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Mykola Fedurko B1Z0N

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B1Z0N / BigDecimal.cs
Created July 23, 2020 22:40 — forked from nberardi/BigDecimal.cs
BigDecimal type in .NET
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace System.Numerics
public struct BigDecimal : IConvertible, IFormattable, IComparable, IComparable<BigDecimal>, IEquatable<BigDecimal>
public static readonly BigDecimal MinusOne = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.MinusOne, 0);
public static readonly BigDecimal Zero = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.Zero, 0);
public static readonly BigDecimal One = new BigDecimal(BigInteger.One, 0);
B1Z0N / gist:028d1667f4f576dac79b4453f07cd065
Created April 14, 2020 10:21 — forked from prathe/gist:2439752
Python Regular Expression: double-quoted string literals that allows for escaped double quotes
# Tricky REs with ^ and \
# Assign to regexp a regular expression for double-quoted string literals that
# allows for escaped double quotes.
# Hint: Escape " and \
# Hint: (?: (?: ) )
import re
B1Z0N / competitive.cpp
Last active February 23, 2020 17:57 — forked from kodekracker/c++Template.cpp
Basic C++ Template for Competitive Programming
_,d889' 8888b,
_,d8888' 8888888b,
_,d8889' 888888888888b,_
_,d8889' 888888889'688888, /b
_,d8889' 88888889' `6888d 6,_
,d88886' _d888889' ,8d b888b, d\
,d889'888, d8889' 8d 9888888Y )