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Last active October 26, 2017 00:47
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import java.util.*;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class PermTest {
public void testCountPermutation(){
Perm p = new Perm(1);
assertEquals(1, p.countPermutation());
public void testCountPermutation1(){
Perm p = new Perm(123);
assertEquals(6, p.countPermutation());
public void testCountPermutation2(){
Perm p = new Perm(1230);
assertEquals(18, p.countPermutation());
public void testCountPermutation3(){
Perm p = new Perm(1120);
assertEquals(9, p.countPermutation());
public void testCountPermutation4(){
Perm p = new Perm(11200);
assertEquals(18, p.countPermutation());
// 1120 => 9
// 3!/2! * 3C1
// 3 * 3! / ((3-1)!*1!)
// 3 * 6 / (2!*1!) => 9
// 112: 1120 1102 1012
// 121: 1210 1201 1021
// 211: 2110 2101 2011
// 11200 => 18
// 3!/2! * 4C2
// 3!/2! * 4!/((4-2)!*2!)
// 3 * 24 / 4 => 18
// 112: 11200 11020 11002 10012 10102 10012
// 121: 1210 1201 1021
// 211: 2110 2101 2011
// x[xxxx] に 0が2個入るとき 00xx 0x0x 0xx0 x00x x0x0 xx00
// 4C2 4!/(4-2)!2! => 6通り
// 1-9が何種類あるか
// 1-9で重複している数は何回重複しているか
// 0はいくつあり、入る可能性のある桁は何桁あるか(全桁数-1)
class Perm {
private int n;
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> factorialSheet = new HashMap<>();
public Perm(int n){
this.n = n;
public int countPermutation(){
String str = Integer.toString(n);
int numDigits = str.length();
if(numDigits < 2) return 1;
int[] table = new int[10];
for(char c : str.toCharArray()){
int i = c - '0';
table[i] = table[i] + 1;
int numOf1to9 = 0;
int divideBy = 1;
for(int i=1; i< 10; i++){
if(table[i] > 0){
numOf1to9 += table[i];
divideBy = divideBy * getFactorial(table[i]);
int result = getFactorial(numOf1to9);
int r = table[0];
if(r > 0) {
// nCr : n!/(n-r)!r!
int n = numDigits - 1;
result = result * getFactorial(n) / getFactorial(n-r) / getFactorial(r);
return result / divideBy;
private int getFactorial(int n){
if(n == 1) return 1;
if(factorialSheet.containsKey(n)) {
return factorialSheet.get(n);
int ans = n * getFactorial(n-1);
factorialSheet.put(n, ans);
return ans;
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