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  • Save BGranberg/3178826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BGranberg/3178826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Export a group of feature classes (stored in ArcSDE) using a specified JSON structured text file as the input parameter. This script will build packaged and unpackaged zipped shape and zipped file geodatabase files, a folder structure, and a .bat file for
#working but in need of future refactoring (ex. change .bat to .py?)
#Runs off a locally stored .txt file containing JSON objects
#Writes zipped statewide gdb and shp data to outputRoot
#Writes .bat file with time stamp for replacing existing ftp site content
# jsonPackagesfile is a JSON data structure containing package objects. Each data package object
# consists of:
# ["Name"] the output name for the package,
# ["Category"] the category name it will be stored under, a blank means that it will pick up the category from the first feature class,
# ["ClipOptions"] not yet implemented, will tell whether the package and its contents should be clipped to counties
# ["FeatureClasses"] the list of featureclasses for the package
# ex JSON text file content:
# [
# {
# "Name": "StateCountyMunicipalBoundaries",
# "Category": "BOUNDARIES",
# "ClipOptions": "",
# "FeatureClasses": [
# "SGID10.BOUNDARIES.Counties",
# "SGID10.BOUNDARIES.Municipalities",
# "SGID10.BOUNDARIES.Municipalities_Carto",
# ]
# }
# ]
#keep JSON doc current @
#JSON can be verified at
# **************************
# SET THESE 4 parameters:
jsonPackagesfile = r'C:/sgidout/jsonpackages/jsonPackages_Boundaries_StateCountyMunicipalBoundaries.txt'
sdeConnectionStr = r'Database Connections\'
outPathRoot = r'C:\sgidout'
ftpPathRoot = r'J:\UtahSGID_Vector\UTM12_NAD83'
# **************************
import arcpy, zipfile, zlib, os, json, datetime
from time import strftime
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
def clipToCounties(inFC, clipFC, outputDir):
#placeholder for future clipping functionality
print "Clip To Counties STUB"
def zipws(path, zip, keep):
path = os.path.normpath(path)
# os.walk visits every subdirectory, returning a 3-tuple
# of directory name, subdirectories in it, and file names
# in it.
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path):
# Iterate over every file name
for file in filenames:
# Ignore .lock files
if not file.endswith('.lock'):
arcpy.AddMessage("Adding %s..." % os.path.join(path, dirpath, file))
if keep:
if os.path.join(dirpath, file).find('.zip') == -1:
zip.write(os.path.join(dirpath, file), os.path.join(os.path.basename(path), os.path.join(dirpath, file)[len(path)+len(os.sep):]))
if os.path.join(dirpath, file).find('gdb') == -1 and os.path.join(dirpath, file).find('.zip') == -1:
#print 'DP ' + dirpath
#print 'file0 ' + file.split(".")[0]
#print 'full ' + dirpath + file.split(".")[0] + '\\' + file
# file to write, location to write
#zip.write(os.path.join(dirpath, file), os.path.join(dirpath[len(path):], file))
zip.write(os.path.join(dirpath, file), file.split(".")[0] + '\\' + file)
except Exception, e:
arcpy.AddWarning(" Error adding %s: %s" % (file, e))
return None
outFileStr = ""
if not os.path.isdir(outPathRoot):
packagesJson = open(jsonPackagesfile)
packages = json.load(packagesJson)
for package in packages:
print "interating through packages"
print package
packageCategory = package["Category"]
if packageCategory == '':
#get from first featureclass in the package
packageCategory = package["FeatureClassses"][0].split(".")[0]
categoryFolderPath = os.path.join(outPathRoot, packageCategory)
if not os.path.isdir(categoryFolderPath):
packageFolderPath = os.path.join(outPathRoot,packageCategory, 'PackagedData','_Statewide', package["Name"])
unpackagedFolderPath = os.path.join(outPathRoot,packageCategory,'UnpackagedData')
if not os.path.isdir(packageFolderPath):
if not os.path.isdir(unpackagedFolderPath):
print "created folders"
print packageFolderPath
print unpackagedFolderPath
#make geodatabase
if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb")):
arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb"))
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb", "9.3")
print "package fgdb created"
# *** populate local packaged file geodatabase
for fc in package["FeatureClasses"]:
if arcpy.Exists(os.path.join(sdeConnectionStr,fc)):
#arcpy.GetCount_management(os.path.join(sdeConnectionStr, fc ))
#add feature class to local file geodatabase to be packaged later
arcpy.Copy_management(os.path.join(sdeConnectionStr,fc), os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb", fc))
print 'copy _mgt exception rasied'
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(os.path.join(sdeConnectionStr,fc), os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb"), fc.split(".")[2])
print "fc copied to package gdb"
#create another file gdb and copy to Unpackaged folder
fcUnpackagedFolderPath = os.path.join(unpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2], '_Statewide')
if not os.path.isdir(fcUnpackagedFolderPath):
print "created unpackaged statewide folder"
print fcUnpackagedFolderPath
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(fcUnpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2] + ".gdb", "9.3")
print "Error: unable to create 93 filegdb: " + os.path.join(fcUnpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2] + ".gdb")
print "created unpackaged gdb in "
print fcUnpackagedFolderPath
