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Created August 19, 2018 23:16
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Prime circles
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pprint import pprint
from itertools import compress
from math import sqrt, inf, gcd
from random import randrange
import sys
# Find primes that form circles
''' Usage:
./ <base> <limit>
Default values:
./ 10 100000
Will not work for very large values because of the floating point math
used when calculating the circle center and radius.
Known counterexamples (N = 1_000_000):
Base 3:
(5, 11)
Base 4:
(5, 13)
(5, 37)
(7, 11)
(7, 23)
(7, 59)
(11, 19)
(11, 31)
(13, 29)
(19, 23)
(19, 47)
(23, 43)
Base 8:
(11, 19)
(11, 43)
# Values set in main function
BASE = None
prime_y = None
all_primes_greater_than = None
all_the_primes = None
def rwh_primes1v1(n):
""" Returns a list of primes < n for n > 2 """
sieve = bytearray([True]) * (n//2)
for i in range(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
if sieve[i//2]:
sieve[i*i//2::i] = bytearray((n-i*i-1)//(2*i)+1)
return [2,*compress(range(3,n,2), sieve[1:])]
# All primes greater than 7
def all_primes_up_to(n):
return [x for x in rwh_primes1v1(n) if x > all_primes_greater_than]
def define_circle(p1, p2, p3):
Returns the center and radius of the circle passing the given 3 points.
In case the 3 points form a line, returns (None, infinity).
temp = p2[0] * p2[0] + p2[1] * p2[1]
bc = (p1[0] * p1[0] + p1[1] * p1[1] - temp) / 2
cd = (temp - p3[0] * p3[0] - p3[1] * p3[1]) / 2
det = (p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p2[1] - p3[1]) - (p2[0] - p3[0]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])
if abs(det) < 1.0e-6:
return (None, inf)
# Center of circle
cx = (bc*(p2[1] - p3[1]) - cd*(p1[1] - p2[1])) / det
cy = ((p1[0] - p2[0]) * cd - (p2[0] - p3[0]) * bc) / det
radius = sqrt((cx - p1[0])**2 + (cy - p1[1])**2)
return ((cx, cy), radius)
def verify_circle(a, b, c, d):
c1, r1 = define_circle(a, b, c)
c2, r2 = define_circle(d, b, c)
if abs(r1 - r2) < 1e-6:
return True
return False
''' (notes for base 10)
Trivial case: x/10 == y/10
Since (11, 13, 17, 19) are all prime, any pair in the form
(n*10 + a, n*10 + b) forms a circle with (10 + a, 10 + b).
Similarly, (17, 29) are (1, 2) units apart, (1 * 10 + 2 == 12)
so any pair which is separated by (-1 * 10 + 2 == 8) units
forms a circle with the initial pair, for example (59, 67).
So if a % 10 == 7 and abs(a - b) == 12, we can pair (a, b) with
(59, 67). This can be extended to larger numbers, perhaps as a form
of cache. (unimplemented)
Algorithm for the general case:
Choose a third prime number and form a circle
Check intersects with the lines y=1, y=3, y=7, y=9 for primes
If no primes found, repeat.
