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Created November 22, 2015 21:03
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Variable importance for Mixed Models <- function(model,type='lmg') {
if (!isLMM(model) & !isGLMM(model)) {
stop('Currently supports only lmer/glmer objects', call. = FALSE)
X <- getME(model,'X')
X <- X[,-1]
Y <- getME(model,'y')
s_resid <- sigma(model)
s_effect <- getME(model,'theta')*s_resid
s2 <- sum(s_resid^2,s_effect^2)
V <- Diagonal(x = s2,n=nrow(X))
YX <- cbind(Y,X)
cov_XY <- solve( t(YX) %*% solve(V) %*% as.matrix(YX))
colnames(cov_XY) <- rownames(cov_XY) <- colnames(YX)
importances <- calc.relimp(as.matrix(cov_XY),rela=T,type=type)
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