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Last active March 19, 2023 04:14
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Hydrogen - A lightweight GUI framework for Pythonista
# Hydrogen is a lightweight GUI framework for Pythonista
# Hydrogen -
# HydrogenLayouts -
# HydrogenDemo -
from scene import *
# Shape drawing functions used to draw components
def cylinder(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r=0):
rect(x + h / 2, y, w - h, h)
ellipse(x, y, h, h)
ellipse(x + w - h, y, h, h)
def rectangle(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r=0):
rect(x, y, w, h)
def round_rect(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r=0):
if(r <= 0):
rect(x, y, w, h)
elif(r >= h):
cylinder(x, y, w, h)
d = r * 2
rect(x + r, y, w - d, h)
rect(x, y + r, w, h - d)
ellipse(x, y, d, d)
ellipse(x, y + h - d, d, d)
ellipse(x + w - d, y, d, d)
ellipse(x + w - d, y + h - d, d, d)
def round_bottom_rect(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r= 0):
if(r <= 0):
rect(x, y, w, h)
elif(r >= h):
cylinder(x, y, w, h)
d = r * 2
rect(x, y + r, w, h - r)
rect(x + r, y, w - d, r)
ellipse(x, y, d, d)
ellipse(x + w - d, y, d, d)
def round_top_rect(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r= 0):
if(r <= 0):
rect(x, y, w, h)
elif(r >= h):
cylinder(x, y, w, h)
d = r * 2
rect(x, y, w, h - r)
rect(x + r, y + h - r, w - d, r)
ellipse(x, y + h - d, d, d)
ellipse(x + w - d, y + h - d, d, d)
def round_left_rect(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r=0):
if(r <= 0):
rect(x, y, w, h)
elif(r >= h):
cylinder(x, y, w, h)
d = r * 2
rect(x, y + r, r, h - d)
rect(x + r, y, w - r, h)
ellipse(x, y, d, d)
ellipse(x, y + h - d, d, d)
def round_right_rect(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0, r=0):
if(r <= 0):
rect(x, y, w, h)
elif(r >= h):
cylinder(x, y, w, h)
d = r * 2
rect(x + w - r, y + r, r, h - d)
rect(x, y, w - r, h)
ellipse(x + w - d, y, d, d)
ellipse(x + w - d, y + h - d, d, d)
# Default Look and Feel used within Hydrogen
HGreyLookAndFeel = {
"Shape" : round_rect,
"Foreground" : (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00),
"Background" : (0.90, 0.90, 0.90, 1.00),
"Border" : (0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 1.00),
"Border Width" : 1,
"Font" : 'AppleSDGothicNeo-Medium',
"Font Size" : 16,
"Edge Radius" : 6,
"Disabled Foreground" : (0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 1.00),
"Disabled Background" : (0.70, 0.70, 0.70, 1.00),
"Disabled Border" : (0.40, 0.40, 0.40, 1.00),
"Show Background" : True,
"Show Border" : True,
"Scene Background" : (0.80, 0.80, 0.80),
"Button Foreground" : (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00),
"Button Background" : (0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.00),
"Button Selected" : (0.60, 0.60, 0.60, 1.00),
"Image Foreground" : (1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00),
"Image Show Background" : False,
"Image Show Border" : False,
"Text Foreground" : (0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00),
"Text Show Background" : False,
"Text Show Border" : False,
"Progress Bar Shape" : cylinder,
"Progress Bar Background" : (1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00),
"Progress Bar Foreground" : (0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00),
"Slider Shape" : cylinder,
"Slider Foreground" : (0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00),
"Slider Show Background" : True,
"Slider Show Border" : True,
"Switch Shape" : cylinder,
"Switch Background On" : (0.00, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00),
"Switch Background Off" : (1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00),
LAF = HGreyLookAndFeel
# HInset used to for inset spacing in layouts
class HInset(object):
def __init__(self, left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0): = top
self.bottom = bottom
self.left = left
self.right = right
def width(self):
return self.left + self.right
def height(self):
return + self.bottom
# Base HComponent class
# Parent class for all Hydrogen GUI Classes
class HComponent (object):
def __init__(self):
self.bounds = Rect(0, 0, 20, 100)
self.preferred_size = None
