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Created July 22, 2020 17:26
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botw dishes
import random
class ingredient(object):
'''An ingredient from Breath of the Wild
name = the name of the item
typ = the main category the item is in
subtype = the sub category the item is in
sideEffect = what bonus effect the ingredient gives when cooked
hpRestored = how much HP (1/4 hearts) this item restores when eaten raw'''
def __init__(self, name, typ, subtype, sideEffect, hpRestored): = name
self.typ = typ
self.subtype = subtype
self.sideEffect = sideEffect
self.hpRestored = hpRestored
def isCompatibleWith(self, ing):
'''If this ingredient has overlapping effects with ing, returns false, otherwise, true'''
#return ing.sideEffect == self.sideEffect or ing.sideEffect == None or self.sideEffect == None
if (self.sideEffect is None) or (ing.sideEffect is None) or (ing.sideEffect is self.sideEffect):
return True
return False
class dish(object):
def __init__(self, ingredients=[]):
if len(ingredients) > 5:
self.ingredients = ingredients[:4]
self.ingredients = ingredients
def hasOverlappingEffects(self):
if len(self.ingredients) == 1:
return False
sideEffects = [ing.sideEffect for ing in self.ingredients if ing.sideEffect is not None]
hasOE = False
for i in range(len(sideEffects)):
if sideEffects[i] == None:
elif sideEffects[i] is not sideEffects[i-1]:
hasOE = True
return hasOE
def inGameName(self):
return ""
def effect(self):
if self.hasOverlappingEffects:
return None
for ing in self.ingredients:
if ing.sideEffect == None:
return ing.sideEffect
def hpRestored(self):
'''The amount of HP (1/4 hearts) that will be restored when this dish is eaten
if there are no conflicting effects, and there is a hearty ingredient, this returns 120, the max HP Link can have'''
hp = 0
if not self.hasOverlappingEffects:
for ing in self.ingredients:
if ing.sideEffect == 'hearty':
return 120
hp += ing.hpRestored
for ing in self.ingredients:
hp += ing.hpRestored
return hp * 2
if True: # ingredients
if True: #plants
if True: #fruit
apple = ingredient('Apple', 'fruit', None, None, 2)
fleetLotus = ingredient('Fleet-Lotus Seeds', 'fruit', None, 'hasty', 2)
durian = ingredient('Hearty Durian', 'fruit', None, 'hearty', 12)
hydromelon = ingredient('Hydromelon', 'fruit', None, 'cold', 2)
bannanas = ingredient('Mighty Bannanas', 'fruit', None, 'attack', 2)
palm = ingredient('Palm Fruit', 'fruit', None, None, 4)
pepper = ingredient('Spicy Pepper', 'fruit', None, 'warm', 2)
volt = ingredient('Volt Fruit', 'fruit', None, 'elec', 2)
wildberry = ingredient('Wildberry', 'fruit', None, None, 2)
if True: # mushrooms
zapshroom = ingredient('Zapshroom', 'mushroom', None, 'elec', 2)
chillshroom = ingredient('Chillshroom', 'mushroom', None, 'cold', 2)
sunshroom = ingredient('Sunshroom', 'mushroom', None, 'warm', 2)
staminaShroom = ingredient('Stamella Shroom', 'mushroom', None, 'stamina', 4)
rushroom = ingredient('Rushroom', 'mushroom', None, 'fast', 2)
silentShroom = ingredient('Silent Shroom', 'mushroom', None, 'sneak', 2)
razorshroom = ingredient('Razorshroom', 'mushroom', None, 'attack', 2)
ironshroom = ingredient('Ironshroom', 'mushroom', None, 'def', 2)
mushroom = ingredient('Hylian Shroom', 'mushroom', None, None, 2)
enduraShroom = ingredient('Endura Shroom', 'mushroom', None, 'stamina+', 4)
truffle = ingredient('Hearty Truffle', 'mushroom', 'truffle', 'hearty', 8)
bigTruffle = ingredient('Big Hearty Truffle', 'mushroom', 'truffle', 'hearty', 12)
if True: # veggies
bigRadish = ingredient('Big Hearty Radish', 'Vegetable', 'radish', 'hearty', 16)
staminaCarrot = ingredient('Endura Carrot', 'Vegetable', 'carrot', 'stamina+', 8)
pumpkin = ingredient('Fortified Pumpkin', 'Vegetable', None, 'def', 2)
radish = ingredient('Hearty Radish', 'Vegetable', 'radish', 'hearty', 10)
fastCarrot = ingredient('Swift Carrot', 'Vegetable', 'carrot', 'fast', 2)
if True:# meat
# not birds
meat = ingredient('Raw Meat', 'meat', 'meat', None, 4)
prime = ingredient('Raw Prime Meat', 'meat', 'meat', None, 6)
gourmet = ingredient('Raw Gourmet Meat', 'meat', 'meat', None, 9)
# birds
drumstick = ingredient('Raw Bird Drumstick', 'meat', 'bird', None, 4)
thigh = ingredient('Raw Bird Thigh', 'meat', 'bird', None, 4)
wholebird = ingredient('Raw Whole Bird', 'meat', 'bird', None, 4)
# seafood
if True: # carp
armorCarp = ingredient('Armored Carp', 'sea', 'fish', 'def', 2)
attackCarp = ingredient('Mighty Carp', 'sea', 'fish', 'attack', 4)
sankeCarp = ingredient('Sanke Carp', 'sea', 'fish', None, 4)
# porgy
armorPorgy = ingredient('Armored Porgy', 'sea', 'fish', 'def', 2)
attackPorgy = ingredient('Mighty Porgy', 'sea', 'fish', 'attack', 4)
