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Last active May 1, 2021 03:34
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pfblockerng.widget.php fix Alias type packet counters
* pfblockerng.widget.php
* part of pfSense (
* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate)
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020
* All rights reserved.
* Originally based Upon pfBlocker
* Copyright (c) 2011 Thomas Schaefer
* Copyright (c) 2011 Marcello Coutinho
* All rights reserved.
* Adapted From snort_alerts.widget.php
* Copyright (c) 2016 Bill Meeks
* All rights reserved.
* Javascript and Integration modifications by J. Nieuwenhuizen and J. Van Breedam
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
$nocsrf = true;
// Image source definition
$pfb['down'] = '<i class="fa fa-level-down" title="No Rules are Defined using this Alias"></i>';
$pfb['up'] = '<i class="fa fa-level-up text-success" title="Rules are Defined using this Alias (# of fw rules defined)"></i>';
$pfb['err'] = '<i class="fa fa-minus-circle text-danger" title="pf Errors found."></i>';
// Widget customizations
$wglobal_array = array ('popup' => 'off', 'sortcolumn' => 'none', 'sortmix' => 'off', 'sortdir' => 'asc', 'dnsblquery' => 5,
'maxfails' => 3, 'maxheight' => 2500, 'clearip' => 'never', 'cleardnsbl' => 'never');
init_config_arr(array('installedpackages', 'pfblockerngglobal'));
$pfb['wglobal'] = &$config['installedpackages']['pfblockerngglobal'];
foreach ($wglobal_array as $type => $value) {
$pfb[$type] = $pfb['wglobal']['widget-' . "{$type}"] ?: $value;
if ($_GET) {
// Called by Ajax to update failed download contents
if ($_GET['getNewFailed']) {
// Called by Ajax to update widget contents
elseif ($_GET['getNewWidget']) {
$pfb_table = pfBlockerNG_get_header('js');
pfBlockerNG_get_table('js', $pfb_table);
if ($_POST) {
// Save widget customizations
if (isset($_POST['pfb_submit'])) {
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-popup'] = $_POST['pfb_popup'] ?: 'off';
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-sortmix'] = $_POST['pfb_sortmix'] ?: 'off';
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-sortcolumn'] = $_POST['pfb_sortcolumn'] ?: 'none';
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-sortdir'] = $_POST['pfb_sortdir'] ?: 'asc';
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-clearip'] = $_POST['pfb_clearip'] ?: 'never';
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-cleardnsbl'] = $_POST['pfb_cleardnsbl'] ?: 'never';
if (ctype_digit($_POST['pfb_dnsblquery'])) {
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-dnsblquery'] = $_POST['pfb_dnsblquery'];
// Restart pfb_dnsbl service on Query frequency changes
if ($_POST['pfb_dnsblquery'] != $pfb['dnsblquery']) {
if (ctype_digit($_POST['pfb_maxfails'])) {
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-maxfails'] = $_POST['pfb_maxfails'];
if (ctype_digit($_POST['pfb_maxheight'])) {
$pfb['wglobal']['widget-maxheight'] = $_POST['pfb_maxheight'];
// Define pfBlockerNG clear [ dnsbl and/or IP ] counter CRON job
foreach (array( 'clearip', 'cleardnsbl') as $type) {
if ($pfb['wglobal']['widget-' . $type] != 'never') {
$pfb_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php {$type} >/dev/null 2>&1";
$pfb_day = '*';
if ($pfb['wglobal']['widget-' . $type] == 'weekly') {
$pfb_day = '7';
if (!pfblockerng_cron_exists($pfb_cmd, '0', '0', '*', $pfb_day)) {
install_cron_job("pfblockerng.php {$type}", false);
