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Created March 16, 2024 18:34
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Comparison of Q-learning with Double Q-learning
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
def argmax_a(state: str, q: Dict) -> int:
Find the action that maximizes the Q-value in a given state.
- state: The current state.
- q: The Q-value dictionary.
- An integer representing the action that maximizes the Q-value.
if state == 'terminal':
return 0
actions = range(len(transitions[state]))
values = [q.get((state, action), 0) for action in actions]
max_value = max(values)
best_actions = [action for action, value in enumerate(values) if value == max_value]
return np.random.choice(best_actions)
def max_a(state: str, q: Dict) -> float:
Find the maximum Q-value for any action in a given state.
- state: The current state.
- q: The Q-value dictionary.
- The maximum Q-value for the given state.
if state == 'terminal':
return 0
return max([q.get((state, action), 0) for action in range(len(transitions[state]))])
def policy(
state: str,
epoch: int,
q1: Dict,
q2: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> int:
Select an action based on the epsilon-greedy policy derived from Q-values.
- state: The current state in the environment.
- epoch: The current epoch of training, used to decay epsilon.
- q1: The primary Q-value dictionary.
- q2: An optional secondary Q-value dictionary for double Q-learning.
- An integer representing the chosen action.
eps = epsilon * (eps_decay ** epoch)
number_of_possible_actions = len(transitions[state])
if np.random.random() < eps:
return np.random.choice(range(number_of_possible_actions))
action1 = argmax_a(state, q1)
if not q2:
return action1
action2 = argmax_a(state, q2)
return np.random.choice([action1, action2])
def get_reward(state: str) -> float:
Returns the reward for transitioning into a given state.
- state: The state transitioned into.
- A float representing the reward for that transition.
- ValueError: If an invalid state is provided.
if state == "a":
raise ValueError("a should not be passed as a param as it's the starting state")
if state == 'b' or state == 'terminal':
return 0
if 'c' in state:
return np.random.normal(-0.1, 1)
raise ValueError(f"state: {state} not recognized")
def q_update(
state: str,
action: int,
new_state: str,
reward: float,
alpha: float,
q: Dict
) -> None:
In-place update of Q-values for Q-learning.
state: The current state.
action: The action taken in the current state.
new_state: The state reached after taking the action.
reward: The reward received after taking the action.
alpha: The learning rate.
q: The Q-values dictionary.
current_q = q.get((state, action), 0) # Current Q-value estimation
max_next = max_a(new_state, q) # Maximum Q-value for the next state
target = reward + gamma * max_next # TD Target
td_error = target - current_q # TD Error
update = alpha * td_error # TD Update
q[(state, action)] = current_q + update
def double_q_update(
state: str,
action: int,
new_state: str,
reward: float,
alpha: float,
q1: Dict,
q2: Dict
) -> None:
In-place update of Q-values for Double Q-learning.
state: The current state.
action: The action taken in the current state.
new_state: The state reached after taking the action.
reward: The reward received after taking the action.
alpha: The learning rate.
q1: The first Q-values dictionary.
q2: The second Q-values dictionary.
qs = [q1, q2] # List of Q dictionaries
random.shuffle(qs) # Randomly shuffle to choose one for updating
qa, qb = qs # qa is the Q to update, qb is used for target calculation
current_q = qa.get((state, action), 0) # Current Q-value estimation
best_action = argmax_a(new_state, qa) # Best action based on qa
target = reward + gamma * qb.get((new_state, best_action), 0) # TD Target using qb
error = target - current_q # TD Error
update = alpha * error # TD Update
qa[(state, action)] = current_q + update
def simulate(
epoch: int,
q: Dict,
q2: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> None:
Simulate an epoch of the agent's interaction with the environment, updating Q-values based on observed transitions.
epoch: The current epoch of the simulation.
q: The Q-values dictionary for Q-learning or the primary Q-values dictionary for Double Q-learning.
q2: The secondary Q-values dictionary for Double Q-learning, if applicable.
double = q2 is not None
state = 'a'
while state != 'terminal':
if double:
action = policy(state, epoch, q, q2)
action = policy(state, epoch, q)
new_state = transitions[state][action]
reward = get_reward(new_state)
if double:
q_update(state, action, new_state, reward, lr, q)
state = new_state
if __name__ == "__main__":
### PARAMS ###
lr = 0.001
epsilon = 0.1
eps_decay = 0.995
number_of_c_states = 10
gamma = 1
epochs = 1000
### MDP ###
transitions = {
"a": ["terminal", "b"],
"b": ["c"+str(i) for i in range(number_of_c_states)]
for i in range(number_of_c_states):
transitions[f"c{i}"] = ["terminal"]
# Track the evolution of Q-values for a specific action over epochs
normal = [] # For standard Q-learning
double = [] # For Double Q-learning
# Q-values dictionaries: key=(state,action)
q: Dict[Tuple[str, int], float] = {}
q1: Dict[Tuple[str, int], float] = {}
q2: Dict[Tuple[str, int], float] = {}
for epoch in range(epochs):
simulate(epoch, q) # normal
simulate(epoch, q1, q2) # double
normal_q_value: float = q.get(('a', 1), 0)
double_q_value: float = (q1.get(('a', 1), 0) + q2.get(('a', 1), 0)) / 2
plt.plot(normal, label='Standard Q-Learning')
plt.plot(double, label='Double Q-Learning')
plt.ylabel('Value of A -> B')
plt.title('Comparison of Q-Learning and Double Q-Learning')
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