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Last active May 15, 2019 13:42
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import codecs
import requests
from datetime import datetime
import math
import os
def get_session_id(delta, month, idold, sid, url):
session_key = []
html = requests.get(url).text
html = html.split("<h5>(All sessions that included this encounter)</h5>")[1]
session = html.split('Session/')
for item in session:
delta_day = 0
delta_month = 0
if "ago" in item:
if " day" in item:
days = item.split(" day")[0]
days = days.split("<b>")[1]
delta_day = int(days)
elif " month" in item:
months = item.split(" month")[0]
if "<b>" in months:
months = months.split("<b>")[1]
delta_month = int(months)
if delta_day <= delta and delta_month <= month:
if "Detail/" in item:
item = item.split("Detail/")[1]
item = item.split('">')[0]
if item not in sid and item not in idold:
session_key += [str(item)]
return session_key
def get_encounter_id(sid, boss, website, parse_date):
encounters_id = []
new_encounterid = []
for item in sid:
encounterid = []
url = website + "/Session/Detail/" + item
html = requests.get(url).text
date = html.split('<div class="col-lg-3">')[1]
date = date.split(" ")[0]
d = datetime.strptime(date, '%d/%m/%Y')
date = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
if date >= parse_date:
print(date + " " + url)
guild = html.split('>&lt;')[1]
guild = guild.split('&gt;</a>')[0]
# print(guild)
encounters = html.split('RemoveSelectedEncounters')[1]
encounters = encounters.split('<a href="/Session/')
for encounter in encounters:
if ">Kill<" in encounter:
boss_id = encounter.split('BossFight/')[1]
boss_id = boss_id.split("?d")[0]
if int(boss_id) in boss:
if "Overview/" in encounter:
encounter = encounter.split("Overview/")[1]
encounter = encounter.split('">')[0]
encounterid += [encounter]
# print(encounter)
if encounterid:
encounters_id += [[date, guild, encounterid]]
for item_encounter in encounters_id:
for eid in item_encounter[2]:
new_encounterid += [[eid, item_encounter[0], item_encounter[1]]]
return new_encounterid
def cf_decode_email(encodedstring):
r = int(encodedstring[:2], 16)
name = ''.join([chr(int(encodedstring[i:i+2], 16) ^ r) for i in range(2, len(encodedstring), 2)])
name = name.split("@")[0]
return name
def ability_role():
abilities = []
role = "support"
abilities += [["Wild Storms", role, "Primalist"]]
abilities += [["Glacial Insignia", role, "Cleric"]] # Oracle
abilities += [["Wasting Insignia", role, "Cleric"]] # Oracle
abilities += [["Burning Purpose", role, "Mage"]] # Archon
abilities += [["Coda of Wrath", role, "Rogue"]] # Bard
abilities += [["Power Chord", role, "Rogue"]] # Bard
role = "dps"
abilities += [["Condemn", role, "Mage"]] # Mage Necro
abilities += [["Atrophy", role, "Mage"]] # Mage Warlock
abilities += [["Rising Waterfall", role, "Warrior"]] # Warrior Paragon
abilities += [["Fae Mimicry", role, "Cleric"]] # Druid
abilities += [["Bound Fate", role, "Cleric"]] # Cabalist
abilities += [["Lebensanstieg", role, "Cleric"]] # Druid
abilities += [["Rapid Fire Shot", role, "Rogue"]] # Marksman
# abilities += [["Miserly Affliction", role, "Cleric"]] # Defiler
role = "tank"
abilities += [["Unstable Reaction", role, "Warrior"]] # Warrior Void Knight
# abilities += [["Counter Shock", role, "Mage"]] # Mage Arbiter
# abilities += [["Icy Fury", role, "Mage"]] # Mage Arbiter
# abilities += [["Hammer of Faith", role, "Cleric"]]
# abilities += [["Glacial Spike", role, "Mage"]] # Mage Arbiter
# abilities += [["Guarded Steel", role, "Rogue"]] # Rogue Riftstalker
# abilities += [["Light's Balm", role, "Warrior"]] # Warrior Paladin
return abilities