install_cron_job($pfb_cmd, true, '0', '0', '*', '*', $pfb_day, 'root');
else {
install_cron_job("pfblockerng.php {$type}", false);
// Remove old settings
if (isset($pfb['wglobal']['widget-maxpivot'])) {
write_config('pfBlockerNG: Saved Widget customizations via Dashboard');
header("Location: /");
// Clear widget Failed downloads
elseif ($_POST['pfblockerngack']) {
exec("{$pfb['sed']} -i '' 's/FAIL/Fail/g' {$pfb['errlog']}");
header("Location: /");
// Clear widget IP/DNSBL Packet Counts
elseif ($_POST['pfblockerngclearall']) {
header("Location: /");
// Clear widget IP Packet Counts
elseif ($_POST['pfblockerngclearip']) {
header("Location: /");
// Clear widget DNSBL Packet Counts
elseif ($_POST['pfblockerngcleardnsbl']) {
header("Location: /");
// Sort widget table according to user configuration
function pfbsort(&$array, $subkey, $sort_ascending) {
if (empty($array)) {
if (count($array)) {
$temp_array[key($array)] = array_shift($array);
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
$offset = 0;
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($temp_array as $tmp_key => $tmp_val) {
if (!$found) {
switch($subkey) {
case 'alias':
(strtolower($key) > strtolower($tmp_key)) ? $found = TRUE : $found = FALSE;
case 'update':
(strtotime($val[$subkey]) > strtotime($tmp_val[$subkey])) ? $found = TRUE : $found = FALSE;
(strtolower($val[$subkey]) > strtolower($tmp_val[$subkey])) ? $found = TRUE : $found = FALSE;
if ($found) {
$temp_array = array_merge((array)array_slice($temp_array, 0, $offset), array($key => $val), array_slice($temp_array, $offset));
if (!$found) {
$temp_array = array_merge($temp_array, array($key => $val));
if (!$sort_ascending) {
$array = array_reverse($temp_array);
} else {
$array = $temp_array;
// Collect all pfBlockerNG statistics
function pfBlockerNG_update_table() {
global $config, $pfb;
$pfb_table = $pfb_dtable = array();
$pfb['pfctlerr'] = FALSE;
/* Alias Table Definitions - 'update' - Last Updated Timestamp
'rule' - Total number of Firewall rules per alias
'count' - Total Line Count per alias
'packets' - Total number of pf packets per alias
'type' - Rule type - block|reject|pass|match
'id' - Alias key value */
exec("{$pfb['pfctl']} -vvsTables | {$pfb['grep']} -A4 'pfB_'", $pfb_pfctl);
$pfb_packets = pfSense_get_pf_rules();
if (!empty($pfb_pfctl)) {
foreach($pfb_pfctl as $line) {
$line = trim(str_replace(array( '[', ']' ), '', $line));
if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '-') {
$pfb_alias = trim(strstr($line, 'pfB', FALSE));
if (empty($pfb_alias)) {
exec("{$pfb['grep']} -cv '^1\.1\.1\.1$' {$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$pfb_alias}.txt", $match);
if (!isset($match[1])) {
$match[1] = 0;
$pfb_table[$pfb_alias] = array('count' => $match[1], 'img' => $pfb['down']);
exec("{$pfb['ls']} -l -D'%b %d %T' {$pfb['aliasdir']}/{$pfb_alias}.txt | {$pfb['awk']} '{ print $6,$7,$8 }'", $update);
$pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['update'] = $update[0];
$pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['rule'] = 0;
unset($match, $update);
if (isset($pfb_alias)) {
if (substr($line, 0, 9) == 'Addresses') {
$addr = trim(substr(strrchr($line, ':'), 1));
$pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['count'] = $addr;
foreach ($pfb_packets as $pkey => $prule) {
if (strpos($prule['label'], ": {$pfb_alias}") !== FALSE ||
strpos($prule['label'], ": " . str_replace('pfB_', 'pfb_', $pfb_alias)) !== FALSE) {
$pfb_table[$pfb_alias]['packets'] += $prule['packets'];
else {
// Error. No pf labels found.
