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Created October 5, 2011 14:00
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A networked based socket server
-- Socket based network library
import Network.Socket
-- System io calls. Posix based
import System.IO
-- for exceptions
import Control.Exception
-- concurrent primitives
import Control.Concurrent
-- concurrent channels
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix (fix)
-- BJB - our message type will be an id and a string message to be passed to all
-- - channels not on that Id
type Msg = (Int, String)
-- BJB - The main function is run as an IO Monad
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- BJB Create a new channel for the server side communication
chan <- newChan
-- create socket
-- BJB - The socket is of type AF_INET
-- The socket type is Stream, which means they are connected, ie failure on
-- on party breaks both connections
sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
-- make socket immediately reusable - eases debuggin
-- BJB - Socket option SO_REUSEADDR
setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
-- listen on TCP port 4242
-- BJB - could be written as `bindSocket sock $ SockAddrInet 4242 iNADDR_ANY`
-- iNADDR_ANY is the ipv4 wildcard. 4242 is the port
-- this takes the socket and binds it to the network interface
bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet 4242 iNADDR_ANY)
-- listen on TCP port 4242
-- BJB - could be written as `bindSocket sock $ SockAddrInet 4242 iNADDR_ANY`
-- iNADDR_ANY is the ipv4 wildcard. 4242 is the port
-- this takes the socket and binds it to the network
listen sock 2
-- BJB - recursive sink to pull data off the first chanel
-- - this is to prevent the channel from filling it's
-- - buffer without removing any data
-- - See below for more information about fix and how it works
forkIO $ fix $ \loop -> do
(_, msg) <- readChan chan
-- BJB - Passing the channel to the loop with an id
mainLoop sock chan 0
-- handles all incoming connections
-- since it performs IO, it too must operate in the IO monad
mainLoop :: Socket -> Chan Msg -> Int -> IO ()
mainLoop sock chan nr = do
-- accept on connection and handle it
-- BJB -
-- waits for a connection to a client
-- a connection is a (Socket, SockAddr)
conn <- accept sock
-- BJB - passes the connection to the handler function
-- - type of forkIO is IO() -> IO ThreadId
-- - it's a lightweight thread
-- - not for use if there are system threads excpected by the
-- - underlying libraries
-- - pass the channel to the socket handlers
forkIO (runConn conn chan nr)
-- BJB - loops back to accept the next connection
-- - increment the connection id
-- - the $! operator is defined as
-- - f $! x = x `seq` f x
-- - seq forces evaluation of a function, this increments
-- - the connection id explicitly before the recursive call is made
mainLoop sock chan $! nr+1
-- BJB Need to constrain the error handler used below to only receive an IOException
-- Will try to find out why later
errorHandler :: IOException -> IO()
-- BJB - the return () or return unit/void means do nothing
errorHandler _ = return ()
-- sends a message to the incomming socket
runConn :: (Socket, SockAddr) -> Chan Msg -> Int -> IO ()
runConn (sock, _) chan nr = do
-- BJB - define a helper to broadcast a mesage to the channel
-- - note: it closes over the channel
let broadcast msg = writeChan chan (nr, msg)
-- BJB - socketToHandle converts a network socket to a handle
-- - a read / write handle
hdl <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
-- BJB - set to nobuffer, no need to flush
hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering
-- BJB - As the user for their name
hPutStrLn hdl "Hi, what's your name?"
-- BJB - Store the user name
name <- liftM init (hGetLine hdl)
-- BJB - Tell everyone the user entered.
-- - the ++ operator concats two lists efficientlyd
broadcast ("--> " ++ name ++ " entered.")
-- BJB - welcome the user on their socket
hPutStrLn hdl ("Welcome, " ++ name ++ "!")
-- BJB - duplicate the chanel
-- - chan' is used to read
-- - chan is used to write
chan' <- dupChan chan
-- fork off thread for reading fro the duplicate channel
-- BJB - fix turns a lamba (taking a function as an arg and calling that at the end)
-- - into a loop
-- - fix f = f (fix f)
-- -
-- - remember forkIO's threadId so we can work on it later
reader <- forkIO $ fix $ \loop -> do
(nr', line) <- readChan chan'
-- BJB - if the message comes from a channel that isn't mine,
-- - send it over the socket, otherwise skip it
when (nr /= nr') $ hPutStrLn hdl line
-- BJB - right now, this won't even compile
-- - I suspect it isn't compiling because it's looking for an exception,
-- - but one isn't present
-- - handle is of type handle::Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
-- - the (e -> IO a) is an exception handler
-- - However, the compiler wants it to be tightented down to only (IOException -> IO a)
-- - this is done by using the errorHandler defined above as opposed to the
-- - lambda from the original article
handle errorHandler $fix $ \loop -> do
-- BJB -
-- - liftM turns init into a monad to take the line from the socket
-- - init is used to kill the \n character
line <- liftM init (hGetLine hdl)
case line of
-- BJB - quit if needed
"quit" -> hPutStrLn hdl "Bye!"
-- BJB - otherwise broadcast
_ -> do
broadcast (name ++ ": " ++ line)
-- BJB - close the reader thread.
-- - this isn't a problem because the previous line will not get here
-- - until the writer chanel is closed from the 'quit' command
killThread reader
-- BJB - Let the room know this user left
broadcast ("<-- " ++ name ++ " left.")
-- BJB - close the socket/handle
hClose hdl
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