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Created May 10, 2021 16:06
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Greedy Meshing with AO in C# for Unity
using System.Linq;
using CodeBlaze.Vloxy.Engine.Data;
using UnityEngine;
namespace CodeBlaze.Vloxy.Engine.Mesher {
public class GreedyMesher<B> : IMesher<B> where B : IBlock {
protected readonly MeshData MeshData;
protected MeshBuildJobData<B> JobData;
private int _index;
private Vector3Int _size;
public GreedyMesher() {
MeshData = new MeshData();
_size = VoxelProvider<B>.Current.Settings.Chunk.ChunkSize;
protected virtual void CreateQuad(Mask mask, Vector3Int normal) { }
protected virtual bool CompareBlock(B block1, B block2) => block1.Equals(block2);
protected readonly struct Mask {
public readonly B Block;
internal readonly sbyte Normal;
internal readonly int[] AO;
public Mask(B block, sbyte normal, int[] ao) {
Block = block;
Normal = normal;
AO = ao;
public MeshData GenerateMesh(MeshBuildJobData<B> data) {
JobData = data;
// Sweep over each axis (X, Y and Z)
for (int direction = 0; direction < 3; direction++) {
// 2 Perpendicular axis
int axis1 = (direction + 1) % 3;
int axis2 = (direction + 2) % 3;
int mainAxisLimit = _size[direction];
int axis1Limit = _size[axis1];
int axis2Limit = _size[axis2];
var deltaAxis1 =;
var deltaAxis2 =;
var chunkItr =;
var directionMask =;
directionMask[direction] = 1;
var normalMask = new Mask[axis1Limit * axis2Limit];
// Check each slice of the chunk one at a time
for (chunkItr[direction] = -1; chunkItr[direction] < mainAxisLimit;) {
var n = 0;
// Compute the mask
for (chunkItr[axis2] = 0; chunkItr[axis2] < axis2Limit; ++chunkItr[axis2]) {
for (chunkItr[axis1] = 0; chunkItr[axis1] < axis1Limit; ++chunkItr[axis1]) {
var currentBlock = JobData.GetBlock(chunkItr);
var compareBlock = JobData.GetBlock(chunkItr + directionMask);
var currentBlockOpaque = currentBlock.IsOpaque();
var compareBlockOpaque = compareBlock.IsOpaque();
if (currentBlockOpaque == compareBlockOpaque) {
normalMask[n++] = default;
} else if (currentBlockOpaque) {
normalMask[n++] = new Mask(currentBlock, 1, ComputeAOMask(chunkItr + directionMask, axis1, axis2));
} else {
normalMask[n++] = new Mask(compareBlock, -1, ComputeAOMask(chunkItr, axis1, axis2));
n = 0;
// Generate a mesh from the mask using lexicographic ordering,
// by looping over each block in this slice of the chunk
for (int j = 0; j < axis2Limit; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < axis1Limit;) {
if (normalMask[n].Normal != 0) {
// Current Stuff
var currentMask = normalMask[n];
chunkItr[axis1] = i;
chunkItr[axis2] = j;
// Compute the width of this quad and store it in w
// This is done by searching along the current axis until mask[n + w] is false
int width;
for (width = 1; i + width < axis1Limit && CompareMask(normalMask[n + width] , currentMask); width++) { }
// Compute the height of this quad and store it in h
// This is done by checking if every block next to this row (range 0 to w) is also part of the mask.