$pfb['pfctlerr'] = TRUE;
// Determine if firewall rules are defined
if (isset($config['filter']['rule'])) {
foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $rule) {
// Skip disabled rules
if (isset($rule['disabled'])) {
if (isset($rule['source']['address']) && stripos($rule['source']['address'], 'pfb_') !== FALSE) {
$pfb_table[$rule['source']['address']]['img'] = $pfb['up'];
$pfb_table[$rule['source']['address']]['rule'] += 1;
$pfb_table[$rule['source']['address']]['type'] = ucfirst($rule['type']) ?: 'unknown';
if (isset($rule['destination']['address']) && stripos($rule['destination']['address'], 'pfb_') !== FALSE) {
$pfb_table[$rule['destination']['address']]['img'] = $pfb['up'];
$pfb_table[$rule['destination']['address']]['rule'] += 1;
$pfb_table[$rule['destination']['address']]['type'] = ucfirst($rule['type']) ?: 'unknown';
// Collect pfB Alias ID for popup
if (isset($config['aliases']['alias'])) {
foreach ($config['aliases']['alias'] as $key => $alias) {
if (isset($pfb_table[$alias['name']])) {
$pfb_table[$alias['name']]['id'] = $key;
// DNSBL collect statistics
if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on') {
$pfb['dnsbl_missing'] = TRUE; // Flag to indicate error message to user in widget
$db_handle = pfb_open_sqlite(1, 'Widget stats');
if ($db_handle) {
$result = $db_handle->query("SELECT * FROM dnsbl;");
if ($result) {
while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
if ($res['entries'] == 'disabled') {
$pfb_dtable[$res['groupname']] = array ('count' => 'disabled', 'img' => $pfb['down']);
} else {
$pfb_dtable[$res['groupname']] = array ('count' => $res['entries'], 'img' => $pfb['up']);
$pfb_dtable[$res['groupname']]['update'] = "{$res['timestamp']}";
$pfb_dtable[$res['groupname']]['packets']= "{$res['counter']}";
$pfb_dtable[$res['groupname']]['type'] = 'DNSBL';
// Sort tables per sort customization
if ($pfb['sortcolumn'] != 'none') {
if ($pfb['sortdir'] == 'asc') {
if ($pfb['sortmix'] == 'on') {
$pfb_table = array_merge($pfb_table, $pfb_dtable);
pfbsort($pfb_table, $pfb['sortcolumn'], FALSE);
} else {
pfbsort($pfb_table, $pfb['sortcolumn'], FALSE);
pfbsort($pfb_dtable, $pfb['sortcolumn'], FALSE);
} else {
if ($pfb['sortmix'] == 'on') {
$pfb_table = array_merge($pfb_table, $pfb_dtable);
pfbsort($pfb_table, $pfb['sortcolumn'], TRUE);
} else {
pfbsort($pfb_table, $pfb['sortcolumn'], TRUE);
pfbsort($pfb_dtable, $pfb['sortcolumn'], TRUE);
if ($pfb['sortcolumn'] == 'none' || $pfb['sortmix'] == 'off') {
$pfb_table = array_merge($pfb_table, $pfb_dtable);
return $pfb_table;
// Called on initial load and Ajax to update Failed download contents (Create href to Alias/Group editor)
function pfBlockerNG_get_failed() {
global $config, $pfb;
$response = '';
// Collect any failed downloads
exec("{$pfb['grep']} 'FAIL' {$pfb['errlog']} | {$pfb['grep']} $(date +%m/%d/%y)", $results);
$results = array_reverse($results);
if (!empty($results)) {
$list_type = array( 'pfblockernglistsv4' => 'ipv4', 'pfblockernglistsv6' => 'ipv6', 'pfblockerngdnsbl' => 'dnsbl' );
$emheight = ($pfb['maxfails'] * 1.37) + 0.1;
$response .= "\r";
$response .= "<ol style=\"white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-height: {$emheight}em; overflow-y: scroll;\"><small>";
$tab6 = "\t\t\t\t\t";
$tab7 = "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
$counter = 1;
foreach ($results as $result) {
$result = htmlspecialchars($result);
if (substr($result, 3, 4) == 'pfB_') {
$header = str_replace(' [ pfB_', '', strstr($result, ' - ', TRUE));
$pfb_prefix = 'pfB_';
} else {
$header = str_replace(' [ DNSBL_', '', strstr($result, ' - ', TRUE));
$pfb_prefix = 'DNSBL_';
// Remove trailing IP type
$suffix = substr($header, -3);
if ($suffix == '_v4' || $suffix == '_v6') {