def get_role(url, boss):
ability_name = []
url += boss + "&outgoing=False&type=DPS&mode=ability&filter=all"
abilities = ability_role()
# print(abilities)
html = requests.get(url).text
html = html.split("All Abilities")[1]
html = html.split(")</b></td>")
for player in html:
if "<td><b>" in player:
player = player.split("<td><b>")[1]
name = player.split(" (")[1]
abilityname = player.split(" (")[0]
if "data-cfemail" in name:
name = name.split('data-cfemail="')[1]
name = name.split('">')[0]
name = cf_decode_email(name)
for ability in abilities:
if ability[0] == abilityname:
ability_name += [[name, ability[0], ability[1], ability[2]]]
return ability_name
def get_player_hps_ohps(website, eid, playerid):
heal = []
url = website + '/Encounter/Interaction?id=' \
+ eid + '&p=' + playerid + '&outgoing=True&type=HPS&mode=ability&filter=all'
html = requests.get(url).text
if '<td class="text-center text-warning"><b>' in html:
thps = html.split('<td class="text-center text-warning"><b>')[1]
ehps = thps.split('</b></td>')[0]
thps = html.split('<td><b>All Abilities')[1]
thps = thps.split('<td class="text-center">')
thps = thps[4].split('</td>')[0]
heal = [ehps, thps]
return heal
def get_player_aps(website, eid, playerid):
aps = 0
url = website + '/Encounter/Interaction?id=' \
+ eid + '&p=' + playerid + '&outgoing=True&type=APS&mode=ability&filter=all'
# print(url)
html = requests.get(url).text
if 'All Abilities' in html:
aps = html.split("All Abilities")[1]
# print(aps)
if '<td class="text-center">' in aps:
aps = aps.split('<td class="text-center">')
aps = aps[2].split('</td>')[0]
# print(aps)
return aps
def get_tank_role(website, eid, playerid):
url = website + "Encounter/Interaction?id=" + eid + "&p=" + playerid + "&outgoing=False&type=DPS&mode=ability" \
html = requests.get(url).text
tank_role = False
encounter = "unknown"
if "Overview/" in html:
encounter = html.split("/Encounter/Overview")[1]
encounter = encounter.split(" (")[0]
encounter = encounter.split('">')[1]
encounter_attack = "<td><b>attack (" + encounter
if encounter_attack in html:
attack = html.split("<td><b>attack (")[1]
attack = attack.split('<td class="text-center info">')[0]
attack = attack.split('<td class="text-center">')
attack = int(attack[6].split('</td>')[0].strip())
attack = int(attack[7].split('</td>')[0].strip())
print("attack: " + str(attack))
if attack > 10:
tank_role = True
return tank_role
def get_player_class_dps(eid, player_class, website):
print("get player, class and dps:")
infos = []
fight_length = -1
for item in eid:
url = website + "Encounter/PlayerDamageDone/" + item[0]
html = requests.get(url).text
players = html.split('roles/')
roles = []
for player in players:
name = ""
p_class = "unknown"
role = "unknown"
playerid = ""
hps = 0
ohps = 0
aps = 0
if 'id="chkComparePlayer' in player:
playerid = player.split('id="chkComparePlayer')[1]
playerid = playerid.split('"')[0]
aps = get_player_aps(website, item[0], playerid)
heal = get_player_hps_ohps(website, item[0], playerid)
if heal:
hps = heal[0]
ohps = heal[1]
if "raid_icon_role" in player:
role = player.split('raid_icon_role_')[1]
role = role.split(".png")[0]
if "-mage" in player:
name = player.split('-mage">')[1]
p_class = "Mage"
elif "-cleric" in player:
name = player.split('-cleric">')[1]
p_class = "Cleric"
elif "-rogue" in player:
name = player.split('-rogue">')[1]
p_class = "Rogue"
elif "-warrior" in player:
name = player.split('-warrior">')[1]
p_class = "Warrior"
elif "-primalist" in player:
name = player.split('-primalist">')[1]
p_class = "Primalist"
elif 'class="unknown">' in player:
