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Created November 1, 2018 20:39
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  • Save BaerMitUmlaut/0fa19660321512c678b6627d44cb1610 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Render 3D objects with ropes
private _lineCache = createLocation ["NameVillage", [-1000, -1000, 0], 0, 0];
private _fn_renderVertex = {
private _vertex = "ace_fastroping_helper" createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
_vertex hideObject true;
_vertex setPosWorld _this;
private _fn_renderLine = {
params ["_from", "_to"];
private _libNameFT = format ["%1_%2", _from, _to];
private _libNameTF = format ["%2_%1", _from, _to];
if (_libNameFT in allVariables _lineCache) exitWith {
_lineCache getVariable _libNameFT
if (_libNameTF in allVariables _lineCache) exitWith {
_lineCache getVariable _libNameTF
private _line = ropeCreate [
_from, [0, 0, 0],
_to, [0, 0, 0],
_from distance _to
_lineCache setVariable [_libNameFT, _line];
private _fn_renderTriangle = {
private _vertices = _this apply {
_x call _fn_renderVertex
private _lines = [0, 1, 2] apply {
[_vertices#_x, _vertices#((_x + 1) mod 3)] call _fn_renderLine;
[_vertices, _lines]
private _fn_preprocess = {
params ["_scale", "_offset", "_triangles"];
_triangles apply {
_x apply {
(_x vectorMultiply _scale) vectorAdd _offset
private _fn_loadSTL = {
params ["_file"];
private _lines = (loadFile _file) splitString endl;
private _triangles = [];
private _currentTriangle = [];
private _tokens = _x splitString (" " + toString [9]);
switch (_tokens#0) do {
case "endfacet": {
_triangles pushBack _currentTriangle;
_currentTriangle = [];
case "vertex": {
_currentTriangle pushBack ((_tokens select [1, 3]) apply {
parseNumber _x
} forEach _lines;
_x call _fn_renderTriangle;
} forEach (
[0.01, [0, 0, 5], ["bär.stl"] call _fn_loadSTL] call _fn_preprocess
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