$f_alias = substr($header, 0, -3);
} else {
$f_alias = $header;
if ($f_alias != $p_alias) {
$pfb_found = FALSE;
foreach ($list_type as $conf_type => $type) {
if (is_array($config['installedpackages'][$conf_type]['config'])) {
foreach ($config['installedpackages'][$conf_type]['config'] as $key => $alias) {
if ($alias['aliasname'] == $f_alias) {
$pfb_found = TRUE;
break 2;
else {
$pfb_found = TRUE;
if ($pfb_found) {
$link = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_category_edit.php?type={$type}&act=edit&rowid={$key}\" ";
$link .= "\"title=\"Click to view Alias\" >{$pfb_prefix}{$f_alias}</a>";
$final = str_replace("{$pfb_prefix}{$f_alias}", $link, $result);
$p_alias = $f_alias;
else {
$final = $result;
$p_alias = '';
if ($counter == 1) {
$response .= "{$tab6}<li>{$final}&emsp;\n{$tab7}<i class=\"fa fa-trash-o icon-pointer\" id=\"pfblockerngackicon\"
title=\"" . gettext("Clear Failed Downloads") . "\" ></i></li>\n";
} else {
$response .= "{$tab6}<li>{$final}</li>\n";
$response .= "</small>
} else {
// Print MaxMind version when failed downloads is null
$maxver = htmlspecialchars( exec("grep -o 'Last-.*' /var/log/pfblockerng/maxmind_ver"));
$response .= "&emsp;<small>MaxMind: {$maxver}</small>";
print ($response);
// Called on initial load and Ajax to update header contents
function pfBlockerNG_get_header($mode='') {
global $config, $pfb;
$response = '';
$pfb_table = pfBlockerNG_update_table();
$pfb_table['stats'] = $pfb_table['counts'] = array();
$types = array_flip(array('Deny', 'Pass', 'Match'));
if (!empty($pfb_table)) {
foreach ($pfb_table as $pfb_alias => $values) {
// TODO: Split Deny evaluations into Block and Reject
if ($values['type'] == 'Block' || $values['type'] == 'Reject') {
$values['type'] = 'Deny';
if (!isset($values['id'])) {
$pfb_table['stats']['DNSBL'] += $values['packets'];
$pfb_table['counts']['DNSBL'] += $values['count'];
elseif (isset($values['id']) && isset($types[$values['type']])) {
$pfb_table['stats'][$values['type']] += $values['packets'];
$pfb_table['counts'][$values['type']] += $values['count'];
foreach ($types as $key => $type) {
if (!isset($pfb_table['stats'][$key])) {
$pfb_table['stats'][$key] = 0;
if (!isset($pfb_table['counts'][$key])) {
$pfb_table['counts'][$key] = 0;
// Status indicator if pfBlockerNG is enabled/disabled
if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on') {
$pfb_status = 'fa fa-check-circle text-success';
$pfb_msg = 'pfBlockerNG is Active.';
// Check Masterfile Database Sanity
if ($pfb['config']['enable_dup'] == 'on') {
$db_sanity = exec("{$pfb['grep']} 'Sanity check' {$pfb['logdir']}/pfblockerng.log | tail -1 | {$pfb['grep']} -o 'PASSED'");
if ($db_sanity != 'PASSED') {
$pfb_status = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning';
$pfb_msg = 'pfBlockerNG deDuplication is out of sync. Perform a Force Reload to correct.';
} else {
$pfb_status = 'fa fa-times-circle text-danger';
$pfb_msg = 'pfBlockerNG is Disabled.';
$unbound_validate = FALSE;
if ($pfb['dnsbl_mode'] == 'dnsbl_python') {
$py_mode = '(Python mode)';
if (strpos(file_get_contents("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf"), '') !== FALSE) {
$unbound_validate = TRUE;
} else {
$py_mode = '(Unbound mode)';
if (strpos(file_get_contents("{$pfb['dnsbldir']}/unbound.conf"), 'pfb_dnsbl') !== FALSE) {
$unbound_validate = TRUE;
// Status indicator if DNSBL is actively running
if ($pfb['enable'] == 'on' && $pfb['dnsbl'] == 'on' && $pfb['unbound_state'] == 'on' && $unbound_validate) {
// Check DNSBL Database Sanity
$db_sanity = exec("{$pfb['grep']} 'DNSBL update' {$pfb['logdir']}/pfblockerng.log | tail -1 | {$pfb['grep']} -o 'OUT OF SYNC'");
if ($db_sanity == 'OUT OF SYNC') {