# trout
coldTrout = ingredient('Chillfin Trout', 'sea', 'fish', 'cold', 4)
warmTrout = ingredient('Sizzlefin Trout', 'sea', 'fish', 'warm', 4)
sneakTrout = ingredient('Stealthfin Trout', 'sea', 'fish', 'sneak', 4)
elecTrout = ingredient('Voltfin Trout', 'sea', 'fish', 'elec', 4)
# bass
heartyBass = ingredient('Hearty Bass', 'sea', 'fish', 'hearty', 8)
bass = ingredient('Hyrule Bass', 'sea', 'fish', None, 4)
# salmon
salmon = ingredient('Hearty Salmon', 'sea', 'fish', 'hearty', 16)
# snails
blueshell = ingredient('Hearty Blueshell Snail', 'sea', 'snail', 'hearty', 12)
sneakyRiver = ingredient('Sneaky River Snail', 'sea', 'snail', 'sneak', 12)
# crabs
brightEyed = ingredient('Bright-Eyed Crab', 'sea', 'crab', 'stamina', 4)
ironshell = ingredient('Ironshell Crab', 'sea', 'crab', 'def', 4)
razorclaw = ingredient('Razorclaw Crab', 'sea', 'crab', 'attack', 4)
# herbs
herb = ingredient('Hyrule Herb', 'herb', None, None, 4)
nightshade = ingredient('Blue Nightshade', 'herb', None, 'sneak', 0)
coldSafflina = ingredient('Cool Safflina', 'herb', None, 'cold', 0)
warmSafflina = ingredient('Warm Safflina', 'herb', None, 'warm', 0)
elecSafflina = ingredient('Electric Safflina', 'herb', None, 'elec', 0)
armoranth = ingredient('Armoranth', 'herb', None, 'def', 0)
thistle = ingredient('Mighty Thistle', 'herb', None, 'attack', 0)
princess = ingredient('Silent Princess', 'herb', None, 'sneak', 0)
violet = ingredient('Swift Violet', 'herb', None, 'fast', 0)
# other
acorn = ingredient('Acorn', 'other', 'nut', None, 1)
egg = ingredient('Bird Egg', 'other', None, None, 4)
treeNut = ingredient('Chickaloo Tree Nut', 'other', 'nut', None, 1)
honey = ingredient('Courser Bee Honey', 'other', None, 'stamina', 8)
butter = ingredient('Goat Butter', 'other', None, None, 0)
rice = ingredient('Hylian Rice', 'other', None, None, 4)
goronSpice = ingredient('Goron Spice', 'other', None, None, 0)
wheat = ingredient('Tabantha Wheat', 'other', None, None, 4)
milk = ingredient('Fresh Milk', 'other', None, None, 2)
sugar = ingredient('Cane Sugar', 'other', None, None, 0)
# dragons
naydraClaw = ingredient('Naydra\'s Claw', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
naydraScale = ingredient('Naydra\'s Scale', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
naydraHorn = ingredient('Shard of Naydra\'s Horn', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
naydraFang = ingredient('Shard of Naydra\'s Fang', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
dinraalClaw = ingredient('Dinraal\'s Claw', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
dinraalScale = ingredient('Dinraal\'s Scale', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
dinraalHorn = ingredient('Shard of Dinraal\'s Horn', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
dinraalFang = ingredient('Shard of Dinraal\'s Fang', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
faroshClaw = ingredient('Farosh\'s Claw', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
faroshScale = ingredient('Farosh\'s Scale', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
faroshHorn = ingredient('Shard of Farosh\'s Horn', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
faroshFang = ingredient('Shard of Farosh\'s Fang', 'dragon', None, None, 0)
ingredients = [apple, acorn, armoranth, armorCarp, armorPorgy, attackCarp, attackPorgy,
bannanas, bass, bigRadish, bigTruffle, blueshell, brightEyed, butter,
chillshroom, coldSafflina, coldTrout,
drumstick, durian,
egg, elecSafflina, elecTrout, enduraShroom,
fastCarrot, fleetLotus,
goronSpice, gourmet,
heartyBass, honey, hydromelon,
ironshell, ironshroom,
meat, milk, mushroom,
palm, pepper, prime, princess, pumpkin,
radish, razorclaw, razorshroom, rice, rushroom,
salmon, sankeCarp, silentShroom, sneakTrout, sneakyRiver, staminaCarrot, staminaShroom, sugar, sunshroom,
thigh, thistle, treeNut, truffle,
violet, volt,
warmSafflina, warmTrout, wheat, wholebird, wildberry,
dragonParts = [naydraClaw, naydraFang, naydraHorn, naydraScale, dinraalClaw, dinraalFang, dinraalHorn, dinraalScale, faroshClaw, faroshFang, faroshHorn, faroshScale]
def randomDish(includeDragons=True, allowOverlaps=False, ingredientCount=[1, 5]):
amnt = random.randint(ingredientCount[0], ingredientCount[1])
ings = []
allIngs = ingredients
if includeDragons:
allIngs = ingredients + dragonParts
if amnt == 1:
if includeDragons:
return dish([random.choice(allIngs)])
return dish([random.choice(ingredients)])
for i in range(1, amnt):
while True:
ing = random.choice(ingredients+dragonParts)
if not ing.isCompatibleWith(ings[i-1]) and allowOverlaps:
dsh = dish(ings)
if dsh.hasOverlappingEffects:
return randomDish()
return dsh
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