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Last active May 29, 2017 12:59
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SAM coupé conversion of One-Page BASIC SID Benchmark in Plogue R&D
; +++++++++++++++++++++
; SID TEST 3: 28-May-17
; +++++++++++++++++++++
; Conversion of one-page basic SID benchmark by Plogue R&D
; Compiled with PYZ80
dump 1,0
org 32768
; v(0)=54272 ; voice 1 base
; v(1)=54279 ; voice 2 base
; v(2)=54286 ; voice 3 base
ld c,&d4 ; SID controleld with OUT (C),r with B=register to set
; poke 54296,15 ; Set master volume control
ld b,24
ld a,&0f
out (c),a
; for i=0 to 2 ; Repeat for 3 voices
ld d,0
; poke v(i)+3,8 ; Pulse width to 50% duty cycle
ld a,3
add d
ld b,a
ld a,8
out (c),a
; poke v(i)+1,0 ; Reset frequency value MSB (LSB ignored)
ld b,d
inc b
xor a
out (c),a
; poke v(i)+5,8 ; Set attack/decay to &08 ie immediate attack
ld a,5
add d
ld b,a
ld a,8
out (c),a
; poke v(i)+6,198 ; Set sustain/release to &c6 ie 3/4 volume sustain
ld a,6
add d
ld b,a
ld a,198
out (c),a
; next i ; Loop to next voice
ld a,7 ; Pre-multiply by 7 for correct offsets
add d
ld d,a
cp 21
jp nz,@-init_loop
; for a=16 to 128 step 16 ; Test all combinations of triangle, sawtooth, pulse waves
ld e,16 ; Noise tested uncombined only.
; for i=0 to 2 ; Test each voice separately in each combination
ld d,0
; if a>64 then pokev(i)+3,0 ; If noise on, set duty cycle to 0% (turn off pulse wave output)
bit 7,e
jp z,@+start_note
ld a,3
add d
ld b,a
xor a
out (c),a
; pokev(i)+4,a+1 ; Start note (bit 0 of control register for gate)
ld a,4
add d
ld b,a
inc e
out (c),e
dec e
; for f=0 to 254 step 2 ; Sweep through frequencies by changing MSB only
ld b,d
inc b
xor a
; poke v(i)+1,f
out (c),a
call auto.delay ; Added in to slow Z80
; next f
inc a
inc a
jp nz,@-sweep_freq_loop
; pokev(i)+4,a ; Ungate to release part of note
ld a,4
add d
ld b,a
out (c),e
; for w=0 to 200 ; Wait for note to sound
; next w
call auto.delay
; poke v(i)+4,8 ; Set test bit for control reg (why?)
ld a,8
out (c),a
; poke v(i)+1,0 ; Reset frequency value
ld b,d
inc b
xor a
out (c),a
; next i ; Repeat for each voice
ld a,7
add d
ld d,a
cp 21
jp nz,@-voice_loop
; next a ; repeat for each waveform combination
ld a,16
add e
ld e,a
cp 128+16
jp nz,@-waveform_loop
; a=1
ld e,16 ; Loop for each eq type (low pass, band pass, high pass)
; loop: (line 230)
; for i=0 to 2 ; loop for each voice
ld d,0
ld a,1 ; set the 2^i line to run easily.
ld (@+voice+1),a
; poke v(i)+1,255 ; Reset frequency
ld b,d
inc b
ld a,255
out (c),a
; poke 54296,(a*16)+15 ; Set EQ type and leave volume at full
ld b,24
ld a,15
add e
out (c),a
; poke 54295,2^i ; Set voice (bit 0-2) to send through filter
@voice: ld a,1
ld b,23
out (c),a
add a
ld (@-voice+1),a ; update voice for next loop
; poke v(i)+4,129 ; Set noise + gate
ld a,d
add 4
ld b,a
ld a,%10000001
out (c),a
; for f=0 to 255 ; Sweep filter settings, most significant 7 of 10 bits
xor a
ld b,22
; poke 54294,f
out (c),a
call auto.delay
; next f
inc a
cp 0
jp nz,@-filter_loop
; poke v(i)+4,136 ; Set control gate to noise + test bit
ld a,4
add d
ld b,a
ld a,%10001000
out (c),a
; next i ; next voice
ld a,7
add d
ld d,a
cp 21
jp nz,@-voice_loop
; a=a*2
sla e ; next EQ type
; if a<8 then goto 230
bit 7,e
jp z,@-eq_loop
; poke 54295,0 ; Master volume off to end
ld b,23
xor a
out (c),a
push bc
ld b,3
for 2048,nop ; !! Complete guess at timings
dec b
jp nz,@-delay_loop
pop bc
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