$dnsbl_status = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning';
$dnsbl_msg = "DNSBL {$py_mode} is out of sync. Perform a Force Reload to correct.";
} else {
$dnsbl_status = 'fa fa-check-circle text-success';
$dnsbl_msg = "DNSBL {$py_mode} is Active on vip: {$pfb['dnsbl_vip']} ports: {$pfb['dnsbl_port']} & {$pfb['dnsbl_port_ssl']}";
// Check for any Python Integration errors
if ($pfb['dnsbl_mode'] == 'dnsbl_python' && (int)@filesize($pfb['pyerrlog']) > 0) {
$dnsbl_status = 'fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning';
$dnsbl_msg = "DNSBL {$py_mode} errors Found! Review py_error.log";
} else {
$dnsbl_status = 'fa fa-times-circle text-danger';
// Check for any Python Integration errors
if ($pfb['dnsbl_mode'] == 'dnsbl_python' && (int)@filesize($pfb['pyerrlog']) > 0) {
$dnsbl_msg = "DNSBL {$py_mode} is Disabled with errors! Review py_error.log";
} else {
$dnsbl_msg = "DNSBL {$py_mode} is Disabled.";
// Collect folder/file counts
$stats = array();
$widget_head = array ( array ( 'Deny' => '',
'Pass' => '',
'Match' => '',
'Suppression' => "{$pfb['supptxt']}"),
array ( 'DNSBL' => '',
'Queries' => '',
'Percent' => '',
'Whitelist' => "{$pfb['dnsbl_supptxt']}"));
foreach ($widget_head as $key => $line) {
foreach ($line as $type => $file_path) {
$stats[$key][$type] = 0;
if ($type == 'DNSBL') {
if ($pfb['dnsbl_missing']) {
$stats[$key][$type] = "<span title='*** SQLite database missing, Force Reload DNSBL to recover! ***'>Unknown</span>";
} else {
$stats[$key][$type] = $pfb_table['stats']['DNSBL'];
elseif (($type == 'Suppression' || $type == 'Whitelist') && file_exists("{$file_path}")) {
$gcount = exec("{$pfb['grep']} -c ^ {$file_path} 2>&1");
if (is_numeric($gcount)) {
$stats[$key][$type] = number_format( $gcount, 0, '', ',' ) ?: 0;
} else {
$stats[$key][$type] = $gcount ?: 0;
elseif ($type == 'Queries') {
$resolver = array();
$pfb_found = FALSE;
$db_handle = pfb_open_sqlite(3, 'Resolver collect queries');
if ($db_handle) {
$result = $db_handle->query("SELECT * FROM resolver WHERE row = 0;");
if ($result) {
while ($qstats = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
$pfb_found = TRUE;
$resolver[] = $qstats;
// Create new row
if (!$pfb_found) {
$db_update = "INSERT INTO resolver ( row, totalqueries, queries ) VALUES ( 0, 0, 0 );";
$db_handle->exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"
. "{$db_update}"
$stats[$key][$type] = ($resolver[0]['totalqueries'] ?: 0) + ($resolver[0]['queries'] ?: 0);
elseif ($type == 'Percent') {
if (is_numeric($stats[1]['DNSBL']) && $stats[1]['DNSBL'] > 0 && is_numeric($stats[1]['Queries']) && $stats[1]['Queries'] > 0) {
$stats[$key][$type] = number_format( min( ($stats[1]['DNSBL'] / $stats[1]['Queries']) * 100, 100), 2);
} else {
$stats[$key][$type] = 0;
elseif (is_numeric($pfb_table['stats'][$type])) {
$stats[$key][$type] = number_format($pfb_table['stats'][$type], 0, '', ',' ) ?: 0;
else {
$stats[$key][$type] = $pfb_table['stats'][$type] ?: 0;
if (is_numeric($stats[1]['DNSBL'])) {
$stats[1]['DNSBL'] = number_format($stats[1]['DNSBL'], 0, '', ',' ) ?: 0;
if (is_numeric($stats[1]['Queries'])) {
$stats[1]['Queries'] = number_format($stats[1]['Queries'], 0, '', ',' ) ?: 0;
if (isset($pfb_table['stats'])) {
$counts = array();
if (isset($pfb_table['counts'])) {
foreach ($pfb_table['counts'] as $key => $line) {
if (is_numeric($line)) {
$counts[$key] = number_format($line, 0, '', ',' ) ?: 0;
} else {
$counts[$key] = $line ?: 0;
// Update values via AJAX
if ($mode == 'js') {
foreach ($stats as $key => $group) {
foreach ($group as $type => $value) {
if ($type == 'Suppression') {
} elseif ($type == 'Whitelist') {
} else {
// Update titles
print("Deny||Number of BLOCK & REJECT packet(s) blocked: {$stats[0]['Deny']}_BR_Total Count: {$counts['Deny']}||title\n");
