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Last active December 30, 2015 05:09
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  • Save BaldarSilveraxe/7780978 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BaldarSilveraxe/7780978 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Roll 20 Calendar and Weather
roll20API.processAPIminuteChronos = function() {
var addNumMins = parseInt(roll20API.valueGiven) + roll20API.currentMinute;
if(isNaN(addNumMins)){var addNumMins = 0};
roll20API.tempCarryHours = Math.floor(addNumMins/60);
var tempCurrentMinutes = Math.round(((addNumMins/60) % 1) * 60);
var newCurrentMinutes = tempCurrentMinutes.toString();
if(newCurrentMinutes.length == 1){newCurrentMinutes = "0" + newCurrentMinutes};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Minute", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: newCurrentMinutes});
roll20API.processAPIhourChronos = function() {
var addNumHours = parseInt(roll20API.valueGiven) + roll20API.currentHour;
if(isNaN(addNumHours)){var addNumHours = 0};
roll20API.tempCarryDays = Math.floor(addNumHours/24);
var tempCurrentHours = Math.round(((addNumHours/24) % 1) * 24);
var newCurrentHours = tempCurrentHours.toString();
if(newCurrentHours.length == 1){newCurrentHours = "0" + newCurrentHours};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Hour", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: newCurrentHours});
roll20API.processAPIdayChronos = function() {
roll20API.currentDay = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Day", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
var addNumDays = parseInt(roll20API.valueGiven) + parseInt(roll20API.currentDay);
if(isNaN(addNumDays)){var addNumDays = 0};
if(addNumDays <= parseInt(roll20API.daysInCurrentMonth) + 1){
roll20API.daysLeftOver = 0;
var newCurrentDays = addNumDays.toString();
if(newCurrentDays.length == 1){newCurrentDays = "0" + newCurrentDays};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Day", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: newCurrentDays});
if(addNumDays >= parseInt(roll20API.daysInCurrentMonth) + 1){
roll20API.daysLeftOver = parseInt(addNumDays) - parseInt(roll20API.daysInCurrentMonth) - 1;
addNumDays = 1;
tempCurrentMonth = roll20API.currentMonth + 1;
if(tempCurrentMonth >= 13){
newCurrentYear = parseInt(roll20API.currentYear) + 1;
roll20API.currentYear = newCurrentYear;
newCurrentYearstr = newCurrentYear.toString()
var pad = "00000"
var newYearPad = pad.substring(0, pad.length - newCurrentYearstr.length) + newCurrentYearstr
roll20API.currentYear = newCurrentYear;
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Year", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: newYearPad});
tempCurrentMonth = 1;
var newCurrentDays = addNumDays.toString();
if(newCurrentDays.length == 1){newCurrentDays = "0" + newCurrentDays};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Day", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: newCurrentDays});
var newCurrentMonths = tempCurrentMonth.toString();
if(newCurrentMonths.length == 1){newCurrentMonths = "0" + newCurrentMonths};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: newCurrentMonths});
roll20API.currentMonth = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
for (var loopcalendarYear in roll20API.calendarYear) {
if(roll20API.calendarYear[loopcalendarYear].month == roll20API.currentMonth){
roll20API.daysInCurrentMonth = roll20API.calendarYear[loopcalendarYear].days;
//API:Events:ChatMessage:processAPIswitch:Chronos:Month Check**********************************************
roll20API.processAPImonthCheckChronos = function() {
//set default values if out of range
var correctDay = 15
//get current values to check
var CHECKcurrentMinute = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Minute", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
var CHECKcurrentHour = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Hour", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
var CHECKcurrentDay = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Day", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
var CHECKcurrentMonth = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
var CHECKcurrentYear = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Year", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
var CHECKcurrentRegion = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Region", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var CHECKcurrentTerrain = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Terrain", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
//if not a number set to -1
if(isNaN(CHECKcurrentMinute)){CHECKcurrentMinute = -1};
if(isNaN(CHECKcurrentHour)){CHECKcurrentHour = -1};
if(isNaN(CHECKcurrentMonth)){CHECKcurrentMonth = -1};
if(isNaN(CHECKcurrentYear)){CHECKcurrentYear = -1};
//check minutes between 0-60 set to 00 if not
if(CHECKcurrentMinute <= -1 || CHECKcurrentMinute >= 60){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Minute", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "00"});
//check hours between 0-24 set to 12 if not
if(CHECKcurrentHour <= -1 || CHECKcurrentHour >= 24){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Hour", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "12"});
