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Last active March 30, 2018 11:24
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Given a subnet mask like, will return the lowest and highest addresses across the range
Given a subnet mask, will return the lowest and highest addresses within the range of the mask.
For example, given, will return @{"lowest"="", "highest"=""}
Get-SubnetRange -SubnetMask ''
function Get-SubnetRange
param (
# split for ip and number of 1 bits
$split = $SubnetMask -split '/'
$ip = $split[0]
$ip_parts = $ip -isplit '\.'
$bits = [int]$split[1]
# generate the netmask
$network = @("", "", "", "")
$count = 0
foreach ($i in 0..3)
foreach ($b in 1..8)
if ($count -le $bits)
$network[$i] += "1"
$network[$i] += "0"
# covert netmask to bytes
0..3 | ForEach-Object {
$network[$_] = [Convert]::ToByte($network[$_], 2)
# calculate the bottom range
$bottom = @(0..3 | ForEach-Object { [byte]([byte]$network[$_] -band [byte]$ip_parts[$_]) })
# calculate the range
$range = @(0..3 | ForEach-Object { 256 + (-bnot [byte]$network[$_]) })
# calculate the top range
$top = @(0..3 | ForEach-Object { [byte]([byte]$ip_parts[$_] + [byte]$range[$_]) })
return @{
'lowest' = ($bottom -join '.');
'highest' = ($top -join '.');
'range' = ($range -join '.');
'netmask' = ($network -join '.');
'ip' = ($ip_parts -join '.');
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