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Last active August 4, 2022 11:57
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Drupal 9 - Field Group integration
// Field group does not by default show on commerce relaed entities and those can be added using a hook
* Implements hook_field_group_content_element_keys_alter
* Add field groups to product and product variation.
function fcl_commerce_field_group_content_element_keys_alter(&$keys) {
if (!isset($keys['commerce_product_variation'])) {
$keys['commerce_product_variation'] = 'product_variation';
if (!isset($keys['commerce_product'])) {
$keys['commerce_product'] = 'product';
// Commerce products do not show the field group but we can programmatically get those details
* Implements template_preprocess_commerce_product().
function mytheme_preprocess_commerce_product(&$variables) {
$product = $variables['elements']['#commerce_product'];
$productvars = $variables['product'];
if (is_object($product)) {
$view_mode = $variables['elements']['#view_mode'];
if ($view_mode == 'full') {
$variables['field_group_fields'] = _getFieldGroupFields($variables);
* Get the field group fields from the field group
function _getFieldGroupFields(&$variables) {
$techspecfields = [];
// Get the list of fields from the product variation using EntityViewDisplay
$variation =_getProductVariation($variables);
if (!empty($variation)) {
$display_options = EntityViewDisplay::collectRenderDisplay($variation, 'full');
$field_group = $display_options->getThirdPartySetting('field_group', 'fieldgroup_one');
foreach ($field_group['children'] as $item) {
$fld = $variation->{$item};
/** @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $fld_def */
$fld_def = $fld->getFieldDefinition();
$lbl = $fld_def->getLabel();
$fieldgroup_one[$item] = $lbl;
// Code for illustration only - should do more processing of the array to make it usable by the Twig template.
retuen $fieldgroup_one
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