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Last active July 10, 2017 09:02
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ripgrep ( tab completion in powershell
function Get-AliasPattern($exe) {
$aliases = @($exe) + @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Definition -eq $exe } | Select-Object -Exp Name)
"($($aliases -join '|'))"
$options = @(
@(@('-A', '--after-context'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('-B', '--before-context'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('-S', '--case-sensitive'), @()),
@(@('', '--color'), @('never', 'auto', 'always', 'ansi')),
@(@('', '--colors'), @('{type}:{attribute}:{value}')),
@(@('', '--column'), @()),
@(@('-C', '--context'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('', '--context-separator'), @('<SEPARATOR>')),
@(@('-c', '--count'), @()),
@(@('', '--debug'), @()),
@(@('', '--dfa-size-limit'), @('<NUM+SUFFIX?>')),
@(@('-E', '--encoding'), @(
@(@('-f', '--file'), @('<FILE>')),
@(@('', '--files'), @()),
@(@('-l', '--files-with-matches'), @()),
@(@('-l', '--files-without-match'), @()),
@(@('-F', '--fixed-strings'), @()),
@(@('-L', '--follow'), @()),
@(@('-g', '--glob'), @('<GLOB>')),
@(@('-h', '--help'), @()),
@(@('', '--heading'), @()),
@(@('', '--hidden'), @()),
@(@('-i', '--ignore-case'), @()),
@(@('', '--ignore-file'), @('<FILE>')),
@(@('-v', '--invert-match'), @()),
@(@('-n', '--line-number'), @()),
@(@('-M', '--max-columns'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('-m', '--max-count'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('-m', '--max-count'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('', '--max-filesize'), @('<NUM+SUFFIX?>')),
@(@('', '--maxdepth'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('', '--mmap'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-filename'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-heading'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-ignore'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-ignore-parent'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-ignore-vcs'), @()),
@(@('-N', '--no-line-number'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-messages'), @()),
@(@('', '--no-mmap'), @()),
@(@('-0', '--null'), @()),
@(@('-o', '--only-matching'), @()),
@(@('', '--path-separator'), @('"/"', '"\"')),
@(@('-p', '--pretty'), @()),
@(@('-q', '--quiet'), @()),
@(@('', '--regex-size-limit'), @('<NUM+SUFFIX?>')),
@(@('-e', '--regexp'), @('<PATTERN>')),
@(@('-r', '--replace'), @('<ARG>')),
@(@('-S', '--smart-case'), @()),
@(@('', '--sort-files'), @()),
@(@('-a', '--text'), @()),
@(@('-j', '--threads'), @('<NUM>')),
@(@('-t', '--type'), @('<TYPE>')),
@(@('', '--type-add'), @('"src:include:cpp,py,md"', '"foo:*.foo"')),
@(@('', '--type-clear'), @('<TYPE>')),
@(@('', '--type-list'), @()),
@(@('-T', '--type-not'), @('<TYPE>')),
@(@('-u', '--unrestricted'), @()),
@(@('-V', '--version'), @()),
@(@('', '--vimgrep'), @()),
@(@('-H', '--with-filename'), @()),
@(@('-w', '--word-regexp'), @())
$colors_value = @('red', 'blue', 'green', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'white', 'black')
$colors_style = @('nobold', 'bold', 'nointense', 'intense')
$colors_attribute = @('fg', 'bg', 'none', 'style')
$colors_type = @('path', 'line', 'column', 'match')
function parse_option($parameters) {
if (!($parameters -match '(^|\s+)(?<lastOption>\-\S+)\s+(?<lastToken>\S*)$')) {
return @(@(), @(), '')
$lastOption = $Matches['lastOption']
$options | Where-Object {
$_[0] -ccontains $lastOption
} | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object {
$option = $_[0]
$completionList = $_[1]
$wordToComplete = $Matches['lastToken']
return @($option, $completionList, $wordToComplete)
function RipgrepTabExpansion($lastBlock) {
$parameters = ($lastBlock -replace "^$(Get-AliasPattern rg)(\.exe)?\s+","")
$parsed = (parse_option $parameters)
$option = $parsed[0]
$completionList = $parsed[1]
$wordToComplete = $parsed[2]
if ($option -and $completionList) {
if ($completionList[0] -eq '<ARG>') {
$completionList = $completionList + @('""')
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<FILE>') {
$completionList = @()
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<GLOB>') {
$completionList = $completionList + @('""')
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<NUM+SUFFIX?>') {
$completionList = $completionList + @(0 .. 9)
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<NUM>') {
$completionList = $completionList + @(0 .. 9)
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<PATTERN>') {
$completionList = $completionList + @('""')
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<SEPARATOR>') {
$completionList = $completionList + @('""', '"--"', '"\t"', '"\x7F"')
elseif ($completionList[0] -eq '<TYPE>') {
$completionList = $completionList + (
rg --type-list | ForEach-Object {
$_.SubString(0, $_.IndexOf(':'))
elseif ($option -eq '--colors') {
$tokens = $wordToComplete -split ':'
if ($tokens.Count -eq 1) {
$completionList = $completionList + $colors_type
elseif ($tokens.Count -eq 2) {
$completionList = $completionList + (
$colors_attribute | ForEach-Object {
$tokens[0] + ':' + $_
elseif ($tokens.Count -eq 3 -and $tokens[1] -eq 'style') {
$completionList = $completionList + (
$colors_style | ForEach-Object {
$tokens[0] + ':' + $tokens[1] + ':' + $_
else {
$completionList = $completionList + (
$colors_value | ForEach-Object {
$tokens[0] + ':' + $tokens[1] + ':' + $_
$completionList | Where-Object { $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" }
elseif ($parameters -match '(^|\s+)(?<lastToken>\S*)$') {
$completionList = $options | ForEach-Object { $_[0] } | Where-Object { $_ }
$wordToComplete = $Matches['lastToken']
$completionList | Where-Object { $_ -like "${wordToComplete}*" }
$PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion = if (Get-Module -Name powertab) { Get-Command Register-TabExpansion -Module powertab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
if ($PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion)
& $PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion "rg" -Type Command {
param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput, [ref]$QuoteSpaces) # 1:
$line = $Context.Line
$lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart()
$TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true
RipgrepTabExpansion $lastBlock
if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) {
Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion TabExpansionBackup
function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
$lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart()
switch -regex ($lastBlock) {
# Execute rg tab completion for all rg-related commands
"^$(Get-AliasPattern rg)(\.exe)? (.*)" {
RipgrepTabExpansion $lastBlock
# Fall back on existing tab expansion
default { if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansionBackup) { TabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord } }
if (Get-Module RipgrepTabExpansion) { return }
$thisDirectory = (Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
. $thisDirectory\RipgrepTabExpansion.ps1
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'TabExpansion'
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