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Forked from deepal/
Created April 1, 2017 07:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, random, sys, hashlib, struct, thread, socket
from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer
from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP
ANONYMOUS_FILEPATH = "/home/deepal/anonymous/" # This is the location where anonymously uploaded files are saved
PRIV_KEY_LOC = "/home/deepal/Desktop/id_rsa"
PUB_KEY_LOC = "/home/deepal/Desktop/"
USER_HOME = os.path.expanduser("~") # get the user's home directory
TCP_CON_PORT = 9988 # TCP port for reverse connection - return Integrity validation results
def send_validation_result(result): # this function uses a seperate socket connection to the client to send integrity validation results
csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # create a TCP (STREAM) socket
csock.connect((CLIENT_HOST, TCP_CON_PORT)) # connect to the client
csock.send(result) # send the integrity validation result to the client
csock.close() # close the socket connection
def validation_server(port): # this method listens for integrity validation results sent by the server
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # create a TCP socket
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # set socket options to allow address reuse. This is important because when testing my client and the server is on the same machine
sock.bind(("",port)) # bind the server to all interfaces
sock.listen(2) # listen for incoming connections
(client, (ip, clientport)) = sock.accept() # accept a socket connection
data = client.recv(2048) # accept any data sent by the server
if(data == "1"):
print "[*] Integrity validation Passed!" # if the server sent "1", integrity validation passed
print "[-] Integrity validation Failed!!! File has been modified" # else, integrity validation failed
os._exit(0) # once integrity validation results are received, forcible quit the program. This is needed since we are in an infinite while loop at line 167
class MyHandler(FTPHandler): #FTP server handler
def on_file_received(self, filepath): # Once the file is received by the server, trigger this event
decrypt(filepath) # decrypt the encrypted file at 'filepath'
os.system("rm "+filepath) # remove encrypted file after decrypting and saving
def validateIntegrity(orighash, destfilepath): # Validate the integrity of the received file
desthash = hashlib.md5(open(destfilepath, "rb").read()).hexdigest() # calculate the received and decrypted file's MD5 checksum
return True # If the original hash matches the decrypted file's hash, return true
os.system("rm "+destfilepath) # If two hashed do not match, file is either corrupted or modified in the middle. So delete the file..
return False # ..and return false
def decrypt(filepath): # function to decrypt files
print "[!] Starting decryption...."
dec_filename = ANONYMOUS_FILEPATH + os.path.basename(filepath).strip(".enc")
inFile = open(filepath,"r") # open the file to be decrypted as read-only
chunksize=64*1024 # set the chunk size which is used as the block for block decryption
hash = # read the first 32 bytes from the file which contains the original file's hash
encAESKey = # read second 512 bytes which is the RSA enrypted AES symmetric key
#####decrypt AES symmetric key using RSA decryption with private key####
private_key_loc = PRIV_KEY_LOC
privkey = open(private_key_loc, "r").read() # open the SSH private key used for decryption
rsakey = RSA.importKey(privkey)
rsakey = # use OAEP to create cipher for decryption
aes_key = rsakey.decrypt(encAESKey) # decrypt the AES symmetric key using RSA decryption
origsize = struct.unpack('<Q','Q')))[0] # calculate the original file size
iv = # extract next 16 bytes as the 16 bytes initialization vector
decryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) # create new AES Decryptor object
with open(dec_filename, 'wb') as outfile:
while True:
chunk =
if len(chunk) == 0:
outfile.write(decryptor.decrypt(chunk)) # decrypt the file chunk by chunk using the created decryptor
outfile.truncate(origsize) # truncate the decrypted file to the original size
print "[+] File was decrypted and saved at \""+dec_filename+"\""
print "[!] Validating integrity..."
if (validateIntegrity(hash, dec_filename)): # call the integrity validator, pass the extracted original file's hash and the decrypted file's location to the function
print "[+] Integrity validation Passed!"
print "[-] Integrity validation Failed!"
return dec_filename
def encrypt(filepath):
print "[!] Starting Encryption...."
