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Created January 22, 2016 19:11
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Excerpt from the Bengine GameEngine source
Matrix2x2 Matrix2x2::adjugate(const Matrix2x2& matrix)
return Matrix2x2(
matrix.c1r1 , -1 * matrix.c1r0,
-1 * matrix.c0r1 , matrix.c0r0);
float Matrix2x2::determinant(const Matrix2x2& matrix)
return matrix.c0r0 * matrix.c1r1 - matrix.c1r0 * matrix.c0r1;
Matrix2x2 Matrix2x2::inverse(const Matrix2x2& matrix)
return (1.0f / Matrix2x2::determinant(matrix)) * Matrix2x2::adjugate(matrix);
Matrix2x2 Matrix2x2::transpose(const Matrix2x2& matrix)
return Matrix2x2(
matrix.c0r0, matrix.c0r1,
matrix.c1r0, matrix.c1r1);
Matrix2x2 Matrix2x2::scale(const Vector2& scale)
return Matrix2x2(
scale.x, 0,
0, scale.y);
Matrix2x2 Matrix2x2::rotate(float thetaDegrees)
float thetaRadians = toRadians(thetaDegrees);
return Matrix2x2(
cos(thetaRadians), -1 * sin(thetaRadians),
sin(thetaRadians), cos(thetaRadians));
Matrix2x2 operator+(const Matrix2x2& left, const Matrix2x2& right)
return Matrix2x2(
left.c0r0 + right.c0r0, left.c1r0 + right.c1r0,
left.c0r1 + right.c0r1, left.c1r1 + right.c1r1);
Matrix2x2 operator-(const Matrix2x2& left, const Matrix2x2& right)
return Matrix2x2(
left.c0r0 - right.c0r0, left.c1r0 - right.c1r0,
left.c0r1 - right.c0r1, left.c1r1 - right.c1r1);
Vector2 operator*(const Matrix2x2& op, const Vector2& vec)
return Vector2(
vec.x * op.c0r0 + vec.y * op.c1r0,
vec.x * op.c0r1 + vec.y * op.c1r1);
Matrix2x2 operator*(float op, const Matrix2x2& matrix)
return Matrix2x2(
op * matrix.c0r0, op * matrix.c1r0,
op * matrix.c0r1, op * matrix.c1r1);
Matrix2x2 operator*(const Matrix2x2& left, const Matrix2x2& right)
return Matrix2x2(
left.c0r0 * right.c0r0 + left.c1r0 * right.c0r1, left.c0r0 * right.c1r0 + left.c1r0 * right.c1r1,
left.c0r1 * right.c0r0 + left.c1r1 * right.c0r1, left.c0r1 * right.c1r0 + left.c1r1 * right.c1r1);
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