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Bas Broek BasThomas

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extension Locale {
var defaultTemperatureUnit: UnitTemperature {
if #available(iOS 16, *) {
return UnitTemperature(forLocale: self, usage: .general)
} else {
let mCel = Measurement(value: 0, unit: UnitTemperature.celsius)
let f = MeasurementFormatter()
f.locale = self
let s1 = f.string(from: mCel)
import Foundation
import XCTest
struct WompWomp: Error {
func myThrowingFunction() throws -> Int {
throw WompWomp()
let registration = UICollectionView.CellRegistration<CardCollectionViewCell, Card> { cell, indexPath, card in
cell.card = card
let dataSource = UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource<Column, Card>(
collectionView: collectionView
) { collectionView, indexPath, card -> UICollectionViewCell in
using: registration,
for: indexPath,
item: card
struct Let {
let x: String?
struct Var {
var x: String?
let l1 = Let(x: nil)
// let l2 = Let() // not available
protocol MyProtocol {
func doThe(thing: String)
extension MyProtocol {
func doThe(thing: String = "") {
Returns the localized label(s) that should be provided by the user to refer to this element.
Use this property when the accessibilityLabel is not appropriate for dictated or typed input.
For example, an element that contains additional descriptive information in its accessibilityLabel can return a more concise label.
The primary label should be first in the array, optionally followed by alternative labels in descending order of importance.
If this property returns an empty or invalid value, the accessibilityLabel will be used instead.
default == an empty array
default on UIKit controls == an array with an appropriate label, if different from accessibilityLabel
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
import Foundation
struct Messages: Decodable {
let count: String
let messages: [Message]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case count = "message-count"
case messages
struct Vector<T> {
let size: Int
let initialValue: T
struct Position: Equatable {
let row: Int
let column: Int
typealias Matrix = [Position]
struct Solution<Problem>: Collection {
struct Step<T> {
let step: T
let steps: [Step<Problem>]
var input: Step<Problem> {
return steps.first! // safe, as steps will guaranteed to be larger than 0.
// Beware: this is "pseudocode", which is not guaranteed to compile. ;-)
import CoreData
protocol CoreDataProtocol {
var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext? { get }
class Card: NSManagedObject, CoreDataProtocol {
// conforms by default