self.is_enabled = True
self.is_visible = True
self.owner = None = None
self.ignores_touches = False
self.laf_prefix = ""
self.laf_keys = ["Shape", "Background", "Foreground", "Border", "Border Width", "Show Border",
"Show Background", "Disabled Foreground", "Disabled Background",
"Disabled Border", "Edge Radius", "Font", "Font Size"]
self.laf = {}
self.laf_loaded = False
self.touch_listeners = []
# Gets called when the component is added a container (including the base scene)
# The look and feel should already have been loaded so you can safely change position
# or calculate sizes based on look and feel font sizes etc
def setup(self):
def load_lookandfeel(self):
def get_laf_value(key):
value = None
value = LAF[self.laf_prefix + key]
except KeyError:
value = LAF[key]
return value
for key in self.laf_keys:
self.laf[key] = get_laf_value(key)
if(self.laf_loaded == False):
self.laf_loaded = True
size = self.get_preferred_size()
self.bounds.w = size.w
self.bounds.h = size.h
# Methods enable the Layout system to know preferred sizes of components
def get_preferred_size(self):
if self.preferred_size is not None:
return self.preferred_size
return self.calculate_preferred_size()
# This is the method to override to provide the layout with the preferred size of your custom component
def calculate_preferred_size(self):
return self.bounds.size()
def get_screen_origin(self):
if self.owner == None:
return self.bounds.origin()
x, y = self.bounds.origin().as_tuple()
x_offset, y_offset = self.owner.get_screen_origin().as_tuple()
x_screen = x + x_offset
y_screen = y + y_offset
return Point(x_screen, y_screen)
def get_scene(self):
if isinstance(self, HScene):
return self
elif self.owner == None:
return None
return self.owner.get_scene()
def hit_test(self, x, y):
if not self.is_visible:
return None
elif self.ignores_touches:
return None
elif not self.is_enabled:
return None
elif Point(x, y) in self.bounds:
return self
return None
# Component drawing methods
def set_border_fill(self):
fill(*self.laf["Disabled Border"])
def set_background_fill(self):
fill(*self.laf["Disabled Background"])
def set_foreground_fill(self):
tint(*self.laf["Disabled Foreground"])
fill(*self.laf["Disabled Foreground"])
# Default draw border method should be fine for most custom components
# Part of the new Look and Feel system
def draw_border(self, x, y):
if(self.laf["Show Border"]):
self.laf["Shape"](x, y, self.bounds.w, self.bounds.h, self.laf["Edge Radius"])
# Default draw background method should be fine for most custom components
# Part of the new Look and Feel system
def draw_background(self, x, y):
if(self.laf["Show Background"]):
if(self.laf["Show Border"]):
self.laf["Shape"](x + self.laf["Border Width"], y + self.laf["Border Width"],
self.bounds.w - self.laf["Border Width"] * 2,
self.bounds.h - self.laf["Border Width"] * 2,
self.laf["Edge Radius"] - self.laf["Border Width"])
self.laf["Shape"](x, y, self.bounds.w, self.bounds.h, self.laf["Edge Radius"])
# Preferred method to override for drawing your custom component. Starting here means
# the Look and Feel will take care of the Border and Background. The bounds of the
# component includes the border, so you will need to manually account for border width
# and edge radius when drawing the contents of your control
# The x,y parameters passed are the screen coordinates of the bottom left edge
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
# Root method called to draw the Component. Override this if you want your component
# to be built from scratch, (potentially) outside the look and feel system
# Component x,y values are relative to their container. x_offset & y_offset need to be
# added to the local x,y values to get screen coordinates for drawing the component
def h_draw(self, x_offset, y_offset):
x = self.bounds.x + x_offset
y = self.bounds.y + y_offset
self.draw_border(x, y)
self.draw_background(x, y)
self.draw_foreground(x, y)
def h_touch_began(self, touch):
for t in self.touch_listeners:
t(self, "began", touch)
def h_touch_moved(self, touch):
for t in self.touch_listeners:
t(self, "moved", touch)
def h_touch_ended(self, touch):
for t in self.touch_listeners:
t(self, "ended", touch)
