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Created October 1, 2019 09:26
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Sample gulpfile
Key parts of gulpfile.js
This is a gulpfile that I've gradually improved on over time.
Can be run from the terminal (or as part of CI build).
`gulp watch` runs a browserSyn session with non minified, sourcemapped CSS and js
`gulp build` simply generates the built CSS and js
add `--production` to either of the above to generate production ready code - all minified, no sourcemaps.
Every time there is a change, `$.rev()` generates a new CSS and JS file with a new, unique filename, and updates
the rev-manifest.json file with a reference to it. That way when it comes to deploying we don't have to worry about
old, cached files being referenced.
I use a PHP helper like this to output the correct reference:
// Usage
$this->Content->assetPath('css', 'style.css')
public function assetPath($type, $filename) {
$manifest_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $type .'/rev-manifest.json';
if (file_exists($manifest_path)) {
$manifest = json_decode(file_get_contents($manifest_path), TRUE);
} else {
$manifest = [];
if (array_key_exists($filename, $manifest)) {
return $manifest[$filename];
return $filename;
var gulp = require("gulp"),
argv = require('yargs').argv,
$ = require('gulp-load-plugins')(),
del = require('del'),
revDel = require('rev-del'),
ifElse = require('gulp-if-else'),
browserSync = require("browser-sync").create();
var conf = {
src: {
stylesVendor: [],
styles: [
scriptsVendor: [],
scripts: [
dest: {
root: './',
stylesVendor: './scss/_vendor',
styles: './css',
scriptsVendor: './js/_vendor',
scripts: './js',
watch: {
styles: ['./scss/style.scss', './scss/**/*.scss'],
scripts: ['./js-src/scripts.js', './js-src/**/*.js'],
production: argv.production
* Error handling
onError = function (err) {
* Clear out /library directory
gulp.task('clean', function() {
return del([
conf.dest.styles + '/**/*',
conf.dest.scripts + '/**/*',
gulp.task('stylesVendor', ['lintCss'], function () {
return gulp.src(conf.src.stylesVendor)
prefix: "_",
extname: ".scss"
// Documentation
// settings file .stylelintrc
gulp.task('lintCss', function () {
return gulp.src(['./scss/_base/*.scss', './scss/_components/*.scss', './scss/_pages/*.scss', './scss/_partials/*.scss'])
function () {
return $.stylelint({
reporters: [
{formatter: 'string', console: true},
* Compile with gulp-ruby-sass + source maps
gulp.task('style', ['stylesVendor'], function () {
return $.rubySass(conf.src.styles, {
style: ifElse(conf.production, function () { return 'compressed'; }, function () { return 'expanded'; } ),
sourcemap: ifElse(conf.production, function () { return false; }, function () { return true; } )
browsers: ['ie > 10', '> 0.5%'],
grid: 'autoplace',
cascade: false
.on('error', $.rubySass.logError)
function () {
return $.sourcemaps.write();
.pipe(revDel({ dest: conf.dest.styles }))
.pipe($.notify('✅ Styles built'))
* Copy any script dependancies into /scripts/_vendor directory
gulp.task('vendorscript', function () {
return gulp.src(conf.src.scriptsVendor)
.pipe($.notify('✅ Vendor scripts copied'))
* JavaScript files including all vendors and main.js
gulp.task('script', ['vendorscript'], function() {
return gulp.src(conf.src.scripts)
function () { return $.babel({presets: ['es2015']}); }
function () { return $.stripDebug(); }
function () { return $.uglify(); }
.on('error', $.util.log)
.pipe(revDel({ dest: conf.dest.scripts }))
.pipe($.notify('✅ Scripts built'))
* Static Server + watching scss/html files
gulp.task('build', ['style', 'script']);
gulp.task('watch', ['build'], function() {
proxy: 'website.test'
});, ['script']);, ['style']);
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