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Last active May 31, 2022 01:12
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  • #isso-root - root DOM element

    • Isso - app component
      • Postbox
      • #isso-thread - entire comment thread - would have multiple of Comment - flexbox column
        • Comment
        • ...
  • Postbox - .isso-postbox - form to create top-level comments - flexbox column

    • PostboxTextarea - div.isso-textarea-wrapper - comment text input container
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        • span.isso-note - float: right text that says if a comment is in moderation
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          • a.isso-downvote - downvote button
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        • a.isso-delete - delete button (excluded if not allowed)
      • div.isso-follow-up - container for replies (excluded if there are none)
        • Comment
        • ...
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API response (/?uri=/some-article/&limit=10&nested_limit=5)
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  "replies": [
      "id": 16,
      "parent": null,
      "created": 1652636130.890841,
      "modified": null,
      "mode": 1,
      "text": "<p>There's a new game you can get by first doing s/e/x and then s/w/ord\nI've also published the source code on GitHub at rebane2001/txnor-server</p>",
      "author": "Rebane",
      "website": null,
      "likes": 0,
      "dislikes": 0,
      "notification": 1,
      "hash": "84c26eb65b47",
      "total_replies": 3,
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      "replies": [
          "id": 17,
          "parent": 16,
          "created": 1652660917.5989892,
          "modified": null,
          "mode": 1,
          "text": "<p>Thanks for letting me know! I looked at the source and I'm wondering about a couple things:</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>Why is <code>Intel Mac OS X 11.6; rv:92.0</code> included in the Discord user agent regex?</li>\n<li>Is the 6969th user meant to trigger on a 1/6970 chance? <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"><code>random.randint</code> is inclusive</a>, and you put <code>random.randint(0, 6969)</code>, which if I understand correct would mean that it has 6970 numbers to pick from.</li>\n<li>Has something in the user agent logic changed? I can't seem to get the raw image anymore by setting my user agent to \"Discord\". But it still works fine on Discord.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>I also updated the post based on the things I discovered in the source code.</p>",
          "author": "bbaovanc",
          "website": "",
          "likes": 0,
          "dislikes": 0,
          "notification": 1,
          "hash": "284513e38f5c"
          "id": 18,
          "parent": 16,
          "created": 1652685454.7172008,
          "modified": null,
          "mode": 1,
          "text": "<p>Thanks for updating the article, it's a really great writeup of the 'hack'!</p>\n\n<ol>\n<li>This is the User-Agent Discord uses even more often than the Discordbot one, so you need it for this thing to work.</li>\n<li>Of course it is intentional, as a professional programmer I never make off-by-one mistakes :). I believe what happened was I first tested locally using random.randint(0,1) == 1, and later on forgot about the zero when I changed it to 6969.</li>\n<li>I've added some additional non-UA safety measures to limit abuse and DoS attack surface.</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p>Also, there's a third ending to the s/w/ord game you haven't found yet :)</p>",
          "author": "Rebane",
          "website": "",
          "likes": 0,
          "dislikes": 0,
          "notification": 1,
          "hash": "84c26eb65b47"
          "id": 22,
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          "created": 1653183677.6450179,
          "modified": null,
          "mode": 1,
          "text": "<p>A little bit ago a friend sent me  your video and I watched the math challenge section. I didn't realize that Discord's CDN would actually respect your <code>Cache-Control</code> header, causing it to be different for everyone. I <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">updated the post</a> to add that, and a link to your video.</p>",
          "author": "bbaovanc",
          "website": "",
          "likes": 0,
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          "notification": 1,
          "hash": "284513e38f5c"
      "id": 19,
      "parent": null,
      "created": 1652687758.2464504,
      "modified": null,
      "mode": 1,
      "text": "<p>Oh btw, I didn't realize your comments section renders <em>markdown</em>, so my newlines look messed up. Would be great if it said so somewhere, or even provided a simple live-preview without clicking the <em>Preview</em> button.</p>",
      "author": "Rebane",
      "website": null,
      "likes": 0,
      "dislikes": 0,
      "notification": 1,
      "hash": "84c26eb65b47",
      "total_replies": 1,
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      "replies": [
          "id": 20,
          "parent": 19,
          "created": 1652712139.2870646,
          "modified": null,
          "mode": 1,
          "text": "<p>Yep, that's sort of in my TODO list for the comment system. <del>I would edit your message to fix the newlines but also the editing in the admin page is a bit broken as well. I'll hopefully figure something out soon.</del></p>\n\n<p>Nevermind, I misremembered it. Editing on the admin page works fine, so I've fixed it. The issues are when editing from the client side.</p>",
          "author": "bbaovanc",
          "website": "",
          "likes": 0,
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          "notification": 1,
          "hash": "284513e38f5c"
      "id": 21,
      "parent": null,
      "created": 1653183443.2913928,
      "modified": null,
      "mode": 1,
      "text": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\"></a> redirects to the explanation video not a tweet</p>",
      "author": "dn",
      "website": "",
      "likes": 0,
      "dislikes": 0,
      "notification": 0,
      "hash": "25c712212044",
      "total_replies": 2,
      "hidden_replies": 0,
      "replies": [
          "id": 23,
          "parent": 21,
          "created": 1653184997.2971416,
          "modified": 1653185045.0740285,
          "mode": 1,
          "text": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">Fixed</a></p>",
          "author": "bbaovanc",
          "website": "",
          "likes": 0,
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          "notification": 1,
          "hash": "284513e38f5c"
          "id": 24,
          "parent": 21,
          "created": 1653185169.9862838,
          "modified": null,
          "mode": 1,
          "text": "<p>cool bestie</p>",
          "author": "dn",
          "website": "",
          "likes": 0,
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          "notification": 0,
          "hash": "25c712212044"
      "id": 25,
      "parent": null,
      "created": 1653534472.0076623,
      "modified": null,
      "mode": 1,
      "text": "<p>btw there's a 3rd ending (im sure you already know cuz rebane said so) you can get it by defending and hugging</p>",
      "author": "idk",
      "website": null,
      "likes": 0,
      "dislikes": 0,
      "notification": 1,
      "hash": "77972121105e",
      "total_replies": 0,
      "hidden_replies": 0,
      "replies": []
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