def miller_rabin(n, k=10):
if n == 2 or n == 3:
return True
if not n & 1:
return False
def check(a, s, d, n):
x = pow(a, d, n)
if x == 1:
return True
for i in range(s - 1):
if x == n - 1:
return True
x = pow(x, 2, n)
return x == n - 1
s = 0
d = n - 1
while d % 2 == 0:
d >>= 1
s += 1
for i in range(k):
a = randrange(2, n - 1)
if not check(a, s, d, n):
return False
return True
def is_prime(n):
return n in all_the_primes
return miller_rabin(n)
def circle4primes(a, b):
ax = a // BASE
ay = a % BASE
bx = b // BASE
by = b % BASE
# Trivial case
if BASE == 10:
if ax == bx:
if ax == 1:
return (100 + ay, 100 + by)
return (10 + ay, 10 + by)
# General case
for c in all_the_primes:
# We cannot assume that a < b < c < d
if c == a or c == b:
cx = c // BASE
cy = c % BASE
dd = check_intersects((ax, ay), (bx, by), (cx, cy))
#print("Checking",a,",",b,",",c,":", dd)
if dd is None:
#elif len(dd) > 1:
# return (c, dd[0])
return (c, dd)
def check_intersects(a, b, c):
ax = a[0]
ay = a[1]
bx = b[0]
by = b[1]
cx = c[0]
cy = c[1]
center, r = define_circle(a, b, c)
#print("Form a circle with center",center)
#print("and radius",r)
if center is None:
return None
for y in prime_y:
x1, x2 = circle_intersects_with_y(center, r, y)
#print("Got intersect with y =",y,":",x1,",",x2)
if x1 is None:
elif x1 * BASE + y < all_primes_greater_than:
elif (x1, y) == (ax, ay) or (x1, y) == (bx, by) or (x1, y) == (cx, cy):
elif not is_prime(x1 * BASE + y):
elif verify_circle((ax, ay), (bx, by), (cx, cy), (x1, y)):
return x1 * BASE + y
if x2 is None:
elif x2 * BASE + y < all_primes_greater_than:
elif (x2, y) == (ax, ay) or (x2, y) == (bx, by) or (x2, y) == (cx, cy):
elif not is_prime(x2 * BASE + y):
elif verify_circle((ax, ay), (bx, by), (cx, cy), (x2, y)):
return x2 * BASE + y
def circle_intersects_with_y(center, r, y):
cx = center[0]
cy = center[1]
# Find x such that dx^2 + dy^2 == r^2
# dx = abs(cx-x)
dy = abs(cy-y)
dx2 = r*r - dy*dy
if dx2 < 0:
# No intersection
return (None, None)
dx = sqrt(dx2)
x1 = cx-dx
x2 = cx+dx
# Round to nearest integer
ix1 = int(x1+0.5)
ix2 = int(x2+0.5)
# Check that intersect points are integers, otherwise set them to None
if abs(x1-ix1) > 1.0e-6:
ix1 = None
if abs(x2-ix2) > 1.0e-6:
ix2 = None
return (ix1, ix2)
#p1 = [x for x in all_the_primes if x % 10 == 1]
#p3 = [x for x in all_the_primes if x % 10 == 3]
#p7 = [x for x in all_the_primes if x % 10 == 7]
#p9 = [x for x in all_the_primes if x % 10 == 9]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Is this how constants work?
BASE = 10 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1])
PRIME_LIMIT = 100000 if len(sys.argv) < 3 else int(sys.argv[2])
# For base 10, check y=[1, 3, 7, 9], for other bases
# check y coprime to base
prime_y = [x for x in range(1, BASE) if gcd(x, BASE) == 1]
print("Base:",BASE," Checking y:",prime_y)
# Only check for primes greater than n in base n
all_primes_greater_than = BASE
all_the_primes = all_primes_up_to(PRIME_LIMIT)
for a in all_the_primes:
for b in all_the_primes:
if a >= b:
x = circle4primes(a, b)
if x is None:
print("Found counterexample: a:",a,"b:",b, flush=True)
#pprint((a, b, *x))
#candidates = [[1061, 1117], [1229, 1291], [1559, 1621], [2039, 2131], [3299, 3361], [5557, 5573], [6329, 6451], [6337, 6473]]
#candidates = [[2179, 31587561361]]
#candidates = [[5, 7], [5, 11], [5, 13], [7, 11], [11, 13]]
#candidates = [[11, 71]]
#candidates = [[5, 13], [5, 37], [7, 11], [7, 23], [7, 59], [11, 19], [11, 31], [13, 29], [19, 23], [19, 47], [23, 43]]
candidates = [[11, 19], [11, 43]]
for ab in candidates:
a = ab[0]
b = ab[1]
x = circle4primes(a, b)
if x is None:
print("Found counterexample: a:",a,"b:",b, flush=True)
pprint((a, b, *x))
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