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Created March 23, 2017 02:11
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Yet another Microsoft Windows DNS server debug log to Splunk HTTP Event Collector(HEC) parser
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ya-msdnslog-to-hec.ps1: Yet another Microsoft Windows DNS server debug log to Splunk HTTP Event Collector(HEC) parser
# Written by Elazar Broad
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Param (
# Splunk HEC Token
# Full URL to the Splunk HEC endpoint, typically http://my.splunk.server:8088/services/collector/event"
# Path to Windows DNS server debug log, defaults to %WINDIR\System32\dns\dns.log
[Parameter()][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string]$DnsLogPath = (Join-Path $Env:WinDir "System32\dns\dns.log"),
# Nasty regex to parse Windows DNS debug log entries
# group names *should be* CIM compliant
[regex]$event_regex = '(?i)^(?<date>[\d\/]{8,10})\s(?<time>[\d\:]{7,8}\s[APM]{2})\s(?<thread_id>[\dA-F]{4})\s(?<context>.{7})\s(?<packet_id>[\dA-F]{16})\s(?<transport>(?:TC|UD)P)\s(?<direction>.{3})\s(?<src_ip>(?(?:\d{1,3}\.)[\d\.\s]{15}|[\dA-F\:]{1,45}))\s(?<transaction_id>[\dA-F\s]{4})\s(?<message_type>[R\s]{1})\s(?<query_type>[QNU?]{1})\s\[(?<flags_hex>[\dA-F]{4})\s(?<flags_charcode>[ATDR\s]{4})\s(?<reply_code>[^\]]+)\]\s(?<record_type>.{6})\s(?<query>.+?\(0\))$'
# Build HEC JSON payload and post it to the server
# Returns true/false depending on whether the post was successful
function BuildAndPostHECEvent($event) {
$json = @{}
if ($HECEventHost) { $json.Add("host", $HECEventHost) }
if ($HECEventSource) { $json.Add("source", $HECEventSource) }
if ($HECEventSourceType) { $json.Add("sourcetype", $HECEventSourceType) }
if ($HECEventIndex) { $json.Add("index", $HECEventIndex) }
$json.Add("event", $event)
$ret = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $HECEndpoint `
-Method Post `
-ContentType "application/json" `
-Body ($json | ConvertTo-Json) `
-Headers @{"Authorization"="Splunk {0}" -f $HECToken})
return ($ret.StatusCode -eq 200 -and (($ret.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).code -eq 0))
# Process events in the DNS log and post them to Splunk HEC
function ReadEvents([int]$TailCount, [bool]$LiveTail) {
$gc_command = "Get-Content $DnsLogPath"
if ($TailCount -gt 0) { $gc_command = "{0} {1} {2}" -f $gc_command, "-Tail", $TailCount }
if ($LiveTail) { $gc_command = "{0} {1}" -f $gc_command, "-Wait" }
Invoke-Expression $gc_command | where {$_ -match $event_regex} | foreach {
# Remove the full regex match
$event = @{}
$Matches.Keys | foreach {
$event.Add($_, $Matches.Item($_).Trim())
# Validate each field of the query against it length, then rebuild it with .
$query_array = @()
([regex]'\((\d+)\)([^\(]+)').Matches($event.Query) | foreach {
if ($_.Groups[2].Value.Length -eq $_.Groups[1].Value) {
$query_array += $_.Groups[2].Value
$event.Query = ($query_array -join ".")
if (BuildAndPostHECEvent($event)) {
"Event with query/transaction ID {0} successfully posted to Splunk!" -f $event.transaction_id
# Main
if ($Continuous.IsPresent) {
"Running in continuous mode, press Ctrl+C to exit..."
ReadEvents -TailCount ($NewEventsOnly.IsPresent) -LiveTail $Continuous.IsPresent
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i am trying to send some dns debug logs, but its not reaching the splunk server, no error

i tried the curl method
curl -k http://ip:8088/services/collector/event -H "Authorization: Splunk BBD50988-968F-48B7-B64C-27496DAB7042" -d '{"event": "hello world"}'

it reached the server and i was able to see hello world

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