name = player.split('class="unknown">')[1]
p_class = "unknown"
if "data-cfemail" in name:
name = name.split('data-cfemail="')[1]
name = name.split('">')[0]
name = cf_decode_email(name)
name = name.split('</span>')[0]
if name:
if role != "tank" and playerid:
if get_tank_role(website, item[0], playerid):
role = "tank"
roles += [[name, role, playerid, hps, ohps, aps]]
if p_class != "unknown":
player_class.update({name: p_class})
url = website + "Encounter/NpcDamageTaken/" + item[0]
html = requests.get(url).text
encounter_name = html.split('Encounter: ')[1]
encounter_name = encounter_name.split("</h4>")[0]
npc = []
encounter = html.split('&outgoing')[0]
encounter = encounter.split('&n=')[1]
npc += [encounter]
if encounter_name == "Commander Isiel":
if 'Vergelter Ausf. 1' in html:
vindicator = html.split("DPS graph for Vergelter Ausf. 1")[1]
elif 'Vengeur I' in html:
vindicator = html.split("DPS graph for Vengeur I")[1]
vindicator = html.split("DPS graph for Vindicator MK1")[1]
vindicator = vindicator.split('&outgoing')[0]
vindicator = vindicator.split('&n=')[1]
npc += [vindicator]
for boss in npc:
url = website + "/Encounter/Interaction?id=" + item[0] + "&n="
ability_name = get_role(url, boss)
for playername in ability_name:
player_class.update({playername[0]: playername[3]})
url += boss + "&outgoing=False&type=DPS&mode=target&filter=all"
html = requests.get(url).text
encounter_name = html.split("<title>")[1]
encounter_name = encounter_name.split(": ")[0]
if encounter_name == 'Vergelter Ausf. 1' or encounter_name == 'Vengeur I':
encounter_name = "Vindicator MK1"
elif encounter_name == 'Kommandant Isiel' or encounter_name == 'Commandant Isiel':
encounter_name = "Commander Isiel"
players = html.split('<td></td>')
first_hit = False
totaldamage = 0
data = html.split("data: [")[1]
data = data.split("]")[0]
data = data.split(", ")
i = -1
dps = ""
counter = 0
fight_length_counter = 0
total_dps = 0
# fight_length_prancingturtle = (len(data))
if encounter_name == "Vindicator MK1":
for total_dps in data:
if totaldamage <= 770399979.2: # reach 60 % hp until phase change
i += 1
totaldamage += int(total_dps)
# print(str(i) + ": " + str(int(total_dps)) + " - " + str(totaldamage))
fight_length = -1
for total_dps in data:
if int(total_dps) > 0:
first_hit = True
i += counter
i += 1
fight_length += fight_length_counter
fight_length += 1
counter = 0
fight_length_counter = 0
fight_length_counter += 1
if first_hit:
counter += 1
if counter == 4:
seconds_with_encounter = i
if seconds_with_encounter == fight_length and int(total_dps) > 0:
seconds_with_encounter += 1
fight_length += 1
elif int(total_dps) > 0:
if encounter_name != "Vindicator MK1":
fight_length += 1
dps_names = []
minute = 0
second = 0
encounter_time = 0
for player in players:
role = "unknown"
if "<td><b>" in player:
name = player.split('<td><b>')[1]
if "data-cfemail" in name:
name = name.split('data-cfemail="')[1]
name = name.split('">')[0]
name = cf_decode_email(name)
name = name.split('</b></td>')[0]
if "All Sources" not in name:
dps_names += [name]
if encounter_name == "Vindicator MK1":
playerdata = html.split("name: 'Average'")[1]
playerdata = playerdata.split(", { data:")
for pdata in playerdata:
if name in pdata:
pdata = pdata.split("], name: '" + name)[0]
pdata = pdata.split("[")[1]
pdata = pdata.split(", ")
player_total_dmg = 0
x = -1
for playerdamage in pdata:
if x <= seconds_with_encounter:
player_total_dmg += int(playerdamage)
x += 1
dps = str((round(player_total_dmg/seconds_with_encounter)))
if 'text-center">' in player:
player_total_dmg = player.split('text-center">')[1]