//check Month < 1 set to 01
if(CHECKcurrentMonth <= -1){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "01"});
//check Month > 13 set to 12
if(CHECKcurrentMonth >= 13){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "12"});
//get month Again
CHECKcurrentMonth = parseInt(findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current"));
//get max day for the month
for (var loopMonthCheck in roll20API.calendarYear) {
if(roll20API.calendarYear[loopMonthCheck].month == CHECKcurrentMonth){
var maxdaysmonth = roll20API.calendarYear[loopMonthCheck].days;
//set day to max if over
if(parseInt(CHECKcurrentDay) >= (parseInt(maxdaysmonth)) + 1){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Day", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: maxdaysmonth});
//set day to 01 if <=0
if(CHECKcurrentDay <= 0){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Day", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "01"});
//check year for under 0
if(CHECKcurrentYear <= -1){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Year", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "00000"});
//check year for over 99999
if(CHECKcurrentYear >= 100000){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Year", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "99999"});
//if Region = Artic and Terrain = Forest change to Hills (no forest in the artic)
if(CHECKcurrentRegion == "Arctic" && CHECKcurrentTerrain == "Forest"){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Terrain", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: "Hills"});
roll20API.processAPIweatherChronos = function(resetWeather, countDay) {
//get values needed from current
var GETcurrentMonth = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Month", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentRegion = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Region", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentTerrain = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Terrain", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentWindSpd = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "WindSpd", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentCodeA1 = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "CodeA1", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var CodeA1Value = parseInt(GETcurrentCodeA1);
//get allowable ranges roll20API.TempVarA1
var ckey = null;
var gkey = null;
var LowValue = null;
var AveValue = null;
var MaxValue = null;
var seasonValue = "Spring";
for (var loopTempVarA1 in roll20API.TempVarA1) {
var ckey = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].regions;
ckey = ckey + roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].terrain;
ckey = ckey + roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].month;
var gkey = GETcurrentRegion
gkey = gkey + GETcurrentTerrain
gkey = gkey + GETcurrentMonth
if(ckey == gkey){
LowValue = parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].low);
AveValue = parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].mean);
MaxValue = parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].high);
seasonValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempVarA1].season
//default roll20API.TempVarA2 results
var netStep = 0;
var precipitationStep = "S";
var windDirStep = "Prevailing";
var windSpdStep = "+000";
var noteStep = "-";
var windSpdStepNetChange = parseInt(windSpdStep);
//for each day step up/down on roll20API.TempVarA2
for (var loopcountDay=0;loopcountDay<countDay;loopcountDay++){
//roll 2 dice (need both and sum)
var diceOne = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var diceTwo = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var diceSum = diceOne + diceTwo;
for (var loopTempVarA2 in roll20API.TempVarA2) {
if(parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].dice) == diceSum){
netStep = netStep + parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].step);
if(isNaN(parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].windSpd)) == false){
if(windSpdStepNetChange + parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].windSpd) >= 0){
windSpdStepNetChange = windSpdStepNetChange + parseInt(roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].windSpd);
precipitationStep = roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].precipitation;
windDirStep = roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].windDir;
windSpdStep = roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].windSpd;
noteStep = roll20API.TempVarA2[loopTempVarA2].note;
//set the CodeA1 Value to what it should be
CodeA1Value = CodeA1Value + netStep
if(CodeA1Value < LowValue){CodeA1Value = LowValue};
if(CodeA1Value > MaxValue){CodeA1Value = MaxValue};
//added for bug... need to check
if(CodeA1Value > 26){CodeA1Value = 26;};
if(CodeA1Value < 1){CodeA1Value = 1;};
CodeA1Chr = CodeA1Value.toString();
var lowTempFound = "-020";
var highTempFound = "-040";
for (var loopTempVarA1code in roll20API.TempVarA1code) {
if(roll20API.TempVarA1code[loopTempVarA1code].code == CodeA1Chr){
lowTempFound = roll20API.TempVarA1code[loopTempVarA1code].lowCode;
highTempFound = roll20API.TempVarA1code[loopTempVarA1code].highCode;
//pad and level cap wind
var padwind = "000";
if(noteStep !== "!"){
