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Last active December 19, 2015 01:29
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Save BFTrick/5876275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A shell script to download the latest WooThemes updates from GitHub
# pull down all woothemes repos from github
echo "Hi there! Grab a cup of coffee. I'll pull down the latest updates from Github"
# declare where our repository folder is located
# declare where our test site is located
# declare our different repos
declare -a singlePlugins=("woocommerce" "wooslider" "woocommerce-pre-orders" "woocommerce-subscriptions" "woocommerce-product-feeds" "see-you-later" "groups-woocommerce" "woocommerce-product-vendors" "woocommerce-points-and-rewards" "woodojo" "woocommerce-gateway-stripe" "woocommerce-product-addons" "woocommerce-composite-products" "woocommerce-product-bundles" "woocommerce-product-csv-import-suite" "woocommerce-shipping-fedex" "woocommerce-table-rate-shipping" "woocommerce-software-add-on" "woocommerce-gateway-usa-epay" "woocommerce-xero" )
declare -a groupedPlugins=("WC-Payment-Gateways" "WC-Shipping-Methods" "woocommerce-plugins" "wooslider-extensions" "WC-Widgets")
declare -a groupedThemes=("all-themes")
# okay, let's move to the repository directory
cd $repositoryLocation
# loop through the single plugins and update them
echo "Updating individual plugin repos"
for i in "${singlePlugins[@]}"
cd $i
echo "Updating "$i
git checkout -q master
git fetch
git fetch --tags
# if we're pulling down woocommerce we should checkout the latest tag
if [ $i == "woocommerce" ]
latestTag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
echo "checking out "${latestTag}
git checkout -q ${latestTag}
git pull origin master
cd ../
cp -Rf $i ../$testSiteLocation/wp-content/plugins
echo "Done updating individual plugin repos"
# loop through the grouped plugins and update them
echo "Updating grouped plugin repos"
for i in "${groupedPlugins[@]}"
cd $i
echo "Updating "$i
git pull
cd ../
cp -Rf $i/. ../$testSiteLocation/wp-content/plugins
echo "Done updating grouped plugin repos"
# loop through the grouped themes and update them
echo "Updating grouped theme repos"
for i in "${groupedThemes[@]}"
cd $i
echo "Updating "$i
git pull
cd ../
cp -Rf $i/. ../$testSiteLocation/wp-content/themes
echo "Done updating grouped plugin repos"
# okay, let's move back to the main directory
echo "All done. You're ready to work!"
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