print("Pass||Number of PASS packet(s) passed: {$stats[0]['Pass']}_BR_Total Count: {$counts['Pass']}||title\n");
print("Match||Number of MATCH packet(s) matched: {$stats[0]['Match']}_BR_Total Count: {$counts['Match']}||title\n");
// Don't add DNSBL title if entry is "Unknown"
if (!isset($pfb['dnsbl_missing'])) {
print("DNSBL||Number of DNSBL Packet(s) blocked: {$stats[1]['DNSBL']}_BR_Total Count: {$counts['DNSBL']}||title\n");
else {
else {
$tab4 = "\t\t\t\t";
$tab5 = "\t\t\t\t\t";
$tab6 = "\t\t\t\t\t\t";
$tab7 = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t";
$tdl = "style=\"text-align: left;\"";
// FA Icons
$faicon = array(array( 'times text-danger', 'check text-success', 'filter', 'list-ol'),
array( 'times text-danger', 'history', 'percent', 'list-ol'));
// Title descriptions
$titles = array ( array ( 'Deny' => "Number of BLOCK & REJECT packet(s) blocked: {$stats[0]['Deny']}"
. "\nTotal Count: {$counts['Deny']}",
'Pass' => "Number of PASS packet(s) passed: {$stats[0]['Pass']}"
. "\nTotal Count: {$counts['Pass']}",
'Match' => "Number of MATCH packet(s) matched: {$stats[0]['Match']}"
. "\nTotal Count: {$counts['Match']}",
'Suppression' => 'Number of IP entries in the Suppression List'),
array ( 'DNSBL' => "Number of DNSBL Packet(s) blocked: {$stats[1]['DNSBL']}"
. "\nTotal Count: {$counts['DNSBL']}",
'Queries' => 'Number of Unbound Resolver Queries since last clearing',
'Percent' => 'Percentage of Domains Blocked vs Unbound Resolver Queries',
'Whitelist' => 'Number of Domain entries in the DNSBL Whitelist'));
foreach ($stats as $key => $line) {
$col = 0;
// Print IP widget statistics
if ($key == 0 && $col == 0) {
print("<tr>\n{$tab5}<td {$tdl} title=\"{$pfb_msg}\"><i class=\"PFBSTATUS {$pfb_status}\">"
. "</i>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>IP</strong></td>\n");
// Print DNSBL widget statistics
elseif ($key == 1 && $col == 0) {
print("\n{$tab4}<tr>\n{$tab5}<td {$tdl} title=\"{$dnsbl_msg}\"><i class=\"DNSBLSTATUS {$dnsbl_status}\">"
. "</i>&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>DNSBL</strong></td>\n");
// Print widget data
foreach ($line as $data => $value) {
if ($data == 'Suppression' || $data == 'Whitelist') {
$d_type = ($data == 'Suppression') ? 'ip' : 'dnsbl';
print("{$tab5}<td {$tdl} title=\"{$titles[$key][$data]}\"><i class=\"fa fa-{$faicon[$key][$col]}\"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;"
. "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_{$d_type}.php#{$data}\" title=\"Link to {$data}\">"
. "<small><span class=\"pfb_{$data}\">{$value}</span></small></a></td>\n");
else {
print("{$tab5}<td {$tdl} class=\"pfb_title_{$data}\" title=\"{$titles[$key][$data]}\">"
. "<i class=\"fa fa-{$faicon[$key][$col]}\"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;"
. "<small><span class=\"pfb_{$data}\">{$value}</span></small></td>\n");
// Print 'Click to Open Logs tab' icon
if ($key == 0) {
print("{$tab5}<td>\n{$tab6}<a target='_blank' href='pfblockerng/pfblockerng_log.php' "
. "title='" . gettext("Click to open Logs tab") . "'>\n{$tab7}<i class='fa fa-list-alt'></i>\n{$tab5}</a></td>\n"
. "{$tab4}</tr>");
elseif ($key == 1) {
// Use pfb_table array for next table function
return $pfb_table;
// Update table contents
function pfBlockerNG_get_table($mode='', $pfb_table) {
global $pfb;
$counter = 0; $dcounter = 1; $response = '';
if (!empty($pfb_table)) {
$last_line = end($pfb_table);
foreach ($pfb_table as $pfb_alias => $values) {
if (is_numeric($values['count'])) {
$values['count'] = number_format($values['count'], 0, '', ',' ) ?: 0;
if (strpos($pfb_alias, 'DNSBL_') !== FALSE) {
// Packet column pivot to Alerts Tab
if ($values['packets'] > 0) {
