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Last active February 17, 2024 20:24
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Glicko-2 implementation in OCaml
(* dump of the unused code written in dec 2022, not thoroughly tested *)
open! Base
(* Implementation of the Glicko-2 algorithm:
Written with inspirations from
and *)
(* Rating r, mu
Rating deviation RD, phi
Rating volatility vol, sigma
The system constant tau
The convergence constant epsilon *)
type t = { r : float; rd : float; vol : float }
let show { r; rd; vol } =
Printf.sprintf "R=%f;RD=%f;VOL=%f" r rd vol
type outcome = Loss | Draw | Win
let score_of_outcome = function
| Loss -> 0.
| Draw -> 0.5
| Win -> 1.
type gameresult = outcome * t
(** [(outcome, opponent)] *)
(* Defaults for an unrated player.
The Glicko-2 paper recommends r=1500, RD=350, vol=0.06.
Lichess uses r=1500, RD=500, vol=0.09 at the moment. *)
let default = { r = 1500.; rd = 500.; vol = 0.09 }
let min_rating = 600.
let max_rating = 4000.
(* The system constant. The recommended value is between 0.3 and 1.2; Lichess
uses 0.75. *)
let tau = 0.75
(* The convergence tolerance; 0.000001 is recommended in the paper. *)
let epsilon = 0.000001
(* Rating deviation decrease per day; 0.21436 is used in Lichess *)
let rd_decay_per_day = 0.21436
let max_volatility = 0.1
(* Convergence iteration limit is added as per Lichess' implementation *)
let iteration_limit = 2000
let glicko2_constant = 173.7178
let mu_of_r r = (r -. 1500.) /. glicko2_constant [@@inline]
let phi_of_rd rd = rd /. glicko2_constant [@@inline]
let r_of_mu mu = glicko2_constant *. mu +. 1500. [@@inline]
let rd_of_phi phi = glicko2_constant *. phi [@@inline]
let g phi =
(* g(phi) = 1 / sqrt(1 + 3 * phi^2 / pi^2) *)
Float.(let a = phi / pi in 1. / sqrt (1. + 3. * a * a))
let e mu mu' phi' =
(* E(mu, mu_j, phi_j) = 1 / (1 + exp(-g(phi_j)(mu - mu_j))) *)
let open Float in
let exponent = -1. * g phi' * (mu - mu') in
1. / (1. + exp exponent)
let update { r; rd; vol } (results : gameresult list) =
assert (not @@ List.is_empty results);
let open Float in
(* Convert values to the Glicko-2 scale *)
let mu = mu_of_r r and phi = phi_of_rd rd and sigma = vol in
(* v = [\sum_{j=1}^{m} g(phi_j)^2 * E(mu, mu_j, phi_j) * {1 - E(mu, mu_j, phi_j)}]^-1
delta = v * \sum_{j=1}^{m} g(phi_j) * {s_j - E(mu, mu_j, phi_j)}
for m opponents *)
let rec calc v idelta = function
| (outcome, { r = r'; rd = rd'; _ }) :: xs ->
let mu' = mu_of_r r' and phi' = phi_of_rd rd' in
let g = g phi' in
let e = e mu mu' phi' in
let s = score_of_outcome outcome in
let v = v + g * g * e * (1. - e) in
let idelta = idelta + g * (s - e) in
calc v idelta xs
| [] -> v, idelta
let inv_v, idelta = calc 0. 0. results in
let v = 1. / inv_v in
let delta = v * idelta in
let delta2 = delta ** 2. and phi2 = phi ** 2. in
let a = log (sigma ** 2.) in
let f x =
(* e^x (delta^2 - phi^2 - v - e^x) (x - a)
f(x) = ------------------------------- - -------
2(phi^2 + v + e^x)^2 tau^2 *)
let exp_x = exp x in
let num = exp_x * (delta2 - phi2 - v - exp_x) in
let den = 2. * (phi2 + v + exp_x) ** 2. in
(num / den) - ((x - a) / tau ** 2.)
(* The iterative convergence alogrithm *)
let init_aa = a in
let init_bb =
if delta2 > phi2 + v then
log (delta2 - phi2 - v)
let rec go k = if f (a - k * tau) < 0. then go (k + 1.) else k in
a - go 1. * tau
let rec convergence aa f_a bb f_b i =
if Int.(i > iteration_limit) then
failwith "Convergence failure";
if abs (bb - aa) > epsilon then
let cc = aa + (aa - bb) * f_a / (f_b - f_a) in
let f_c = f cc in
if f_c * f_b < 0. then
convergence bb f_b cc f_c Int.(i + 1)
convergence aa (f_a / 2.) cc f_c Int.(i + 1)
exp (aa / 2.)
(* Update the volatility *)
let sigma' = convergence init_aa (f init_aa) init_bb (f init_bb) 0 in
(* Update the rating and the rating deviation *)
let phi_star = sqrt (phi2 + sigma' ** 2.) in
let phi' = 1. / sqrt (1. / phi_star ** 2. + inv_v) in
let mu' = mu + phi' ** 2. * idelta in
(* Convert values back to the original scale *)
let r' = r_of_mu mu' and rd' = rd_of_phi phi' and vol' = sigma' in
{ r = r'; rd = rd'; vol = vol' }
(* TODO: decay by time *)
(* let decay { r; rd; vol } =
(* phi' = phi_star = sqrt(phi^2 + sigma^2) *)
let phi = phi_of_rd rd and sigma = vol in
let phi' = Float.(sqrt (phi ** 2. + sigma ** 2.)) in
let rd' = rd_of_phi phi' in
{ r; rd = rd'; vol } *)
let%expect_test "example from the paper" =
(* In the paper, tau=0.5 is used, so we can get slightly different values here *)
let player = { r = 1500.; rd = 200.; vol = 0.06 } in
let opponent1 = { r = 1400.; rd = 30.; vol = 0.06 } in
let opponent2 = { r = 1550.; rd = 100.; vol = 0.06 } in
let opponent3 = { r = 1700.; rd = 300.; vol = 0.06 } in
let games = [Win, opponent1; Loss, opponent2; Loss, opponent3] in
Caml.print_endline @@ show @@ update player games;
[%expect {| R=1464.050680;RD=151.516504;VOL=0.059991 |}]
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