil(2^sh / y) = floor((2^sh + y-1) / y)
  return (a, sh);

FastDivExamp(uint64_t[] x, uint64_t y){
  uint64_t a, sh;
  a, sh = Recip(y);
  for(i, 0, x.count){
    //x[i] = x[i] / y;        // q = floor(x/y)
    x[i] = (x[i]*a) >> sh;    // Q = (x*a) / 2^sh

Ahhh, such an elegant mapping from theory to implementation.
Unfortunately, it fails the smell test for anyone paying attention :P

If we tried plugging in y = 8, we'd get sh = 3 + 63 = 66
So, pray tell, what do we expect to get from either (1ull << sh) or (x*a)?

Instead, we'll explicitly handle the pseudo uint128_t operations using a 64:64 tuple
This has the benefit where if we have (v1:v0) then returning v1 is equivalent to (v1:v0) >> 64 which we can bake into sh
So the only hurdle left is calculating ((1<<sh) + y-1) / y

We have a convenient mapping from (1<<sh) + (y-1) to (v1:v0)
v0 = y-1 when $y-1 &lt; 2^{64}$
v1 = 1 << (sh-64) when $2^{64} \leq 2^{sh} &lt; 2^{128}$
The condition for v1 is only true when $64 \leq sh \ \Leftrightarrow \ 64 \leq 63 + \lceil \log_2y \rceil \ \Rightarrow \ 1 \leq \lceil \log_2y \rceil \ \Rightarrow \ 2 \leq y$
Now, for the case when $y=1$, I propose another algorithm. $\forall x \in \mathbb{Z} \ (\ \lfloor \frac{x}{1} \rfloor = x)$

Finally, we can take our (v1,v0) tuple and pass it to the x64 DIV
While this can raise an exception if the result won't fit within a uint64_t, we've already proven that $a \leq \ 2^{w+1} - 1$

The same idea can be used with x64 MUL and only using the high 64 bits to compute the aforementioned (v1:v0) >> 64

Recip(uint64_t y){
  assert(1 < y && y <= (1ull << 63));    // Ensure 1 < y <= 2^63
  uint64_t sh = 0;
  while(y > (1ull << sh)){ sh++; }         // sh' = ceil(log2(y))
  sh += 63 - 64;                           // sh  = ceil(log2(y)) + w - 64
  uint64_t a = Div128(1ull<<sh, y-1, y);   //  a  = ceil(2^sh / y) = floor((2^sh + y-1) / y)
  return (a, sh);

FastDivExamp(uint64_t[] x, uint64_t y){
  uint64_t a, sh;
  a, sh = Recip(y);
  for(i, 0, x.count){
    //x[i] = x[i] / y;                // q = floor(x/y)
    x[i] = MulHi64(x[i], a) >> sh;    // Q = (x*a) / 2^sh
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