$packets = "<a href=\"/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_alerts.php?filterdnsbl={$pfb_alias}\" ";
$packets .= "target=\"_blank\" title=\"Click to view these packets in Alerts tab\" >{$values['packets']}</a>";
} else {
$packets = $values['packets'] ?: 0;
} else {
// Add firewall rules count associated with alias
$values['img'] = $values['img'] . '<span title="Alias Firewall Rule count"></span>';
if ($values['rule'] > 0) {
$values['img'] .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>({$values['rule']})</small>";
// If packet fence errors found, display error.
if ($pfb['pfctlerr']) {
$values['img'] = $pfb['err'];
// Packet column pivot to Alerts Tab
if ($values['packets'] > 0) {
$packets = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/pfblockerng/pfblockerng_alerts.php?filterip={$pfb_alias}\" ";
$packets .= "title=\"Click to view these packets in Alerts tab\" >{$values['packets']}</a>";
else {
$packets = $values['packets'] ?: 0;
// Alias table popup
if ($values['count'] > 0 && $pfb['popup'] == 'on') {
$pfb_alias = "<a href=\"/firewall_aliases_edit.php?id={$values['id']}\" data-popover=\"true\" "
. " data-trigger=\"hover focus\" title=\"pfBlockerNG Alias details\" data-content=\""
. alias_info_popup($values['id']) . "\" data-html=\"true\">{$pfb_alias}</a>";
if ($mode == 'js') {
print $response = "{$pfb_alias}||{$values['count']}||{$packets}||{$values['update']}||{$values['img']}\n";
else {
print ("<tr>
if ($values !== $last_line) {
print ("\n\t\t\t\t");
} else {
print ("\r");
<form id="formicons" action="/widgets/widgets/pfblockerng.widget.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal">
<input type="hidden" name="pfblockerngack" id="pfblockerngack" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="pfblockerngclear" id="pfblockerngclear" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="pfblockerngclearall" id="pfblockerngclearall" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="pfblockerngclearip" id="pfblockerngclearip" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="pfblockerngcleardnsbl" id="pfblockerngcleardnsbl" value="">
<!-- Print failed downloads (if any) -->
<div class="table-responsive">
<div id="pfBNG-failed">
<!-- Print failed contents, subsequent refresh by javascript function -->
<!-- Print Status header -->
<table class="table table-condensed">
<th width="17%"><!-- Status icon --></th>
<th width="17%"><!-- IP/DNSBL count --></th>
<th width="17%"><!-- Permit count --></th>
<th width="17%"><!-- Match count --></th>
<th width="17%"><!-- Supp/White --></th>
<th width="15%"><!-- Icons --></th>
<tbody id="pfBNG-header">
<!-- Print header contents, subsequent refresh by javascript function -->
$pfb_table = pfBlockerNG_get_header();
<!-- Print main table header -->
<div class="table-responsive" style="max-height: <?=$pfb['maxheight'];?>px; overflow: auto;">
<table id="pfb-tbl" class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed sortable-theme-bootstrap" data-sortable>
<th title="The count can be a mixture of Single IPs or CIDR values"><?=gettext("Count");?></th>
<th title="Total Packet counts by IP Alias / DNSBL Group"><?=gettext("Packets");?>
<i class='fa fa-trash-o icon-pointer' id='pfblockerngclearicon' title="Clear Packets"></i>
<th title="Last Update (Date/Time) of the Alias"><?=gettext("Updated");?></th>
<tbody id="pfBNG-table">
<!-- Print table contents, subsequent refresh by javascript function -->
<?=pfBlockerNG_get_table('', $pfb_table);?>
<!-- Widget customization settings wrench -->
<div id="widget-<?=$widgetname?>_panel-footer" class="panel-footer collapse">
<form action="/widgets/widgets/pfblockerng.widget.php" method="post" class="form-horizontal">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-sm-8 control-label">Enable Alias Table Popup</label>