# *** populate local unpackaged file geodatabase
arcpy.Copy_management(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb", fc.split(".")[2]), os.path.join(fcUnpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2] + ".gdb", fc.split(".")[2]))
print "fc copied to unpackaged gdb"
print fc
zfGDBUnpackaged = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(fcUnpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2] + ''), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
zipws(os.path.join(fcUnpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2] +".gdb"), zfGDBUnpackaged, True)
print "unpackaged gdb zipped"
print fc
print zfGDBUnpackaged
arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(fcUnpackagedFolderPath, fc.split(".")[2]+ '.gdb'))
#do county or other level clipping here eventually
#if package[3] == 'SGID10.Boundaries.Counties':
# clipToCounties (package[3], 'SGID10.Boundaries.Counties', unpackagedFolderPath)
print "package gdb created"
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ".gdb")
#create zip file for shapefile package
zfSHP = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ''), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #Overwrite pre-existing files
#output zipped shapefiles for each feature class
fileGDB_FCs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fileGDB_FCs:
print "Starting " + fc
#create shapefile for the feature class
arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"]+".gdb", fc), packageFolderPath)
print "Exported " + os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"]+".gdb", fc) + " to shapefile at" + packageFolderPath
print "Could not export " + os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"]+".gdb", fc) + " to shapefile at" + packageFolderPath
#add to package zipfile package
zipws(packageFolderPath, zfSHP, False)
#create unpackaged zip file and move data into that zip file
zfSHPUnpackaged = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(unpackagedFolderPath, fc, '_Statewide', fc + ''), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
zipws(packageFolderPath, zfSHPUnpackaged, False)
# add to .bat file str for unpackaged data
outFileStr = outFileStr + "del " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory, 'UnpackagedData', fc, "_Statewide","*.*") + " /q\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "rmdir " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory,'UnpackagedData', fc, "_Statewide") + " /q\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "rmdir " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory,'UnpackagedData', fc) + " /q\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "mkdir " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory,'UnpackagedData', fc) + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "mkdir " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory,'UnpackagedData', fc, '_Statewide') + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "copy " + (os.path.join(unpackagedFolderPath, fc, '_Statewide', fc + '')) + " " + (os.path.join(ftpPathRoot,packageCategory,'UnpackagedData',fc,'_Statewide', fc + '')) + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "copy " + (os.path.join(unpackagedFolderPath, fc, '_Statewide', fc + '')) + " " + (os.path.join(ftpPathRoot,packageCategory,'UnpackagedData',fc,'_Statewide', fc + '')) + "\n"
#delete temporary shapefiles
arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, fc + ".shp"))
print "Could not delete " + os.path.join(packageFolderPath, fc + ".shp")
#zip package geodatabase
outFileStr = outFileStr + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "REM update PACKAGED GDB files" + "\n"
zfFGDB = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + ''), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
target_dir = os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"]+'.gdb')
rootlen = len(target_dir) + 1
for base, dirs, files in os.walk(target_dir):
for file in files:
fn = os.path.join(base, file)
zfFGDB.write(fn, package["Name"]+".gdb/" + fn[rootlen:])
# add to .bat file str for packages
outFileStr = outFileStr + "del " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory, 'PackagedData', '_Statewide', package["Name"],"*.*") + " /q\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "rmdir " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory, 'PackagedData', '_Statewide', package["Name"]) + " /q\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "mkdir " + os.path.join(ftpPathRoot, packageCategory,'PackagedData','_Statewide', package["Name"]) + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "copy " + (os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + '')) + ' ' + (os.path.join(ftpPathRoot,packageCategory,'PackagedData','_Statewide',package["Name"],package["Name"] + '')) + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + "copy " + (os.path.join(packageFolderPath, package["Name"] + '')) + ' ' + (os.path.join(ftpPathRoot,packageCategory,'PackagedData','_Statewide',package["Name"],package["Name"] + '')) + "\n"
outFileStr = outFileStr + ('\n')
#delete temp geodatabase
outfile = open(os.path.join(outPathRoot,"movesgidout_" + package["Name"] + "_" + strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".bat"), "w")
# write .bat file
outfile.write('REM Started: ' + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n")
outfile.write('REM Finished: ' + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\n")
outfile.write(outFileStr + '\n')
print "Completed"
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