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Last active March 25, 2017 12:14
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  • Save Bajron/4faf322db9e6096599217b957d756744 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]; then
echo "* This file is supposed to be sourced!"
echo ""
echo "Usage:"
echo " source $0"
exit 1
# core functionality that you want to copy+customize+paste
alias "g++=g++ -std=c++14 -Wall"
# while this is logical...
#function ot() { [ "${1%%.cpp}" -ot "${1%%.cpp}.cpp" ]; }
# this can handle includes in the same directory :)
function ot(){ local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; [ "$(ls -t -1 | head -1)" != "${f%.cpp}" ]; }
function b() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; g++ -o "${f%.cpp}" "${f%.cpp}.cpp" -Wall -Wshadow $(minimake_gf "$f"); }
function m() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; ot "$f" && b "$f"; }
function x() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; shift; m "$f" ; ot "$f" || timeout 120 ./"${f%.cpp}" "$@"; }
function minimake_gf() { echo ''; } #< default for copy+paste
# fireworks
function br() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; g++ -O2 -o "${f%.cpp}" "${f%.cpp}.cpp" $(minimake_gf "$f"); }
function bd() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; g++ -g -o "${f%.cpp}" "${f%.cpp}.cpp" $(minimake_gf "$f"); }
function mr() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; ot "$f" && br "$f"; }
function md() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; ot "$f" && bd "$f"; }
function d() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; shift; bd "$f"; ot "$f" || gdb --args ./"${f%.cpp}" "$@"; }
function t() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; shift; m "$f"; ot "$f" || timeout 120 ./"${f%.cpp}" "$@" < "${f%.cpp}.in"; }
function r() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; shift; mr "$f"; ot "$f" || timeout 120 ./"${f%.cpp}" "$@" 2>/dev/null; }
function c() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; [ -x "${f%.cpp}" ] && rm -v "${f%.cpp}"; }
function e() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; [ "$f" ] && "${EDITOR:-vim}" "${f%.cpp}.cpp"; }
function n() { local f="${1:-${minimake_DEFAULT}}"; [ "$f" != "" -a ! -f "${f%.cpp}.cpp" ] && cat >"${f%.cpp}.cpp" <<EOF
#include <iostream>
int main() {
return 0;
function minimake_gf() {
test -f "${1%.cpp}.cpp" &&
head "${1%.cpp}.cpp" | sed -nr 's|^// flags:(.*)$|\1|p';
function h() {
Minimake environment
This utility is simple. It works only for .cpp files.
It is a replacement for "make file" utility when pure
defaults are not enough (e.g. you use C++11).
Experimental feature -- you can use additional flags
in compilation by typing in the first line of your cpp:
// flags: <flags go here>
<cmd> file[.cpp]
Minimake commands:
b : compile given .cpp file
m : compile given .cpp file if changed
x : make and execute cpp file
d : debug with gdb (gdb command tip: run <
t : test with as stdin
r : release build; compile with optimization, ignore stderr
c : clean; remove compiled program
e : open given .cpp file in editor
n : create new .cpp file
h : this message
To cleanup after minimake run:
To refresh environment after changes:
To provide or reset default target for single letter commands use:
mm_set file[.cpp]
To save shell state for later/other console use:
mm_sync or source .minimake.state
Notice these functions can create .minimake.state file in current directory.
Your minimake definition is in ${minimake_SOURCE}.
This value is available under \$minimake_SOURCE.
function minimake_init() {
if [ "${PS1##(mm}" = "${PS1}" ]; then
PS1="(mm\${minimake_DEFAULT:+: \${minimake_DEFAULT}}) ${PS1}"
if [ "$minimake_SOURCE" ]; then
echo "Minimake environment initialized. Run h command for help."
function mm_refresh() {
local load="${minimake_SOURCE}"
local default="${minimake_DEFAULT}"
source "${load}"
[ "$default" ] && mm_set "$default"
function mm_set() { minimake_DEFAULT="${1}";}
function mm_unset() { unset minimake_DEFAULT;}
function mm_save() {
echo "source '$minimake_SOURCE'" > .minimake.state
[ "$rosalind_SOURCE" ] &&
echo "source '$rosalind_SOURCE'" >> .minimake.state
[ "$minimake_DEFAULT" ] &&
echo "mm_set '$minimake_DEFAULT'" >> .minimake.state
function mm_sync() {
[ -f .minimake.state ] && source .minimake.state
function mm_clean() {
unalias g++
unset -f b m x ot br mr bd md d t r c h e
unset -f minimake_init
unset -f minimake_gf
unset -f mm_clean
unset -f mm_refresh
unset -f mm_set
unset -f mm_unset
unset -f mm_save
unset -f mm_sync
unset -v minimake_pre_PS1 minimake_SOURCE minimake_DEFAULT
minimake_SOURCE="$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})"
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