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Last active December 1, 2017 16:44
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rtl fix react-native-swiper
* react-native-swiper
* @author leecade<>
* RTL patch by Bader Almutairi <@phpfalcon>
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-native'
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window')
* Default styles
* @type {StyleSheetPropType}
const styles = {
container: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
position: 'relative',
wrapper: {
flexDirection: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'row-reverse' : 'row',
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
slide: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
pagination_x: {
position: 'absolute',
bottom: 25,
left: 0,
right: 0,
flexDirection: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'row-reverse' : 'row',
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
pagination_y: {
position: 'absolute',
right: 15,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
flexDirection: 'column',
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
title: {
height: 30,
justifyContent: 'center',
position: 'absolute',
paddingLeft: 10,
bottom: -30,
left: 0,
flexWrap: 'nowrap',
width: 250,
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
buttonWrapper: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
flexDirection: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'row-reverse' : 'row',
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
flex: 1,
paddingHorizontal: 10,
paddingVertical: 10,
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'center'
buttonText: {
fontSize: 50,
color: '#007aff',
fontFamily: 'Arial'
// missing `module.exports = exports['default'];` with babel6
// export default React.createClass({
export default class extends Component {
* Props Validation
* @type {Object}
static propTypes = {
horizontal: PropTypes.bool,
children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
pagingEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: PropTypes.bool,
showsVerticalScrollIndicator: PropTypes.bool,
bounces: PropTypes.bool,
scrollsToTop: PropTypes.bool,
removeClippedSubviews: PropTypes.bool,
automaticallyAdjustContentInsets: PropTypes.bool,
showsPagination: PropTypes.bool,
showsButtons: PropTypes.bool,
loadMinimal: PropTypes.bool,
loadMinimalSize: PropTypes.number,
loadMinimalLoader: PropTypes.element,
loop: PropTypes.bool,
autoplay: PropTypes.bool,
autoplayTimeout: PropTypes.number,
autoplayDirection: PropTypes.bool,
index: PropTypes.number,
renderPagination: PropTypes.func,
dotStyle: PropTypes.object,
activeDotStyle: PropTypes.object,
dotColor: PropTypes.string,
activeDotColor: PropTypes.string
* Default props
* @return {object} props
* @see
static defaultProps = {
horizontal: true,
pagingEnabled: true,
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: false,
showsVerticalScrollIndicator: false,
bounces: false,
scrollsToTop: false,
removeClippedSubviews: true,
automaticallyAdjustContentInsets: false,
showsPagination: true,
showsButtons: false,
loop: true,
loadMinimal: false,
loadMinimalSize: 1,
autoplay: false,
autoplayTimeout: 2.5,
autoplayDirection: true,
index: 0
* Init states
* @return {object} states
state = this.initState(this.props, true)
* autoplay timer
* @type {null}
autoplayTimer = null
loopJumpTimer = null
componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
const sizeChanged = (nextProps.width || width) !== this.state.width ||
(nextProps.height || height) !== this.state.height
if (!nextProps.autoplay && this.autoplayTimer) clearTimeout(this.autoplayTimer)
this.setState(this.initState(nextProps, sizeChanged))
componentDidMount () {
componentWillUnmount () {
this.autoplayTimer && clearTimeout(this.autoplayTimer)
this.loopJumpTimer && clearTimeout(this.loopJumpTimer)
initState (props, setOffsetInState) {
// set the current state
const state = this.state || {}
const initState = {
autoplayEnd: false,
loopJump: false
const newInternals = {
isScrolling: false
} = props.children ? props.children.length || 1 : 0
if ( === {
// retain the index
initState.index = state.index
} else {
