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Last active May 17, 2024 09:59
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Drupal Commerce Stock (8,9,10)
// Working with commerce stock 8.x-1.x
// ****** Usfull commerce code. ******
// Get the curent store and user
$currentStore = \Drupal::service('commerce_store.current_store')->getStore();
$currentUser = \Drupal::currentUser();
// Load the user object
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($current_user->id());
// Get a context
$context = new Context($user, $currentStore);
// Load an order by ID
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderInterface $order */
$order = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
// Cycle order lie items.
foreach ($order->getItems() as $id => $order_item) {
// Check if an order item is associated with (has) a Purchasable Entity.
// Do not use if (!$order_item->hasPurchasedEntity()) {
$purchased_entity = $order_item->getPurchasedEntity;
if (!$purchased_entity) {
// Get it's name
$name = $purchased_entity->getTitle();
// ****** Stock commands ******
// Get the Stock service manager
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_stock\StockServiceManagerInterface $stockServiceManager */
$stockServiceManager = \Drupal::service('commerce_stock.service_manager');
// Get the stock service (from the manager)
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_stock\StockServiceInterface $stockService */
$stock_service = $stockServiceManager->getService($entity);
$stock_service_name = $stockServiceManager->getService($entity)->getName();
// Get the stock checker (from the service)
$stock_checker = $stock_service->getStockChecker();
// Get the stock updater (from the service)
$stock_updater = $stock_service->getStockUpdater();
// Get the context from a purchasable entity using the stock trait
use Drupal\commerce_stock\ContextCreatorTrait;
class X .. {
use ContextCreatorTrait;
$context = $this->getContext($entity);
// Get the list of locations for a purchasable entity.
$context = new Context($user, $currentStore);
$locations = $stockService->getConfiguration()->getAvailabilityLocations($context, $entity);
// Get information on all active locations
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_stock_local\StockLocationStorage $locationStorage */
$locationStorage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_stock_location');
$locations = $locationStorage->loadEnabled($product_variation);
foreach ($locations as $location) {
$id = $location->getId();
$type = $location->getType();
$status = $location->status->value;
$name = $location->name->value;
$api_id = $location->field_external_api_id->value; // a custom field
// Common oparations
// Check stock level
$stockServiceManager = \Drupal::service('commerce_stock.service_manager');
$stock = $stockServiceManager->getStockLevel($product_variation_entity);
namespace Drupal\stock_demo_code;
use Drupal\commerce_stock\ContextCreatorTrait;
class StockUpdateDemo {
use ContextCreatorTrait;
public function setStockLevel($variation, $free_stock) {
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_stock\StockServiceManagerInterface $stockServiceManager */
$stockServiceManager = \Drupal::service('commerce_stock.service_manager');
// Get the current website stock level.
$stock_level = $stockServiceManager->getStockLevel($variation);
// If stock level changed.
if ($free_stock != $stock_level) {
// Calculate the transaction stock.
$t_stock = $free_stock - $stock_level;
// Get the location of the transaction.
$context = $this->getContext($variation);
$location = $stockServiceManager->getTransactionLocation($context, $variation, $t_stock);
// Determine the type of transaction.
if ($t_stock > 0) {
$transaction_type_id = StockTransactionsInterface::STOCK_IN;
else {
$transaction_type_id = StockTransactionsInterface::STOCK_OUT;
$metadata = [
'data' => [
'message' => 'set by updater_demo',
// Create the transaction
$this->stockServiceManager->createTransaction($variation, $location->getId(), '', $t_stock, NULL, $currency_code = NULL, $transaction_type_id, $metadata);
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