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Created November 3, 2021 21:43
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All links for the Microsoft Ignite Table topic: The possibilities of the Microsoft Graph and the Azure REST API

Links to get started

Graph API reference: []
Graph explorer: []
Azure Rest API reference: []
Azure API playground: []

30 days of Postman challenge: []
Calling a REST API from PowerShell: []

Reach the hosts


Links from the chat

Enumerate lits in a site: []
Create your own Azure AD PIM App: []
Find Azure AD and MSOnline cmdlets in Microsoft Graph PowerShell: []
Microsoft Graph support: []
Mocing SDK Client: []
Delete device: []
30 days of Graph in Postman: []
Manage stale devices in Azure AD: []
Microsoft Graph security API in Power BI: []
Windows 10 Software Inventory Confiuration: []

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