// For example, if w is 5 we currently have a quad of dimensions 1 x 5. To reduce triangle count,
// greedy meshing will attempt to expand this quad out to CHUNK_SIZE x 5, but will stop if it reaches a hole in the mask
int height;
bool done = false;
for (height = 1; j + height < axis2Limit; height++) {
// Check each block next to this quad
for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k) {
if (CompareMask(normalMask[n + k + height * axis1Limit] , currentMask)) continue;
done = true;
break; // If there's a hole in the mask, exit
if (done) break;
deltaAxis1[axis1] = width;
deltaAxis2[axis2] = height;
// create quad
currentMask, directionMask,
chunkItr + deltaAxis1,
chunkItr + deltaAxis2,
chunkItr + deltaAxis1 + deltaAxis2
deltaAxis1 =;
deltaAxis2 =;
// Clear this part of the mask, so we don't add duplicate faces
for (int l = 0; l < height; ++l)
for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k)
normalMask[n + k + l * axis1Limit] = default;
i += width;
n += width;
} else {
return MeshData;
public void Clear() {
JobData = null;
_index = 0;
private void CreateQuad(Mask mask, Vector3Int directionMask, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Vector3 v4) {
var normal = directionMask * mask.Normal;
MeshData.Vertices.Add(v1); // 0 Bottom Left
MeshData.Vertices.Add(v2); // 1 Top Left
MeshData.Vertices.Add(v3); // 2 Bottom Right
MeshData.Vertices.Add(v4); // 3 Top Right
if (mask.AO[0] + mask.AO[3] > mask.AO[1] + mask.AO[2]) { // + -
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index); // 0 0
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 2 - mask.Normal); // 1 3
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 2 + mask.Normal); // 3 1
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 3); // 3 3
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 1 + mask.Normal); // 2 0
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 1 - mask.Normal); // 0 2
} else { // + -
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 1); // 1 1
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 1 + mask.Normal); // 2 0
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 1 - mask.Normal); // 0 2
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 2); // 2 2
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 2 - mask.Normal); // 1 3
MeshData.Triangles.Add(_index + 2 + mask.Normal); // 3 1
// Required for circular AO
// Each vertex needs to know all the AO values of the face for bilinear interpolation
MeshData.UV2.Add(new Vector4(mask.AO[0], mask.AO[1],mask.AO[2],mask.AO[3]));
MeshData.UV2.Add(new Vector4(mask.AO[0], mask.AO[1],mask.AO[2],mask.AO[3]));
MeshData.UV2.Add(new Vector4(mask.AO[0], mask.AO[1],mask.AO[2],mask.AO[3]));
MeshData.UV2.Add(new Vector4(mask.AO[0], mask.AO[1],mask.AO[2],mask.AO[3]));
_index += 4;
CreateQuad(mask, normal);
private bool CompareMask(Mask m1, Mask m2) => CompareBlock(m1.Block, m2.Block) && m1.Normal == m2.Normal && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(m1.AO, m2.AO) ;
private int[] ComputeAOMask(Vector3Int coord, int axis1, int axis2) {
var L = coord;
var R = coord;
var B = coord;
var T = coord;
var LBC = coord;
var RBC = coord;
var LTC = coord;
var RTC = coord;
L[axis2] -= 1;
R[axis2] += 1;
B[axis1] -= 1;
T[axis1] += 1;
LBC[axis1] -= 1; LBC[axis2] -= 1;
RBC[axis1] -= 1; RBC[axis2] += 1;
LTC[axis1] += 1; LTC[axis2] -= 1;
RTC[axis1] += 1; RTC[axis2] += 1;
var LO = JobData.GetBlock(L).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var RO = JobData.GetBlock(R).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var BO = JobData.GetBlock(B).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var TO = JobData.GetBlock(T).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var LBCO = JobData.GetBlock(LBC).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var RBCO = JobData.GetBlock(RBC).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var LTCO = JobData.GetBlock(LTC).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
var RTCO = JobData.GetBlock(RTC).IsOpaque() ? 1 : 0;
return new [] {
ComputeAO(LO, BO, LBCO),
ComputeAO(LO, TO, LTCO),
ComputeAO(RO, BO, RBCO),
ComputeAO(RO, TO, RTCO)
private int ComputeAO(int s1, int s2, int c) {
if (s1 == 1 && s2 == 1) {
return 0;
return (3 - (s1 + s2 + c));
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