// reset the index
setOffsetInState = true // if the index is reset, go ahead and update the offset in state
initState.index = > 1 ? Math.min(props.index, - 1) : 0
// Default: horizontal
initState.dir = props.horizontal === false ? 'y' : 'x'
initState.width = props.width || width
initState.height = props.height || height
newInternals.offset = {}
if ( > 1) {
let setup = initState.index
if (props.loop) {
newInternals.offset[initState.dir] = initState.dir === 'y'
? initState.height * setup
: initState.width * setup
// only update the offset in state if needed, updating offset while swiping
// causes some bad jumping / stuttering
if (setOffsetInState) {
initState.offset = newInternals.offset
this.internals = newInternals
return initState
// include internals with state
fullState () {
return Object.assign({}, this.state, this.internals)
loopJump = () => {
if (!this.state.loopJump) return
const i = this.state.index + (this.props.loop ? 1 : 0)
const scrollView = this.refs.scrollView
this.loopJumpTimer = setTimeout(() => scrollView.setPageWithoutAnimation &&
scrollView.setPageWithoutAnimation(i), 50)
* Automatic rolling
autoplay = () => {
if (!Array.isArray(this.props.children) ||
!this.props.autoplay ||
this.internals.isScrolling ||
this.state.autoplayEnd) return
this.autoplayTimer && clearTimeout(this.autoplayTimer)
this.autoplayTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (!this.props.loop && (
? this.state.index === - 1
: this.state.index === 0
) return this.setState({ autoplayEnd: true })
this.scrollBy(this.props.autoplayDirection ? 1 : -1)
}, this.props.autoplayTimeout * 1000)
* Scroll begin handle
* @param {object} e native event
onScrollBegin = e => {
// update scroll state
this.internals.isScrolling = true
this.props.onScrollBeginDrag && this.props.onScrollBeginDrag(e, this.fullState(), this)
* Scroll end handle
* @param {object} e native event
onScrollEnd = e => {
// update scroll state
this.internals.isScrolling = false
// making our events coming from android compatible to updateIndex logic
if (!e.nativeEvent.contentOffset) {
if (this.state.dir === 'x') {
e.nativeEvent.contentOffset = {x: e.nativeEvent.position * this.state.width}
} else {
e.nativeEvent.contentOffset = {y: e.nativeEvent.position * this.state.height}
this.updateIndex(e.nativeEvent.contentOffset, this.state.dir, () => {
// if `onMomentumScrollEnd` registered will be called here
this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd && this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd(e, this.fullState(), this)
* Drag end handle
* @param {object} e native event
onScrollEndDrag = e => {
const { contentOffset } = e.nativeEvent
const { horizontal, children } = this.props
const { index } = this.state
const { offset } = this.internals
const previousOffset = horizontal ? offset.x : offset.y
const newOffset = horizontal ? contentOffset.x : contentOffset.y
if (previousOffset === newOffset &&
(index === 0 || index === children.length - 1)) {
this.internals.isScrolling = false
* Update index after scroll
* @param {object} offset content offset
* @param {string} dir 'x' || 'y'
updateIndex = (offset, dir, cb) => {
const state = this.state
let index = state.index
const diff = offset[dir] - this.internals.offset[dir]
const step = dir === 'x' ? state.width : state.height
let loopJump = false
// Do nothing if offset no change.
if (!diff) return
// Note: if touch very very quickly and continuous,
// the variation of `index` more than 1.
// parseInt() ensures it's always an integer
index = parseInt(index + Math.round(diff / step))
if (this.props.loop) {
if (index <= -1) {
index = - 1
offset[dir] = step *
loopJump = true
} else if (index >= {
index = 0
offset[dir] = step
loopJump = true
const newState = {}
newState.index = index
newState.loopJump = loopJump
this.internals.offset = offset
// only update offset in state if loopJump is true
if (loopJump) {
// when swiping to the beginning of a looping set for the third time,
// the new offset will be the same as the last one set in state.
// Setting the offset to the same thing will not do anything,
// so we increment it by 1 then immediately set it to what it should be,
// after render.