# Base class for any container component that contains child components
# Has enough functionality to be used as a basic panel as is.
class HContainer(HComponent):
def __init__(self):
self.components = []
self.layout = HLayout(self)
self.insets = HInset()
def load_lookandfeel(self):
for c in self.components:
def calculate_preferred_size(self):
return self.layout.get_preferred_size()
def add_component(self, comp, constraints=None):
comp.owner = self
self.layout.add(comp, constraints)
def do_layout(self):
for c in self.components:
if isinstance(c, HContainer):
def pack(self):
pref_size = self.get_preferred_size()
self.bounds.w = pref_size.w
self.bounds.h = pref_size.h
def draw_components(self, x_offset, y_offset):
x = self.bounds.x + x_offset
y = self.bounds.y + y_offset
for c in self.components:
if c.is_visible:
c.h_draw(x, y)
if isinstance(c, HContainer):
c.draw_components(x, y)
def hit_test(self, x, y):
if(not self.is_visible):
return None
comp = None
p = Point(x - self.bounds.x , y - self.bounds.y)
for c in reversed(self.components):
comp = c.hit_test(p.x, p.y)
if comp <> None:
if comp == None:
return HComponent.hit_test(self, x, y)
return comp
# Base Image component
class HImage(HComponent):
def __init__(self, img = None, img_size = None):
self._img = img
self._img_size = img_size
self.laf_prefix = "Image "
self.stretch = False
self.ignores_touches = True
def set_image(self, img, img_size):
self._img = img
self._img_size = img_size
def calculate_preferred_size(self):
if(self.laf_loaded == False):
return self.bounds.size()
if(self._img_size == None):
return self.bounds.size()
pad = self.laf["Edge Radius"] * 2
if self.laf["Show Border"]:
pad += self.laf["Border Width"]
return Size(self._img_size.w + pad, self._img_size.h + pad)
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
if(self._img <> None):
image(self._img, x, y, self.bounds.w, self.bounds.h)
image(self._img, x + (self.bounds.w - self._img_size.w) / 2,
y + (self.bounds.h - self._img_size.h) / 2, self._img_size.w, self._img_size.h)
# Text component - takes the given text and creates an image for the HImage subclass to display
class HText(HImage):
def __init__(self, txt="Text"):
self._text = txt
self.laf_prefix = "Text "
def set_text(self, t):
self._text = t
self._img = None
def load_lookandfeel(self):
self._img = None
def calculate_preferred_size(self):
if(self.laf_loaded == False):
return self.bounds.size()
elif(self._text == None):
return self.bounds.size()
self._img, self._img_size = render_text(self._text, self.laf["Font"], self.laf["Font Size"])
return HImage.calculate_preferred_size(self)
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
if(self._text <> None and self._img == None):
self._img, self._img_size = render_text(self._text, self.laf["Font"], self.laf["Font Size"])
HImage.draw_foreground(self, x, y)
# Basic button Component
# Take the basic functionality of the HText component and make it click
# Buttons can also take images, since HImage is the super class of both
# HText and HButton
class HButton(HText):
def __init__(self, txt="Button"):
HText.__init__(self, txt)
self.laf_prefix = "Button "
self.is_selected = False
self.click_listeners = []
self.ignores_touches = False
def draw_background(self, x, y):
if(self.laf["Show Background"]):
_background = self.laf["Background"]
self.laf["Background"] = self.laf["Selected"]
HComponent.draw_background(self, x, y)
self.laf["Background"] = _background
HComponent.draw_background(self, x, y)
def h_touch_began(self, touch):
self.is_selected = True
def h_touch_ended(self, touch):
self.is_selected = False
screen_x, screen_y = self.get_screen_origin().as_tuple()
screen_bounds = Rect(screen_x, screen_y, self.bounds.w, self.bounds.h)
if(touch.location in screen_bounds):
for click in self.click_listeners:
# Progress bar to display visual progress on screen
class HProgressBar(HComponent):
def __init__(self):
self.preferred_size = Size(150, 15)
self.laf_prefix = "Progress Bar "
self.value = 0.0
# TODO: finish implementing new look and feel system - will draw slightly glitchy if
# shape is not a cylinder
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
# If value 0 then no progress to be drawn
if(self.value == 0):
# Setup local coords inside border
w = self.bounds.w
h = self.bounds.h
if(self.laf["Show Border"]):
w = w - (self.laf["Border Width"] * 2)
h = h - (self.laf["Border Width"] * 2)
x = x + self.laf["Border Width"]
y = y + self.laf["Border Width"]
pixel_progress = w * self.value
if(self.value >= 1.0):
self.laf["Shape"](x, y, w, h, self.laf["Edge Radius"] - self.laf["Border Width"])
self.laf["Shape"](x, y, h, h, self.laf["Edge Radius"] - self.laf["Border Width"])
if(pixel_progress <= (h / 2)):
rect(x + (h / 2), y, h, h)
elif(pixel_progress <= h):
rect(x + (h / 2), y, h / 2, h)
blank = h - pixel_progress
rect(x + h - blank, y, h, h)
if(pixel_progress > w - (h / 2)): pixel_progress = w - (h / 2)
rect(x + (h / 2), y, pixel_progress - (h / 2), h)
