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Last active June 3, 2024 06:50
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az deployment what-if workaround for skipping reference()
* Workaround for issue:
* This script will evaluate various ARM functions in your Bicep/ARM template and replace them with hardcoded values where possible.
* 1. Converts Bicep templates to a single ARM template using `az bicep decompile`.
* 2. Parses ARM template as JSON.
* 3. Uses `eval()` to attempt to evaluate ARM functions in fields that have them.
* 4. References will either:
* - reference local properties within the template;
* - other deployments in the templates;
* - call `az resource show` to retrieve existing resource details from Azure.
* 5. The script can't and doesn't need to solve all ARM functions. If a property evaluation errors or fails, the script
* will keep it as-is so az what-if can try solving it.
* 6. Script will output both Bicep decompile and final template before the what-if to the output folder for personal review.
* Requires NodeJS and Azure CLI installed.
* Run using:
* `node what-if.mjs --in=<input bicep/arm template> --out=<output arm template> -g=<resource group> --subscription=<azure subscription id>`
import { execSync } from 'node:child_process';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'node:fs'
const args = {}
const params = {}
for (const arg of process.argv)
const [key, value] = arg.split("=")
switch (key)
case "--in": = value; break;
case "--out": args.out = value; break;
case "--resource-group":
case "-g": args.resourceGroup = value; break;
case "--subscription": args.subscription = value; break;
default: params[key] = value; break;
let json
if (".bicep"))
json = execSync(`az bicep build -f "${}" --stdout`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
else if (".json"))
json = readFileSync(, 'utf8')
else throw Error(`Invalid input file: ${}`)
function findReferences(entry, key, parent, path)
if (typeof entry == "string")
if (entry[0] == '[')
parent[key] = evaluateFunctionsSafe(entry, path)
else if (typeof entry == "object")
const isDeployment = (entry["type"] == "Microsoft.Resources/deployments")
if (isDeployment)
const name = evaluateFunctionsSafe(entry["name"])
deploymentTemplates[name] ||= // todo: only registers the first if deployments have duplicate names
const isTemplate = (key == "template" && /^https:\/\/schema\.management\.azure\.com\/schemas\/[\d-]+\/deploymentTemplate\.json#$/.test(entry["$schema"]))
if (isTemplate)
for (const key in entry)
findReferences(entry[key], key, entry, `${path}.${key}`)
isDeployment && deploymentsStack.pop();
isTemplate && templatesStack.pop()
function evaluateFunctionsSafe(value, path)
const result = evaluateFunctions(value)
console.log(`Parsed: ${value}\n to ${result}\n at ${path || '?'}`)
return result;
catch (error)
console.warn(`Failed to parse: ${value}\n at ${path || '?'}\n`, error)
return value;
function evaluateFunctions(value)
if (value[0] != '[')
return value;
const result = eval(value)[0]
return (result instanceof ResourceId) ? result.toString() : result;
function reference(resource, version)
if (typeof resource == 'string') // local reference
const resources = templatesStack[templatesStack.length - 1].template.resources;
if (resource in resources)
return resources[resource].properties.template;
if (resource.type == "Microsoft.Resources/deployments") // deployment reference
return deploymentTemplates[]
// existing reference
const result = execSync(`az resource show --api-version "${version}" --ids "${resource}"`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
return JSON.parse(result).properties
function resourceId(type, name)
return new ResourceId(type, name)
function deployment()
return deploymentsStack[deploymentsStack.length - 1];
function parameters(name)
for (let idx = templatesStack.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
const params = templatesStack[idx].parameters?.[name]?.value;
if (params !== undefined)
return params;
if (name in params)
return params[name]
throw Error(`Parameter not found: ${name}`)
function variables(name)
for (let idx = templatesStack.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)
const vars = templatesStack[idx].template.variables?.[name];
if (vars)
return vars;
throw Error(`Variable not found: ${name}`)
function format(string, ...args)
return string.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, (match, number) => evaluateFunctions(args[number]) ?? match)
function split(string, separator)
return string.split(separator)
class ResourceId
constructor(type, name)
this.type = type; = name;
return `/subscriptions/${args.subscription}/resourceGroups/${args.resourceGroup}/providers/${this.type}/${}`
const template = JSON.parse(json);
const deploymentTemplates = {};
const deploymentsStack = [];
const templatesStack = [ { template }];
writeFileSync(args.out.replace('.json', '.tmp.json'), JSON.stringify(template, null, 2), "utf8")
findReferences(template, null, null, "")
writeFileSync(args.out, JSON.stringify(template, null, 2), "utf8")
execSync(`az deployment group what-if -f "${args.out}" -g "${args.resourceGroup}" --subscription "${args.subscription}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' })
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