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Last active April 11, 2018 05:47
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clojure thinking recursively | 递归 clj
(defn char-counter [str]
(loop [counts {}
s str]
(if-not (empty? s)
(let [c (first s)]
(recur (assoc counts c (inc (get counts c 0)))
(rest s)))
(char-counter "hello world")
;; from the joy of clojure
(def simple-metric {:meter 1,
:km 1000,
:cm 1/100,
:mm [1/10 :cm]})
;; How many meters
;; are in 3 kilometers, 10 meters, 80 centimeters, 10 millimeters?” you could use the map
;; as follows:
(-> (* 3 (:km simple-metric))
(+ (* 10 (:meter simple-metric)))
(+ (* 80 (:cm simple-metric)))
(+ (* (:cm simple-metric)
(* 10 (first (:mm simple-metric)))))
;;=> 3010.81
;; Although the map is certainly usable this way, the user experience of traversing
;; simple-metric directly is less than stellar. Instead, it would be nicer to define a function
;; named convert, shown in the following listing
(defn convert [context descriptor]
(reduce (fn [result [mag unit]]
(+ result
(let [val (get context unit)]
(if (vector? val)
(* mag (convert context val))
(* mag val)))))
(partition 2 descriptor)))
(convert simple-metric [50:mm])
;; from clojure koans
(defn factorial [n]
(loop [n n
acc 1]
(if (= n 0)
(recur (dec n) (* n acc)))))
(factorial 3) ;; 6
(factorial 4) ;;24
(factorial 5)
(defn elevator [commands]
[(ff-open [[_ & r]]
"When the elevator is open on the 1st floor
it can either close or be done."
#(case _
:close (ff-closed r)
:done true
(ff-closed [[_ & r]
"When the elevator is closed on the 1st floor
it can either open or go up."
#(case _
:open (ff-open r)
:up (sf-closed r)
(sf-closed [[_ & r]]
"When the elevator is closed on the 2nd floor
it can either go down or open."
#(case _
:down (ff-closed r)
:open (sf-open r)
(sf-open [[_ & r]]
"When the elevator is open on the 2nd floor
it can either close or be done"
#(case _
:close (sf-closed r)
:done true
(trampoline ff-open commands)))
(elevator [:close :open :close :up :open :open :done])
;=> false
(elevator [:close :up :open :close :down :open :done])
;=> true
;; run at your own risk!
(elevator (cycle [:close :open]))
; ... runs forever
;; come from `the joy of clojure`
;; Mundane recursion
(defn pow [base exp]
(if (zero? exp)
(* base (pow base (dec exp)))))
(pow 2 10)
;=> 1024
(pow 1.01 925)
;=> 9937.353723241924
(pow 2 10000)
; java.lang.StackOverflowError
;; recursive call
;; to occur in the tail position
;; This new version of pow uses two common techniques for converting mundane recursion
;; to tail recursion. First, it uses a helper function kapow that does the majority of
;; the work. Second, kapow uses an accumulator acc that holds the result of the multiplication.
(defn pow [base exp]
(letfn [(kapow [base exp acc]
(if (zero? exp)
(recur base (dec exp) (* base acc))))]
(kapow base exp 1)))
(pow 2N 10000)
;=> ... A very big number
;; A loop that sums the numbers 10 + 9 + 8 + ...
(defn sums [n]
(loop [sum 0 cnt n]
(if (= cnt 0)
(recur (+ cnt sum) (dec cnt)))))
(sums 10)
;=> 55
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