player_total_dmg = player_total_dmg.split('</td>')[0]
dps = str((round(int(player_total_dmg)/seconds_with_encounter)))
# print(player_total_dmg)
p_class = player_class.get(name, "unknown")
minute = math.floor((seconds_with_encounter % 3600) / 60)
minute = '{:02}'.format(minute)
second = math.floor(seconds_with_encounter % 60)
second = '{:02}'.format(second)
encounter_time_minute = math.floor((fight_length % 3600) / 60)
encounter_time_minute = '{:02}'.format(encounter_time_minute)
encounter_time_second = math.floor(fight_length % 60)
encounter_time_second = '{:02}'.format(encounter_time_second)
encounter_time = str(encounter_time_minute) + ":" + str(encounter_time_second)
# role = "unknown"
hps = 0
thps = 0
aps = 0
playerid = 0
for name_role in roles:
if name == name_role[0]:
if role == "unknown":
role = name_role[1]
playerid = name_role[2]
hps = name_role[3]
thps = name_role[4]
aps = name_role[5]
if int(thps) > 400000:
if role != "heal":
role = role + "/heal"
for name_role in ability_name:
if name == name_role[0]:
if role == "unknown":
role = name_role[2]
if name_role[2] not in role:
role += "/" + name_role[2]
if "- Lemme Smash -" in item[2]:
item[2] = "Lemme Smash"
if playerid:
info = (item[1] + "\t" + item[0] + "\t" + encounter_name + "\t" + name + "\t" +
p_class + "\t" + dps + "\t" + (str(minute) + ":" + str(second) + "\t" + role)
+ "\t" + item[2] + "\t" + encounter_time + "\t" + str(playerid) + "\t" + str(hps)
+ "\t" + str(thps) + "\t" + str(aps))
infos += [info]
if len(dps_names) < 10:
for healer in roles:
if healer[0] not in dps_names:
p_class = player_class.get(healer[0], "unknown")
info = (item[1] + "\t" + item[0] + "\t" + encounter_name + "\t" + healer[0] + "\t" +
p_class + "\t" + "0" + "\t" + (str(minute) + ":" + str(second) + "\t" + healer[1]
+ "\t" + item[2] + "\t" + encounter_time + "\t" + str(healer[2]) + "\t" + str(healer[3])
+ "\t" + str(healer[4]) + "\t" + str(healer[5])))
infos += [info]
return infos
def main():
website = ""
parse_date = "2018-07-12" # the date from which you want to collect the data 2018-05-17
bossfight = (163, 164, 165) # Azranel, Commander Isiel, Titan X
session_id = []
old_session_id = []
playerclass = {}
if os.path.isfile("name_class.txt"):
file ="name_class.txt", 'r', "utf-8")
for name_class in file:
name_class = name_class.strip()
name_class = name_class.split("; ")
playerclass.update({name_class[0]: name_class[1]})
if os.path.isfile("sessions.txt"):
file ="sessions.txt", 'r', "utf-8")
for oid in file:
oid = oid.rstrip()
old_session_id = oid.split(" ")
print("Start searching for Session ID's:")
now =
date = datetime.strptime(parse_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
delta = str(now - date)
delta = delta.split(" day")[0]
print(delta + " days")
delta = int(delta) + 1
month = round(delta / 30)
for Boss in bossfight:
session_id += get_session_id(delta, month, old_session_id, session_id, website + "/Session/BossFight/" +
str(Boss) + '?o=1&d=4')
if session_id:
print("Start searching for Encounter ID's:")
encounter_id = get_encounter_id(session_id, bossfight, website, parse_date)
# encounter_id = [["201724", "2018-05-17"]]
player_class_dps = get_player_class_dps(encounter_id, playerclass, website)
file ="dps.csv", 'w', "utf-8")
for line in player_class_dps:
file.write(line + '\r\n')
file ="sessions.txt", 'w', "utf-8")
session_id += old_session_id
for line in session_id:
file.write(line + ' ')
print("The file dps.csv with all new encounters has been created.")
print("No new sessions found")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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