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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Denied Mods - Unabridged
* Adventure Backpack --- A neat mod, but it's functionalities are mostly covered by things from other mods. You're not going to get an all in one solution like this, but we have backpacks, bags, portable fluid tanks, portable crafting tables, tool swappers, armor which grants night vision, things that help with underwater breathing, etc.
* AOBD Berry Bushes addon --- The regular berry bushes are disabled in this pack.
* Aroma1997's Dimensional World --- Deep Dark is the mining dimension. It is great for quarrying, flat, and biomes correspond to what is in the overworld, so you can pretty much get any ore that you can get in the overworld. Another alternative is making mining dimensions yourself with RF Tools.
* Artifice --- Scaffolds are covered by open blocks, the worldgen bricks are covered by chisel and railcraft. There isn't much else to the mod but some hardened blocks and plants, which can be replicated by other mods as well.
* Aura Cascade --- Unfortunately I can guarantee x1000 nobody would touch this mod if it was in Unabridged. Its unique mechanics get utterly STEAMROLLED by other mods in this pack. It would be a disservice to this mod to include it as it is better suited for packs designed around it.
* Buffed Tools --- I can see the appeal, but it sort of ruins the vanilla vibe regular tools have. Not everyone will like it and it's mandatory for every tool you make. No bueno.
* Butterfly Mania --- Forestry butterflies not good enough for you? :P
* Calculator --- I tested a bit with it and i'm having issues figuring out exactly what it is capable of. If you would like to come discuss it with me on IRC I may be more apt to add it. As it stands right now, I can barely tell what it does. I will say it looks really neat though.
* Computercraft --- We have Open Computers.
* Draconic Evolution --- nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
* Engineer's Toolbox --- I like the machinery in this mod but with it comes a lot of unneccesary bloat. Once upon a time not long ago this mod was 4 separate mods. The core mod adds too much stuff. I don't need several useless ores, storage blocks, ingots, and everything else. Unlike the machinery, Engineer's Toolbox just isn't modular enough, so no.
* Extra Food --- There are enough food options already. Don't forget this is a pack where hunger isn't really a thing.
* Gib Mod --- ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ=/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿
* Hardcore Questing Mode --- I originally planned to have this mod in Unabridged, but I don't feel like it would fit in very well, even as a tutorial. I do plan on adding a small book players spawn with explaining a few things, but it wont need HQM.
* Hunger Overhaul --- There are certain features of this mod I like, and certain features I dislike. We've tested this mod with Unabridged and found most people just look for ways to avoid it, and avoid hunger all together. Honestly I'm not a fan of the hunger system in minecraft, especially in a pack like this where there are so many other things to do and worry about than hunger. This is why we have Hunger Strike, Heart Drop, and Natural Absorption. I feel this gives a much more "arcade" style feel to combat and the hunger system in general.
* IndustrialCraft 2 + its addons obviously --- One of the major changes I made before releasing this pack publically was removing IC2. It's one of those mods that I want to like, but I keep getting shafted by undeveloped and unfinished features. (I'm looking at you enet, transformers have been worthless since 1.6.4) I've tried to get involved in discussion about fixing these things, but the devs don't even respond or discuss with their community. Therefore IC2 is pretty much dead to me. Sorry. Go try and voice your opinions on the IC2 forums and see how you get treated (ignored) by the devs:
* Infinitely Tweakable Armor --- Crashed when I tried to add it, that's all the work i'm willing to spend trying to make this work. Doesn't look very useful to me either, armourer's workshop works with loads of other armors as well.
* Jaded Tweaks --- wat, why would we need this? "balance related stuff" is not reasoning
* Lapis Dimension --- This mod is shit. Also we have RF Tools which can make a dimension similar to the one described.
* Lucky Blocks --- I am familiar with this mod, while it does add some interesting randomness to exploration, it has the potential to be very overpowered, as well as the potential to grief the area it's set off in. If I were to add this I would disable the crafting recipe.
* Magical Crops --- STOP REQUESTING THIS OVER AND OVER! We have Agricraft. I've added custom crops for almost every ore in the game. I may do mob drop crops at some point in the future. Check out the recipes for the seeds in NEI. I do realize Magical Crops is compatible with agricraft, but the way it does things is very overpowered and it is bloated with a bunch of random blocks and armor.
