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Last active February 1, 2022 10:22
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  • Save Baccata/d9100a693a60af0a76bdb2acbf9b1431 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Baccata's recursion schemes microlib (to copy/paste when needed). Only depends on cats-core.
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
// format: off
* A couple recursion-schemes, named in a less arcanic fashion than usual.
* These functions allow to decouple the recursive aspect of model construction
* and validation, from the domain-specific concerns.
object recursion {
type Fold[Pattern[_], A] = Pattern[A] => A
type FoldF[F[_], Pattern[_], A] = Pattern[A] => F[A]
type Unfold[Pattern[_], A] = A => Pattern[A]
type UnfoldF[F[_], Pattern[_], A] = A => F[Pattern[A]]
* Traditionally called "hylo" for hylomorphism
* (hylo == matter, morphism == change)
* The only recursive function in here. All other recursions/corecursions
* originate from this function.
* Essentially, this takes a value A, expands it into a Pattern tree, and collapses
* that tree into a value B, in a way that never requires the full tree to be in
* memory.
* @param a the seed value
* @param f the [[Fold]] function that collapses only one layer of pattern tree at a time
* @param u the [[Unfold]] function that expands only one layer of a pattern tree at a time
* @tparam Pattern the pattern functor (typically mirroring single layers of tree-like structure)
* @tparam A the type of the original seed value
* @tparam B the target type of the refold
def refold[Pattern[_]: Functor, A, B](
unfold: Unfold[Pattern, A],
fold: Fold[Pattern, B]
)(a: A): B =
fold(unfold(a).map(refold(unfold, fold)))
* A monadic version of [[refold]] that can process separate branches in a
* non-sequential way, typically used when the unfold has to be validated
* and the accumulation of errors is desirable.
def refoldPar[F[_]: Parallel, Pattern[_]: Traverse, A, B](
unfold: UnfoldF[F, Pattern, A],
fold: FoldF[F, Pattern, B]
)(a: A): F[B] = {
type FP[T] = F[Pattern[T]] // composition of F and Pattern
implicit val F: Monad[F] = Parallel[F].monad
implicit val FP: Functor[FP] = Functor[F].compose[Pattern]
def fold2(fpfb: F[Pattern[F[B]]]): F[B] = for {
fmb <- fpfb
fb <- fmb.parSequence
f <- fold(fb)
} yield f
refold[FP, A, F[B]](unfold, fold2)(a)
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