<div class="col-sm-2 checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="pfb_popup" value="on"
<?=($pfb['popup'] == "on" ? 'checked' : '')?> /></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_clearip" class="col-sm-8 control-label">Enter frequency to clear the IP counters</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select name="pfb_clearip" class="form-control">
<?php foreach (array('never' => gettext('Never'), 'daily' => gettext('Daily'), 'weekly' => gettext('Weekly'))
as $clearip => $cleartype):?>
<option value="<?=$clearip?>" <?=($clearip == $pfb['clearip'] ? 'selected' : '')?> ><?=$cleartype?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_cleardnsbl" class="col-sm-8 control-label">Enter frequency to clear the DNSBL/Unbound counters</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select name="pfb_cleardnsbl" class="form-control">
<?php foreach (array('never' => gettext('Never'), 'daily' => gettext('Daily'), 'weekly' => gettext('Weekly'))
as $cleardnsbl => $cleartype):?>
<option value="<?=$cleardnsbl?>" <?=($cleardnsbl == $pfb['cleardnsbl'] ? 'selected' : '')?> ><?=$cleartype?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_dnsblquery" class="col-sm-8 control-label">Enter DNSBL Resolver Query frequency (Default:5)</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="number" name="pfb_dnsblquery" value="<?=$pfb['dnsblquery']?>"
min="5" max="300" class="form-control" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_maxfails" class="col-sm-8 control-label">Enter number of download fails to display (default:3)</label>
<div class="col-sm-3">
<input type="number" name="pfb_maxfails" value="<?=$pfb['maxfails']?>"
min="1" max="20" class="form-control" />
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_sortcolumn" class="col-sm-8 control-label">Enter Sort Column</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<select name="pfb_sortcolumn" class="form-control">
<?php foreach (array('none' => gettext('None'), 'alias' => gettext('Alias'), 'count' => gettext('Count'),
'packets' => gettext('Packets'), 'update' => gettext('Update'))
as $sort => $sorttype):?>
<option value="<?=$sort?>" <?=($sort == $pfb['sortcolumn'] ? 'selected' : '')?> ><?=$sorttype?></option>
<?php endforeach;?>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_sortmix" class="col-sm-8 control-label"><?=gettext('Combined sort (IP/DNSBL)')?></label>
<div class="col-sm-2 checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="pfb_sortmix" value="on"
<?=($pfb['sortmix'] == "on" ? 'checked' : '')?> /></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_sortdir" class="col-sm-8 control-label"><?=gettext('Select sort direction')?></label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<label><input type="radio" name="pfb_sortdir" id="pfb_sortdir_asc" value="asc"
<?=($pfb['sortdir'] == "asc" ? 'checked' : '')?> /> <?=gettext('Ascending')?></label>
<label><input type="radio" name="pfb_sortdir" id="pfb_sortdir_des" value="des"
<?=($pfb['sortdir'] == "des" ? 'checked' : '')?> /> <?=gettext('Descending')?></label>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="pfb_maxheight" class="col-sm-8 control-label"><?=gettext('Widget max height in px (default:2500)')?></label>
<div class="col-sm-3">
<input type="number" name="pfb_maxheight" value="<?=$pfb['maxheight'];?>"
min="100" max="2500" step="10" class="form-control" />
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8">
<button type="submit" name="pfb_submit" id="pfb_submit" class="btn btn-primary">
<i class="fa fa-save icon-embed-btn"></i><?=gettext('Save Settings')?>
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