* Magneticraft --- Looks neat but doesn't have much direction currently, it's in an unfinished state. I also know the modeler of this particular mod so I have a bit of insider information about its future. It's probably going to be made into another mod shortly and decommisioned. Plus it has "oil ores." bleh
* Metallurgy 4 --- It adds a lot of extra ores to the worldgen that will just turn out to be annoying for most people. Extra TiC adds enough extra materials on its own. Check out what it adds by default. If you would like to suggest some custom alloys I could probably make that happen.
* Mine Painter --- A neat niche mod, but its functionality is somewhat covered by the openblocks paint and stencil system. The sculpting can be mostly emulated by forge multipart and carpenter's blocks.
* MystCraft --- We have RF Tools.
* Natura --- I do like natura, and it's a good mod, but I don't think it would be anything more than extra bloat in this pack. Biomes O Plenty itself adds a lot to the nether. Plant mega pack covers all the foilage in the world pretty much, berry bushes, new crops, desert plants, etc. The trees aren't that much of an addition when you consider all the trees of BOP + Forestry. Also, there's the fact that it adds a bunch of worldgen stuff that can't be retro-genned.
* Pam's Harvestcraft (or other Pam mods) --- STOP REQUESTING IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN, really. If you want to discuss a denied mod, talk to me in IRC. I dislike all the worldgen this mod adds. The trees and fruits thematically overlap with stuff from forestry and other mods. I like the foods this mod adds but that's it. We have lots of crops from plant mega pack if you like farming.
* Pane in the Glass --- I would, but it has issues with 1.7.10, so no.
* Power Converters --- Steam engines. Steam turbines. It is not the same power converters that was in Ultimate as this is not Ultimate, it doesn't work the same way here.
* Practicalities --- This is an early/mid-game mod that adds OP things. Everything in this mod is pretty much in the pack already, in various forms.
* Quantumflux --- It trivializes a lot of things, and it's not very late game. People would make the stuff from this and never make a jetpack, alternate sets of armor, energy cables, or storage devices ever again. If you want to devise some alternate recipes to make it truly late game in this pack, feel free. It's not worth the time it would take me to properly integrate it.
* Quarry Plus --- Extra Utilities quarries are a good enough step up from the buildcraft ones.
* Rotatable Blocks --- I do like this mod and I actually tested with it in 1.7.2. Unfortunately it caused some errors during world gen events. These errors did involve gregtech, which we no longer have, but still there is a chance the same thing could happen again with another mod.
* Secret Rooms --- This mod is mostly used for camouflaging entrances and secret places. These functions are covered in this pack by carpenter's blocks and pistronics, which can make themselves look like anything.
* Storage Drawers: Biomes O Plenty Pack --- Not keen on using up a bunch more IDs. Wait until the mod author implements my suggestion of a drawer that works in the furniture paneler. This is in the works last I heard.
* Streams --- I've run into nothing but issues every time I tried it. It can be quite crashy. Would add if it was waaaaay more stable than it is currently.
* T.A.R.D.I.S. mod --- I like Doctor Who as well, but I feel like this does too much of the work for you. Make your own tardis out of an archimedes ship, with nested compact machines for the interior. (Which btw can route energy and AE and items and stuff through it's walls) We have all the stuff in order to make tardises already :P
* Tainted Magic --- I like it. I really want to add it but I'm not okay with adding a new ore. See if you can convince the mod author to add an alternate way of getting the shadow metal and I will consider it again!
* Thaumic Tinkerer --- If thaumic tinkerer was still like it was in 1.5 I would add it easily. But currently it's bloated to the point of barely being recognizable as the mod it once was. With world destroying fire, bedrock dimensions, and various other overpowerful things, it just doesn't fit in anymore in my opinion. Thaumcraft has it's own endgame now, and it's called "eldritch" KAMI no longer required. If you would like to extend your thaumcraft game try Forbidden Magic, Witching Gadgets, Thaumic Horizons, Thaumic Energistics, or Automagy.
* The spice of life --- This mod would remain intact with the current hunger situation in Unabridged, and would surely add an extra challenge, but my main problem is I don't like it. I'm not a fan of having to switch between multiple foods constantly, it feels very grindy to me.
* Thermal Science --- The problem with this is, there isn't much use in *having* IC2-like machines. It adds a wiremill that creates wires which are only used in its own machine recipes. While it does seem to be well done, there isn't much use in the machines it adds. I feel like it's trying too hard to be an IC2 clone. Also there are quite a few missing textures.
* TICK DYNAMIC --- Server admins can get their own mods.
* Torcherino --- Server owners would cry. If you want it in single player add it yourself.
* Villager's Nose --- no
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