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Created December 4, 2017 09:41
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Partial solution to Advent of Code 2017 Day 4 Part 2
# Once you know the Cartesian (x, y) coordinate of spiral position i in Part 1,
# you can compute Part 2 really easily using just a map from coordinates to int.
# map[(0,0)] = 1, and then you go around the spiral. At each new coordinate, you look
# at its nine neighbors with a pair of for loops. Most of them (including the new position)
# won't be in there.
# Here's a Python implementation to show what I mean.
# Essentially a Fibonacci-style dynamic
# programming calculation but with 2-3 neighbors.
def soln2(n):
# Keep a map of values we've computed so far.
spiral = dict()
# Start the recurrence with the initial value.
spiral[spiralCoord(1)] = 1
# Now run the recurrence forward until the input is
# exceeded, then take the last answer.
i = 2
while True:
# Where are we?
x, y = spiralCoord(i)
# Compute the recurrence.
t = 0
for dx in range(-1, 2):
for dy in range(-1, 2):
dc = (x + dx, y + dy)
if dc in spiral:
t += spiral[dc]
# Is this what we were looking for?
if t > n:
return t
# Save for future computation.
spiral[(x, y)] = t
# Next recurrence step.
i += 1
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