aes_key = os.urandom(32) # generate a 32 bit secret key using the random number generator
out_filename = filepath + ".enc"
filehash = hashlib.md5(open(filepath).read()).hexdigest() # calculate the MD5 hash of the file to be sent
public_key_loc = PUB_KEY_LOC
#public key encryption of the symmetric key
pubkey = open(public_key_loc, "r").read() # open the SSH public key of the destination server
rsakey = RSA.importKey(pubkey) # import the public key
rsakey = # create the cipher using OAEP with RSA
encKey = rsakey.encrypt(aes_key) # encrypt the generated 21 bit AES key to be shared with the server
outFile = open(out_filename,"w+") # Open a new file which will be our encrypted file
outFile.write(filehash) # write the calculated MD5 hash of the original file at the begining of the file
outFile.write(encKey) # then, write the encrypted AES key, to the file
iv = ''.join(chr(random.randint(0, 0xFF)) for i in range(16)) # generate a 16 byte IV - Initialization vector which is used by AES algorithm with CBC to encrypt the first block of the file
encryptor =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) # create a new encryptor object
filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath) # calculate the size of the original file which we are going to encrypt
chunksize=64*1024 # initialize chunk size for block encryption
with open(filepath, 'rb') as infile:
outFile.write(struct.pack('<Q', filesize)) # interpret the data string of the file as a packed binary data. This is needed at the destination to truncate the file to its original size.
outFile.write(iv) # write the generated IV to the file. IV is needed by the destination to decrypt only the first block of encrypted data
while True:
chunk = # read a chunk of data from the file
if len(chunk) == 0:
break # if the chunk is empty, obviously file has been completed reading. So break the reading operation
elif len(chunk) % 16 != 0:
chunk += ' ' * (16 - len(chunk) % 16) # if the chunk's size is not a multiple of 16 bytes, it needs to be padded so that it can be block encrypted. So add spaces as paddinig
outFile.write(encryptor.encrypt(chunk)) # encrypt the chunk and write the encrypted chunk to the file
print "[+] Encryption successful!"
return out_filename # return the encrypted file's path to the caller (client)
def startServer():
authorizer = DummyAuthorizer() # create a new FTP authorizer
authorizer.add_anonymous(USER_HOME + "/anonymous", perm='elradfmwM') # add anonymous user, set the directory for anonymous file uploads and give enough permissions to the anonymous user
# permissions are denoted by the charactors 'elradfmwM'. To see what they means please visit,
handler = MyHandler # select the created custom FTP hander
handler.authorizer = authorizer # assign the authorizer to the handler
handler.banner = "Server Ready.." # server banner is returned when the client calls a getWelcomeMessage() call
hostname = "" # hostname is empty, which implies all interfaces (
address = (hostname,21)
server = FTPServer(address, handler) # start listening on port 21 on all interfaces
server.max_cons = 10 # maximum number of simultanious connections per time
server.serve_forever() # start the server
def startClient():
from ftplib import FTP # import ftplib for FTP client operation
thread.start_new_thread(validation_server, (TCP_CON_PORT,)) # start the validation server in a seperate thread so that it runs seperately from the client
hostname = sys.argv[2] # read the second command line argumand to the python script as the destination FTP server hostname
ftp = FTP(hostname) # create a new FTP object associated with the desired host
ftp.login() # anonymously login to the FTP server
filepath = sys.argv[3] # read the 3rd command line argument as the path of the file to be transfered to the server
encFilepath = encrypt(filepath) # call the encryption function to encrypt the file
localfile = open(encFilepath,"rb") # open the encrypted file
print "[!] File Transfer in Progress...."
result = ftp.storbinary("STOR "+str(os.path.basename(encFilepath)),localfile) # transfer the encrypted file to the FTP server using raw FTP STOR command. Result of the data transfer will be returned
except Exception as e:
print e # print any exception occured
print str(result) # if no exception occured, show the result
os.system("rm "+encFilepath) # once the file transfer is successfully completed, remove the encrypted version of the file
print "[!] Waiting for integrity validation..."
while True:
def main():
method = sys.argv[1] # read the first command line argument to this python script
if(method == "server"):
startServer() # if the argument is equal to "server" start FTP server
elif(method == "client"):
startClient() # if the argument is "client" continue as a client
print "[-] Unknown method! Exiting.." # if the argument is unknown, exit program
if __name__=="__main__":
main() # run the main function
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