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Last active January 25, 2019 14:33
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Cleaning some spatial data in WGS84 with R: remove all cities closest to 20 km to each other
Created by Nicolas Roelandt, IFSTTAR 2019
Licence GPL v3.0
# Load needed packages
```{r load_libraries}
<!-- original data -->
# Load the data
```{r load_data_source}
cities <- read_csv(url(""), col_types = cols(radius = col_number(),
yearHST = col_integer(), yearMotorway = col_integer()))
population <- read_csv(url("")
The line 1371 is the only one to have a radius. Probably a typo.
So we have 10 columns, we will need latitude and longitude to create points.
# Create geometries
```{r Create geometry}
cities_df = st_as_sf(cities, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"), crs = 4326)
```{r, df_simplification}
cities_df_simplified <- cities_df %>%
<!-- sample data -->
```{r, eval=FALSE}
# Create a tribble from the data
df <- tibble::tribble(
~index, ~city, ~lat, ~lon,
1172, "Zaria", 11.11128, 7.7227,
1173, "Oslo", 59.91273, 10.74609,
1174, "Masqat (Muscat)", 23.61387, 58.5922,
1175, "Bahawalpur", 29.4, 71.68333,
1181, "Islamabad", 33.70351,73.059373,
1194, "Rawalpindi", 33.6,73.0666667
cities_df_simplified <- st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
```{r, distance_matrix}
#Create distance matrix
#dist_mat <- st_distance(cities_df_simplified)
dist_mat <- st_distance(cities_df_simplified)
# Create a Truth matrix when 0 < distance < 200000 meters
# source:
truth_matrix <- dist_mat < set_units(20000, 'm') & dist_mat > set_units(0,'m')
# Put cities index as row and column names
dimnames(truth_matrix) <- list(cities_df$cityCode, cities_df$cityCode)
# fusion de la matrice pour créer une colonne pour chaque identifiant
# les valeur sont filtrées pour ne garder que les valeurs posiitives.
# source:
extraction <- subset(melt(truth_matrix), value ==1)
```{r create_pairs}
# Create pairs from the extract of the truth table
vars <- c(cityCodeV1 = "Var1", cityCodeV2 ="Var2")
pairs <- extraction %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(unique_order =
paste(min(Var1, Var2),
max(Var1, Var2), sep = '-')) %>%
distinct(unique_order, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
pairs_geom <- pairs %>%
left_join(cities_df, by = c("cityCodeV1" = "cityCode")) %>%
# Order by population
```{r population_order}
# Create a simple df with only cityCode and 2015 population
pop2015 <- population %>%
select(cityCode, pop2015)
pairs_pop <- pairs_geom %>%
left_join(pop2015, by = c("cityCodeV1" = "cityCode")) %>%
rename(v1_pop2015 = pop2015) %>%
left_join(pop2015, by =c("cityCodeV2" = "cityCode")) %>%
rename(v2_pop2015 = pop2015)
# head(pairs_pop)
to_clean_df <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = dim(pairs_pop)[1])),c("to_keep", "to_keep_pop"))
# For each row, determine which city is the biggest and adds the two cities population
for (i in 1:dim(pairs_pop)[1]) {
if(pairs_pop$v1_pop2015[i] > pairs_pop$v2_pop2015[i]){
to_clean_df$to_keep[i] = pairs_pop$cityCodeV1[i]
to_clean_df$to_keep_pop[i] = pairs_pop$v1_pop2015[i] + pairs_pop$v2_pop2015[i]
to_clean_df$to_keep[i] = pairs_pop$cityCodeV2[i]
to_clean_df$to_keep_pop[i] = pairs_pop$v1_pop2015[i] + pairs_pop$v2_pop2015[i]
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