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Created September 3, 2021 23:48
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Powershell function(cmdlet) to set notification for job completion.
function Notify-Job {
$Name = $Name ? $Name : $Job.ToString().Trim()
if (!$Continuation) {
$Continuation = [scriptblock]::Create("Write-Host `"Job '${Name}' completed`"; Unregister-Event `$Event")
} else {
$Continuation = [scriptblock]::Create($Continuation.ToString() + "; Unregister-Event `$Event")
$Event=Register-ObjectEvent (Start-Job $Job -Name $Name) StateChanged -Action $Continuation
Notify on job background job completion.
Gets your scriptblock and turns it into a job
and sets it's continuation to notify you in different ways.
Scriptblock to set for your background job.
Name of the job to notify for completion.
Body of $Job scriptblock is taken if $Name is absent.
.PARAMETER Continuation
Scriptblock to execute as a notification when $Job is completed.
If absent set to just output that job with $Name is completed.
None. You cannot pipe objects to Notify-Job.
None. But may produce output in future in continuation.
PS> Notify-Job -Job { Start-Sleep 1 }
PS> Job 'Start-Sleep 1' completed
PS> Notify-Job -Job { Start-Sleep 1 } -Name "job1"
PS> Job 'job1' completed
PS> Notify-Job -Job { Start-Sleep 1 } -Continuation { Write-Host "END" }
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