if (offset[dir] === this.state.offset[dir]) {
newState.offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }
newState.offset[dir] = offset[dir] + 1
this.setState(newState, () => {
this.setState({ offset: offset }, cb)
} else {
newState.offset = offset
this.setState(newState, cb)
} else {
this.setState(newState, cb)
* Scroll by index
* @param {number} index offset index
* @param {bool} animated
scrollBy = (index, animated = true) => {
if (this.internals.isScrolling || < 2) return
const state = this.state
const diff = (this.props.loop ? 1 : 0) + index + this.state.index
let x = 0
let y = 0
if (state.dir === 'x') x = diff * state.width
if (state.dir === 'y') y = diff * state.height
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
this.refs.scrollView && this.refs.scrollView[animated ? 'setPage' : 'setPageWithoutAnimation'](diff)
} else {
this.refs.scrollView && this.refs.scrollView.scrollTo({ x, y, animated })
// update scroll state
this.internals.isScrolling = true
autoplayEnd: false
// trigger onScrollEnd manually in android
if (!animated || Platform.OS === 'android') {
setImmediate(() => {
nativeEvent: {
position: diff
scrollViewPropOverrides = () => {
const props = this.props
let overrides = {}
const scrollResponders = [
for (let prop in props) {
// if(~scrollResponders.indexOf(prop)
if (typeof props[prop] === 'function' &&
prop !== 'onMomentumScrollEnd' &&
prop !== 'renderPagination' &&
prop !== 'onScrollBeginDrag'
) {
let originResponder = props[prop]
overrides[prop] = (e) => originResponder(e, this.fullState(), this)
return overrides
* Render pagination
* @return {object} react-dom
renderPagination = () => {
// By default, dots only show when `total` >= 2
if ( <= 1) return null
let dots = []
const ActiveDot = this.props.activeDot || <View style={[{
backgroundColor: this.props.activeDotColor || '#007aff',
width: 8,
height: 8,
borderRadius: 4,
marginLeft: 3,
marginRight: 3,
marginTop: 3,
marginBottom: 3
}, this.props.activeDotStyle]} />
const Dot = || <View style={[{
backgroundColor: this.props.dotColor || 'rgba(0,0,0,.2)',
width: 8,
height: 8,
borderRadius: 4,
marginLeft: 3,
marginRight: 3,
marginTop: 3,
marginBottom: 3
}, this.props.dotStyle ]} />
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
dots.push(i === this.state.index
? React.cloneElement(ActiveDot, {key: i})
: React.cloneElement(Dot, {key: i})
return (
<View pointerEvents='none' style={[styles['pagination_' + this.state.dir], this.props.paginationStyle]}>
renderTitle = () => {
const child = this.props.children[this.state.index]
const title = child && child.props && child.props.title
return title
? (<View style={styles.title}>
: null
renderNextButton = () => {
let button = null
if (this.props.loop ||
this.state.index !== - 1) {
button = this.props.nextButton || <Text style={styles.buttonText}>›</Text>
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => button !== null && this.scrollBy(1)}>
renderPrevButton = () => {
let button = null
if (this.props.loop || this.state.index !== 0) {
button = this.props.prevButton || <Text style={styles.buttonText}>‹</Text>
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => button !== null && this.scrollBy(-1)}>
renderButtons = () => {
return (
<View pointerEvents='box-none' style={[styles.buttonWrapper, {
width: this.state.width,
height: this.state.height
}, this.props.buttonWrapperStyle]}>
renderScrollView = pages => {
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
return (
<ScrollView ref='scrollView'
style={{flexDirection: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'row-reverse' : 'row'}}
return (
<ViewPagerAndroid ref='scrollView'
initialPage={this.props.loop ? this.state.index + 1 : this.state.index}
style={{flex: 1}}>
* Default render
* @return {object} react-dom
render () {
const state = this.state
const props = this.props
const children = props.children
const index = state.index
const total =
const loop = props.loop
// let dir = state.dir
// let key = 0
const loopVal = loop ? 1 : 0
let pages = []
const pageStyle = [{width: state.width, height: state.height,}, styles.slide]
const pageStyleLoading = {
width: this.state.width,
height: this.state.height,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center'
// For make infinite at least total > 1
if (total > 1) {
// Re-design a loop model for avoid img flickering
pages = Object.keys(children)
if (loop) {
pages.unshift(total - 1 + '')
pages =, i) => {
if (props.loadMinimal) {
if (i >= (index + loopVal - props.loadMinimalSize) &&
i <= (index + loopVal + props.loadMinimalSize)) {
return <View style={pageStyle} key={i}>{children[page]}</View>
} else {
return (
<View style={pageStyleLoading} key={`loading-${i}`}>
{props.loadMinimalLoader ? props.loadMinimalLoader : <ActivityIndicator />}
} else {
return <View style={pageStyle} key={i}>{children[page]}</View>
} else {
pages = <View style={pageStyle} key={0}>{children}</View>
return (
<View style={[styles.container, {
width: state.width,
height: state.height
{props.showsPagination && (props.renderPagination
? this.props.renderPagination(state.index,, this)
: this.renderPagination())}
{this.props.showsButtons && this.renderButtons()}
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