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Last active October 24, 2022 09:33
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Playing with kind-polymorphism to create a poly-kinded mapper construct.
//> using lib "org.typelevel::cats-core:2.8.0"
package foo
import cats.Functor
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import cats.Id
import cats.ApplicativeError
import cats.MonadError
import scala.util.Try
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.Applicative
object Test extends App {
//############# LIBRARY CODE #############
implicit class TransformOps[FA](private val fa: FA) extends AnyVal {
def transform[Target <: AnyKind]: PartiallyAppliedMapper[FA, Target] = new PartiallyAppliedMapper[FA, Target](fa: FA)
class PartiallyAppliedMapper[FA, Target <: AnyKind](fa: FA) {
def apply[FK, FB](fk: FK)(implicit
mapper: HFunction[FA, FK, FB, Target]
) = mapper(fa, fk)
trait FunctorK[Alg[_[_]]] {
def mapK[F[_], G[_]](alg: Alg[F], fk: FunctionK[F, G]): Alg[G]
trait FunctionK2[F[_, _], G[_, _]]{
def apply[A, B](fa: F[A, B]) : G[A, B]
trait FunctorK2[Alg[_[_, _]]] {
def mapK2[F[_, _], G[_, _]](alg: Alg[F], fk: FunctionK2[F, G]): Alg[G]
trait HFunction[FA, FK, FB, F <: AnyKind] {
def apply(fa: FA, fk: FK): FB
type MonadicLift[F[_]] = [E, A] =>> F[A]
type MonadicProjection[Alg[_[_, _]], F[_]] = Alg[[E, A] =>> F[A]]
object HFunction {
implicit def function_element[A, B]: HFunction[A, A => B, B, B] =
new HFunction[A, A => B, B, B] {
def apply(fa: A, f: A => B): B =
implicit def function_functor[F[_]: Functor, A, B]
: HFunction[F[A], A => B, F[B], B] =
new HFunction[F[A], A => B, F[B], B] {
def apply(fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B] =
implicit def functionK_functor[F[_], G[_], A]
: HFunction[F[A], FunctionK[F, G], G[A], G] =
new HFunction[F[A], FunctionK[F, G], G[A], G] {
def apply(fa: F[A], fk: FunctionK[F, G]): G[A] =
implicit def functionK_functorK[Alg[_[_]]: FunctorK, F[_], G[_]]
: HFunction[Alg[F], FunctionK[F, G], Alg[G], G] =
new HFunction[Alg[F], FunctionK[F, G], Alg[G], G] {
def apply(fa: Alg[F], fk: FunctionK[F, G]): Alg[G] =
implicitly[FunctorK[Alg]].mapK(fa, fk)
implicit def functionK2_functorK2[Alg[_[_, _]]: FunctorK2, F[_, _], G[_, _]]
: HFunction[Alg[F], FunctionK2[F, G], Alg[G], G] =
new HFunction[Alg[F], FunctionK2[F, G], Alg[G], G] {
def apply(fa: Alg[F], fk: FunctionK2[F, G]): Alg[G] =
implicitly[FunctorK2[Alg]].mapK2(fa, fk)
implicit def functionK_functorK2[Alg[_[_, _]]: FunctorK2, F[_], G[_]]
: HFunction[MonadicProjection[Alg, F], FunctionK[F, G], MonadicProjection[Alg, G], G] =
new HFunction[MonadicProjection[Alg, F], FunctionK[F, G], MonadicProjection[Alg, G], G] {
def apply(fa: MonadicProjection[Alg, F], fk: FunctionK[F, G]): MonadicProjection[Alg, G] =
implicitly[FunctorK2[Alg]].mapK2(fa, new FunctionK2[MonadicLift[F], MonadicLift[G]]{
def apply[E, A](fa: F[A]): G[A] = fk(fa)
//############# TRANSFORMATIONS #############
object transformations {
def adaptError[F[_], E](
f: PartialFunction[E, E]
)(implicit F: MonadError[F, E]): FunctionK[F, F] = new FunctionK[F, F] {
def apply[A](fa: F[A]): F[A] = F.adaptError(fa)(f)
def toOptionT[F[_] : Applicative] : FunctionK[Option, [A] =>> OptionT[F, A]] =
new FunctionK[Option, [A] =>> OptionT[F, A]]{
def apply[A](fa: Option[A]): OptionT[F, A] = OptionT.fromOption[F](fa)
val toList = new FunctionK[Option, List] {
def apply[A](fa: Option[A]): List[A] = fa.toList
val swap = new FunctionK2[Either, [A, B] =>> Either[B, A]]{
def apply[A, B](fa: Either[A, B]): Either[B, A] = fa.swap
//############# TESTS #############
val inc = (_: Int) + 1
println(List(1, 2, 3).transform[Int](inc))
trait Foo[F[_]] {
def foo(a: Int): F[Int]
object Foo {
implicit val fooFunctorK: FunctorK[Foo] = new FunctorK[Foo] {
def mapK[F[_], G[_]](alg: Foo[F], fk: FunctionK[F, G]): Foo[G] =
new Foo[G] {
def foo(a: Int): G[Int] = fk(
type Result[A] = Either[String, A]
val fooOpt: Foo[Option] = new Foo[Option] {
def foo(a: Int): Option[Int] = Some(a)
val fooResult: Foo[Result] = new Foo[Result] {
def foo(a: Int): Result[Int] = "foo".asLeft[Int]
import transformations._
val fooList = fooOpt.transform[List](toList)
val adapted = transformations.adaptError[Result, String] {
case "foo" => "bar"
case "bar" => "baz"
val fooAdapted = fooResult.transform(adapted)
type Target[A] = OptionT[Result, A]
val fooOptionT = fooOpt.transform(toOptionT[Result])
trait Bar[F[_, _]]{
def bar(a: Int) : F[String, Int]
object Bar {
implicit val barFunctorK2: FunctorK2[Bar] = new FunctorK2[Bar] {
def mapK2[F[_, _], G[_, _]](alg: Bar[F], fk: FunctionK2[F, G]): Bar[G] =
new Bar[G] {
def bar(a: Int): G[String, Int] = fk(
val barEither : Bar[Either] = new Bar[Either]{
def bar(a: Int): Either[String, Int] = Left("foo")
val barSwapped = barEither.transform(transformations.swap)
val barOption : MonadicProjection[Bar, Option] = new MonadicProjection[Bar, Option]{
def bar(a: Int): Option[Int] = Some(a)
val barList = barOption.transform(toList)
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Baccata commented Oct 24, 2022

** Apologies for the mess, I haven't done the dishes yet **

So what the F[_] is going on here ? This is basically a sketch of an idea to leverage the AnyKind type bound from Scala 3 to offer a unified user experience when applying transformations on "stuff" where "stuff" can take the shape of values, functors, functor-algebras, bi-functor-algebras, etc.

The problem this solves is basically "can we have a single transform extension method that takes care of lifting things to the right level for us, so that we don't have to play type-puzzles in userland ?"

Can we go further ? Possibly, I'm not quite certain. The next step would be to formulate the Functor construct in a truly poly-kinded way (and Function/FunctionK). It feels like it should be possible, because the type-erased form of these functions is very much the same, but it may involve even more black magic than what appears in this snippet.

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