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Open Source Open Mind

Jonathan Ródenas López Baronhez

Open Source Open Mind
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ChatGPT prompt:

Mandatory: [Task]

Important: [Context] [Exemplar]

Nice to have: [Persona] [Format] [Tone]


Tip: Always start the Task sentence with an Action Verb (eg: Generate give, write, analyze, etc...) We can do one task, or multi-task request using commas (eg: analyze the data, summarize the top 3 requested products, and categorize the rest)

Crafting the perfect self-evaluation

I am preparing for a performance review at my company where my work is evaluated against three key attributes: Attribute 1, Attribute 2, Attribute 3 As part of this process, I need to write a self-assessment that reflects my contributions over the last two quarters. I would like this self-assessment to justify a high performance rating. To help with this task, I will provide definitions for each of the three attributes and a summary of my projects and contributions. I would like you to: Assign each of my projects to one of the three attributes where it best fits. Please ensure that each project is only assigned once. Write a positive and detailed self-assessment for each attribute, explaining how my projects demonstrate my proficiency in that area. Include specific examples and details. Highlight the impact of my work by including quantifiable metrics where possible. If I haven't provided any, please suggest relevant metrics that could be used to measure the impact of my

// an example to create a new mapping ctrl-y
api.mapkey('<ctrl-y>', 'Show me the money', function() {
Front.showPopup('a well-known phrase uttered by characters in the 1996 film Jerry Maguire (Escape to close).');
settings.tabsThreshold = 0;
// an example to replace T with gt, click Default mappings to see how T works.'gt', 'T');'n', 'f');
Baronhez / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Created July 28, 2022 22:39 — forked from MohamedAlaa/tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
Baronhez /
Last active December 28, 2022 14:40
This gist was given to me by my friend Artur

Cómo cambiar Arch Linux de BIOS+MBR a UEFI+GPT con GRUB

¿Por qué pasar de MBR a GPT?

Si usamos MBR y queremos particionar nuestro disco es probable que alguna vez nos hayamos encontrado con que solo podemos hacer 4 particiones primarias. En muchas ocasiones para solucionar este error lo que hacemos es convertir una de estas particiones en una partición extendida y dentro de ella ya crear todas las particiones lógicas que necesitemos. Esto, aunque funcione, no es lo óptimo. Lo recomendable es convertir nuestra tabla de particiones MBR a una tabla de particiones GPT. De este modo conseguiremos solucionar el problema de la limitación del número de particiones y podremos crear todas las particiones que queramos sin necesidad de una partición extendida. Ahora bien, para poder usar una tabla de particiones GPT tenemos que pasar de BIOS a UEFI. Lo recomendable es BIOS+MBR o UEFI+GPT.

GPT y partición EFI

Baronhez /
Last active December 15, 2021 02:30

Basic use of nmap

nmap -sP <network>/<mask> (Scan for up hosts)

nmap -sT -p 80,443 <network> (sT means Through TCP and not hidden, this command scan for open ports)

nmap -sU -p 80,443 <network> (sT means Through UDP and not hidden, this command scan for open ports)

nmap -sT -p 80,443 (same as before, but hidden)

Basic use of mdadm

mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 mdadm --detail --scan &gt; /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

Install I3

sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-init nitrogen picom alacritty|kitty|terminator feh gotop ranger neofetch

git clone

cd yay-git

makepkg -si

Arch Install

First part

Wifi Connection

iwctl (inside this you must enter station <wlan0> connect <wifi network> (Values of "wlan0" and "wifi network" changes in every case))

ping (only to be sure it works)



powerline telegram-desktop firefox vim lolcat fidget libreoffice