const { app, dialog, BrowserWindow, Menu } = require("electron") |
const fs = require("fs") |
// Opt-in to new behaviour: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/18397. |
app.allowRendererProcessReuse = true |
function getFilePath(window, argPos, extensions, title, message) { |
if (process.argv.length >= argPos + 1) { |
return process.argv[argPos] |
} |
const result = dialog.showOpenDialogSync(window, { |
title, |
message, |
properties: ["openFile"], |
filters: [{ name: extensions[0], extensions }, { name: "json", extensions: ["json"] }] |
}) |
return result === undefined ? undefined : result[0] |
} |
function loadJson(path) { |
try { |
return fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8") |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(`Failed to load json from path: ${path}, error: ${e}`) |
return undefined |
} |
} |
app.on("ready", async () => { |
// Create window. |
const window = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1280, height: 1024 }) |
// Create function to load the editor. |
const loadEditor = async () => { |
console.log("Loading editor") |
await window.loadURL("https://www.bastian.tech/tree/?mode=integration") |
} |
// Create function to load a scheme into the editor. |
const loadScheme = async path => { |
console.log(`Loading scheme from path: ${path}`) |
const schemeJson = loadJson(path) |
if (schemeJson === undefined) { |
app.quit() |
return |
} |
await window.webContents.executeJavaScript( |
`window.enqueueLoadScheme(decodeURIComponent(\`${encodeURIComponent(schemeJson)}\`))`) |
} |
// Create function to load a tree into the editor. |
const loadTree = async (path, focusTree) => { |
console.log(`Loading tree from path: ${path}`) |
const treeJson = loadJson(path) |
if (treeJson === undefined) { |
app.quit() |
return |
} |
const name = '' |
await window.webContents.executeJavaScript( |
`window.enqueueLoadTree(decodeURIComponent(\`${encodeURIComponent(treeJson)}\`), name, ${focusTree})`) |
} |
// Create function to save the tree json. |
const saveTree = async path => { |
const treeJson = await window.webContents.executeJavaScript("window.getCurrentTreeJson()") |
fs.writeFile(path, treeJson, "utf8", () => { |
console.log(`Saved tree-json to path: ${path}`) |
}) |
} |
// Create menu. |
const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ |
label: "Tree", |
submenu: [ |
{ |
label: "Save", |
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+S", |
click: () => { |
// Expects treeJson path being defined as soon as its known. |
if (treeJsonPath === undefined) { |
console.warn("Failed to save: No 'treeJsonPath' known yet") |
} else { |
saveTree(treeJsonPath) |
} |
} |
}, |
{ |
label: "Quit", |
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Q", |
click: app.quit |
} |
] |
}]) |
Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu) |
// Load editor. |
loadEditor() |
// Load scheme file into editor. |
const schemeJsonPath = getFilePath(window, 2, ["btscheme","btschema"], "scheme", "Select the scheme json file to use") |
if (schemeJsonPath === undefined) { |
app.quit() |
return |
} |
await loadScheme(schemeJsonPath) |
// Automatically reload scheme if it changes in the background. |
fs.watchFile(schemeJsonPath, { persistent: false, interval: 1000 }, () => { |
console.log("Scheme changed, reloading file") |
loadScheme(schemeJsonPath) |
}) |
// Load tree file into editor. |
const treeJsonPath = getFilePath(window, 3, ["bt"], "tree", "Select the tree json file to edit") |
if (treeJsonPath === undefined) { |
app.quit() |
return |
} |
await loadTree(treeJsonPath, true) |
// Automatically reload tree if it changes in the background. |
fs.watchFile(treeJsonPath, { persistent: false, interval: 1000 }, () => { |
console.log("Tree changed, reloading file") |
loadTree(treeJsonPath, false) |
}) |
}) |
app.on("window-all-closed", () => { |
console.log("Shutting down app") |
app.quit() |
}) |
Updated to Electron 24