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Created February 21, 2019 19:56
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// pseudo code
// strip string of white space
// check first character for sign
// loop through remaining string until the end or a non integer value
// check ascii value of each character and ensure it falls in proper range
// then offset the ascii value from the ascii of 0
// return new integer with sign 1 or -1
func myAtoi(str string) int {
finalString:= ""
sign:= 1
// Trim whitespace from string
remainingString := strings.TrimSpace(str)
// Check if string is now empty
if remainingString == ""{
return 0
// check first digit to see if it is a sign or a number
// if first rune is a positive digit copy string to finalString
case '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9':
finalString= remainingString
// if first rune is a +, copy the string excluding the +
case '+':
finalString = remainingString[1:]
// if first rune is a -, copy the string excluding the -
case '-':
finalString= remainingString[1:]
sign = -1
// if the first rune is anything else, this is a bad string
fmt.Printf("Bad string")
return 0
for idx, runeValue := range finalString{
// loop until we find a non numeric rune or code point
// single digit int values range from '0'-'9'
if runeValue < '0' || runeValue > '9'{
finalString = finalString[:idx]
returnVal := 0
// loop through the remainging string and covert to an integer
for _,rVal := range finalString{
// ensure to subtract the ascii val of '0' before converting to int
returnVal = returnVal*10 + int(rVal-'0')
// save some compute for long string values, check after each loop
if sign == 1 && returnVal > math.MaxInt32{
return math.MaxInt32
}else if sign == -1 && sign * returnVal < math.MinInt32{
return math.MinInt32
// finally return apply the sign
return returnVal * sign
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