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Created February 28, 2022 15:25
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  • Save Baronsindo/9a78ca29e85b58d5c9dbb1b5f621189d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Baronsindo/9a78ca29e85b58d5c9dbb1b5f621189d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Laravel VSCode settings to only work with the files you actually need to see.
"files.exclude": {
// Root files
".editorconfig": true,
".gitattributes": true,
// "**/.gitignore": true,
".styleci.yml": true,
"package.json": true,
// "composer.json": true,
"composer.lock": true,
".phpunit.result.cache": true,
"phpunit.xml": true,
// "" : true,
"webpack.mix.js": true,
"artisan": true,
".env.example": true,
"server.php": true,
"**/vendor": true,
// "**/config" : true,
// "**/tests" : true,
"**/database/factories": true,
//files in folders
"**/app/Console": true,
"**/app/Exceptions": true,
"**/app/Providers": true,
"**/bootstrap": true,
"**/routes/api.php": true,
"**/routes/channels.php": true,
"**/routes/console.php": true,
"**/resources/js": true,
"**/resources/lang": true,
"**/resources/sass": true,
// "**/app/Http/Middleware" : true,
// "**/app/Http/Kernel.php" : true,
"editor.fontSize": 16,
//exludes fies & folders in search indexing
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true,
"**/bower_components": true,
"**/env": true,
"**/venv": true
// Laravel Blade Snippets
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true,
"blade.format.enable": true,
"[blade]": {
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always"
// PHP intellisense
"php.executablePath": "C:/xampp/php/php.exe",
"php.suggest.basic": true,
// Enable/disable built-in PHP validation.
"php.validate.enable": true,
// Whether the linter is run on save or on type.
"": "onSave"
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