if(windSpdStepNetChange >= 46){windSpdStepNetChange = 45};
if(GETcurrentRegion == "Subarctic" && windSpdStepNetChange >= 31){windSpdStepNetChange = 30};
if(GETcurrentRegion == "Tropical" && windSpdStepNetChange >= 21){windSpdStepNetChange = 20};
if(GETcurrentRegion == "Arctic" && windSpdStepNetChange >= 21){windSpdStepNetChange = 20};
var windstr = windSpdStepNetChange.toString()
var windstrPad = "+" + padwind.substring(0, padwind.length - windstr.length) + windstr;
//record values
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "CodeA1", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: CodeA1Chr});
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "TempHigh", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: highTempFound});
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "TempLow", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: lowTempFound});
if(windDirStep !== "Same"){
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "WindDir", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: windDirStep});
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "WindSpd", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: windstrPad});
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "ChancePrecip", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: precipitationStep});
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Season", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: seasonValue});
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "NoteA2", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: noteStep});
roll20API.processAPIrainChronos = function() {
//get values needed from current
var GETcurrentSeason = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Season", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentRegion = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Region", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentTerrain = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Terrain", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
//get allowable ranges roll20API.TempRainA3
var ckey = null;
var gkey = null;
var AValue = "-";
var BValue = "-";
var CValue = "-";
for (var loopTempRainA in roll20API.TempVarA1) {
var ckey = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempRainA].regions;
ckey = ckey + roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempRainA].terrain;
ckey = ckey + roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempRainA].season;
var gkey = GETcurrentRegion;
gkey = gkey + GETcurrentTerrain;
gkey = gkey + GETcurrentSeason;
if(ckey == gkey){
AValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempRainA].rain_a;
BValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempRainA].rain_b;
CValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempRainA].rain_c;
var diceOne = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var diceTwo = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var CodeA3Var = AValue;
if(diceOne > diceTwo){CodeA3Var = AValue};
if(diceOne = diceTwo){CodeA3Var = BValue};
if(diceOne < diceTwo){CodeA3Var = CValue};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "CodeA3", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: CodeA3Var});
roll20API.processAPIspecialChronos = function() {
//get values needed from current
var GETcurrentSeason = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Season", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentRegion = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Region", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
var GETcurrentTerrain = findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "Terrain", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].get("current");
//get allowable ranges roll20API.TempRainA3
var ckey = null;
var gkey = null;
var AValue = "-";
var BValue = "-";
var CValue = "-";
var DValue = "-";
for (var loopTempSpcA4 in roll20API.TempVarA1) {
var ckey = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].regions;
ckey = ckey + roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].terrain;
ckey = ckey + roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].season;
var gkey = GETcurrentRegion;
gkey = gkey + GETcurrentTerrain;
gkey = gkey + GETcurrentSeason;
if(ckey == gkey){
AValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].A;
BValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].B;
CValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].C;
DValue = roll20API.TempVarA1[loopTempSpcA4].D;
var diceOne = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var diceTwo = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var RollOneSum = diceOne + diceTwo
var diceThree = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var diceFour = Math.floor((Math.random()*6)+1);
var RollTwoSum = diceThree + diceFour
var CodeA4Var = "-";
if(RollOneSum == 2){
if(RollTwoSum <= 4){CodeA4Var = AValue;};
if(RollTwoSum == 5 || RollTwoSum == 6 || RollTwoSum == 7){CodeA4Var = BValue;};
if(RollOneSum == 12){
if(RollTwoSum >= 10){CodeA4Var = CValue;};
if(RollTwoSum == 8 || RollTwoSum == 9 || RollTwoSum == 7){CodeA4Var = DValue;};
findObjs({ _type: "attribute", name: "CodeA4", _characterid: GM_Chronosid})[0].set({current: CodeA4Var});
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