# Slider component to visually control the output of a value.
# HSlider.value varies from 0.0 at minimum to 1.0 at maximum
class HSlider(HContainer):
def __init__(self):
self.preferred_size = Size(150, 25)
self.laf_prefix = "Slider "
self.progress_bar = HProgressBar()
self.progress_bar.ignores_touches = True
self.button = HComponent()
self.button.laf_prefix = "Slider "
self.button.ignores_touches = True
self.value = 0.0
self.change_listeners = []
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
# This is just a convenient entry point to (re)locate the child components relative to ourselves
r = self.bounds.h / 4
self.progress_bar.value = self.value
self.progress_bar.bounds.w = self.bounds.w - (2 * r)
self.progress_bar.bounds.h = self.bounds.h / 2
self.progress_bar.bounds.x = r
self.progress_bar.bounds.y = r
self.button.bounds.h = self.bounds.h
self.button.bounds.w = self.bounds.h
self.button.bounds.x = ((self.bounds.w - self.bounds.h) * self.value)
self.button.bounds.y = 0
def value_changed(self):
for change in self.change_listeners:
def h_touch_moved(self, touch):
self.value = self.value + ((touch.location.x - touch.prev_location.x) / (self.bounds.w * 1.0))
if(self.value > 1.0): self.value = 1.0
elif(self.value < 0.0): self.value = 0.0
# Switch component for a binary on/off selection
# HSwitch.value will be 0.0 for off and 1.0 on
class HSwitch(HContainer):
def __init__(self):
self.preferred_size = Size(60, 25)
self.laf_prefix = "Switch "
self.laf_keys.append("Background On")
self.laf_keys.append("Background Off")
self.button = HComponent()
self.button.ignores_touches = True
self.button.laf_prefix = "Switch "
self.is_selected = False
self.value = 0.0
self.change_listeners = []
def set_background_fill(self):
if(self.is_enabled == False):
fill(*self.laf["Disabled Background"])
fill(*self.laf["Background On"])
fill(*self.laf["Background Off"])
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
self.button.bounds.h = self.bounds.h
self.button.bounds.w = self.bounds.h
self.button.bounds.y = 0
x_add = 0
x_add = (self.bounds.w - self.bounds.h)
self.button.bounds.x = x_add
def change_selected(self):
self.is_selected = not self.is_selected
for change in self.change_listeners:
def h_touch_moved(self, touch):
self.value = self.value + ((touch.location.x - touch.prev_location.x) / (self.bounds.w * 1.0))
if(self.value > 0.5 and self.is_selected == False):
self.value = 1.0
elif(self.value < 0.5 and self.is_selected == True):
self.value = 0.0
# Base layout class for developing custom Layout Managers
class HLayout(object):
def __init__(self, container):
self.container = container
self.pad = HInset()
# Only need to override this if your layout does something with constraints
def add(self, comp, constraint):
def do_layout(self):
def get_preferred_size(self):
return self.container.bounds.size()
# Base Scene class.
# Your Hydrogen application will need to subclass this and add your top level components to it.
# The preferred method is to let the scene provide the background only and use the components
# for everything else. If you do choose to override more than just the HScene.setup() method
# be cautious, as the HScene is the entry point for all touch events, and calls to redraw the
# the scene.
class HScene (Scene, HContainer):
def __init__(self):
self.laf_prefix = "Scene "
self.touch_map = {}
def draw(self):
self.h_draw(0, 0)
self.draw_components(0, 0)
def draw_border(self, x, y):
# Overriden to prevent a border around the entire scene
def draw_background(self, x, y):
# Unless your app is completely component based, draw_foreground is where you will put all the drawing
# routines you would otherwise have put in your Scene.draw() method
def draw_foreground(self, x, y):
def touch_began(self, touch):
comp = None
for c in reversed(self.components):
comp = c.hit_test(touch.location.x, touch.location.y)
if comp <> None:
if comp == None:
comp = self
self.touch_map[touch.touch_id] = comp
def touch_moved(self, touch):
comp = self.touch_map[touch.touch_id]
def touch_ended(self, touch):
comp = self.touch_map[touch.touch_id]
del self.touch_map[touch.touch_id]
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ifuchs commented Jan 20, 2016

Running it now gives 'size object not callable'

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